LINQ 2019: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. Mathematics is the foundation of sciences and it is important in a learner’s career success. Growth mindset in mathematics teaching is essential to reach a broader student population effectively. Shifting the focus from performance and time pressure to deep understanding and personal growth, unnecessary competition vanishes among learners. As a result, they develop a better relation with their own thinking and they gain insights into the thinking of others. At the same time, collaboration and communication emerge naturally. The fear of mathematics and making mistakes disappear, while students learn by connecting ideas and applying the already learned study material.
In the academic years of 2017-2018 and 2018-2019, two Dutch research projects dealt with the application of a growth mindset in mathematics teaching. One was in secondary schools, the other one at universities. In this article, we briefly report about and reflect on the exciting results of these studies and suggest further directions for research and the development of best practices.
The ideas and experiences described in this paper are urgent as currently we are at the threshold of a new era in which education and learning are (and should be) really open for everyone; with low floor and without ceilings.
Abstract. Openness has underpinned much of the evolution of the Internet and digital technologies that support learning. Worldwide, openness in education has provided access to high-quality learning opportunities for school-age learners during the last two decades. During this same era, several global initiatives have made it their mission to educate all children of the world. However, despite major technological advancements in education and new innovative learning solutions, efforts to reduce large numbers of out-of-school children do not show promising outcomes in many parts of the world, let alone quality outcomes. This paper analyses the importance of context for educational outcomes and examines the need to understand socio-cultural and economic limiting factors of out-of-school children in underprivileged contexts in Pakistan. In such contexts, development demands sustainable and adaptable solutions. In identifying possible ‘solutions’, innovative strategies to educate out-of-school children is explored through combining traditional one-room schoolhouse methods with innovative digital technology and Open
Abstract. Wider adoption of open educational practices and inquiry-based learning (IBL) methods in schools brings many challenges for teacher training especially in the field of STEM. Young teachers have to acquire a large number of competences – knowledge, skills, and attitudes, in order to be able to design and implement innovative and enriching open learning experiences in STEM. Besides STEM expertise, teachers have to demonstrate autonomy, creativity, mastery of innovative learning methods, team- working and leadership skills. This makes defining, teaching and measuring teachers’ competences for applying IBL training on practice a complex and demanding task. The present research aims to investigate and determine a relevant and practice-oriented STEM teacher competence framework. The participatory field experiment step on the previous outcomes of the IBL project ELITe (Enhancing Learning In Teaching via e-inquiries)* and brought together STEM teachers, teacher trainers and researchers. This way, authors succeeded to identify three main groups of practice-oriented competences, including two levels of 44 sub-competences. These competences have been addressed within a competence-based pilot course in Moodle referring to IBL activities that can measure and improve STEM teachers’ competence. The outcomes of this field experience demonstrate that participatory methods for teachers’ training bring additional understanding, motivation and clarification and readiness for adoption of innovative open learning practices in the classroom.
Abstract. This article discusses how to innovate school education. It provides a holistic framework for pupil-centered learning processes developed by an international research consortium. It is based on the findings from a literature review, three online survey and semi-structured interviews with participation of teachers (n=211), headmasters (n=21) and learners (n=337) from more than ten countries. The research results are used for a teacher training programme and an online course that the international research consortium is currently designing and implementing. This article presents the holistic pedagogical model Learn STEM as the first outcome of the Mixed Methods Research conducted by the international research consortium.
Abstract. Ethics has become a part of many Information Technology (IT) and business classes at colleges and universities. However, the way of teaching IT ethical behavior is sometimes non-effective. Yet, many current ethical issues related to emerging technologies such as big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are not considered at all. The paper aims to explore relationships between students’ demographics and inclination towards unethical behavior. The study presents results of a multinational survey conducted with convenience samples of college students at public universities in seven countries from Europe, Africa and North America between October 2017 and January 2018. The survey instrument contained items reporting on perceived importance of IT ethics issues, personal experience with them, and several demographics questions. Data analysis is done with descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and F-tests. We conclude that nationality, gender, degree year, computer skills and perception of the importance of IT ethics are significantly related with behavior. Perceptions and behavior of students evolve with the rapid pace of technology, which should be a major concern both for educators and business managers as they would recruit prospective employees from the current students.