LINQ 2019: Editor's Preface

Dear reader,

this volume contains the papers presented at International LINQ Conference 2019: LINQ 2019 was the 6th International Conference on Learning Innovations and Quality (LINQ), see all information on LINQ 2019 and the former five International LINQ Conferences on the LINQ website:

The motto of LINQ 2019 was: "Innovative School Education for Sustainable Development". Thus, LINQ 2019 invited to one of the most innovative schools worldwide, the Niekée school located in Roermond, the Netherlands.

LINQ 2019 published an open Call for Papers on: This Call for Papers asked specifically for submissions related to innovative and quality learning in schools but it was not limited to it: All scientific papers related to innovations and quality aspects in any educational levels and learning topics were most welcome.

There were 16 paper submissions on the Call for Papers of LINQ 2019. All paper submissions were evaluated in double-blind peer-review by the International Programme Committee using the automatic EasyChair review system (with declared conflict of interest by the LINQ 2019 Chair due his own submission so that he could not see and influence the reviews). Each submission was reviewed by International Programme Committee members, on the average by 2.2 members (see the list of the International Programme Committee members on: The International Programme Committee decided to accept five papers published in this proceedings.

The LINQ 2019 Proceedings is published as a volume of the EPiC Journal Series in Education Science (ISSN: 2516-2306) with open and free access under a Creative Commons license (CC BY) like all the proceedings of the six International LINQ Conferences: You can find and download all six LINQ Proceedings together with the links to all six International LINQ Conferences on the LINQ website under the navigation button "History", see:

Next to the presented papers, LINQ 2019 offered a plenary session with three keynotes in the morning followed by parallel sessions with interactive workshops for practitioners and scientific research, see the full LINQ 2019 programme on:

LINQ 2019 was organized by the Open Education research group of the Open University of the Netherlands (led by Dr. Christian M. Stracke) in close collaboration with the Trends Conference of the Welten Institute, the Niekée school in Roermond, the International Community for Open Education and Research (ICORE) and the Learn STEM consortium.

We thank all LINQ 2019 participants and our collaborators and supporters to make LINQ 2019 a huge success! And special thanks for our International Programme Committee members who facilitated the selection of papers included in this LINQ 2019 proceedings!

And now: Enjoy reading!

Christian M. Stracke
(LINQ 2019 General Chair)
22nd of November 2019
Heerlen, the Netherlands