HIC 2018: Keyword Index

1D shallow water1D Model vs 2D Model for Flooding Events
2D modellingCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
2D shallow water1D Model vs 2D Model for Flooding Events
2D-Hydraulic modellingIntegrating a 2D Hydraulic Model and GIS Algorithms into a Data Assimilation Framework for Real Time Flood Forecasting and Mapping
3D-sensing deviceTowards Transient Experimental Water Surfaces: Strengthening Two-Dimensional SW Model Validation
ablative analysisA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
Adaptive Reservoir OperationComparison of Two Data-Driven Streamflow Forecast Approaches in an Adaptive Optimal Reservoir Operation Model
Adda RiverDetection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
ADERIncreasing Accuracy in Shallow Water Flows: Maintaining Vorticity in Presence of Bathymetry
Admittance Matrix MethodMatrix Formulation of Steady/Unsteady-State Models in Complex Pressurized Pipe Systems.
adsorption capacityExperimental Study on Sorption and Desorption of NaCl to Sand Using a Physical Model
Advanced Delta Change MethodBuilding a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Advection schemeFlow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
advection-diffusionA Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Advection-Diffusion Equation
advection-diffusion equationStudy of Pollutant Transport in Environmental Flows Using Depth-Averaged Random Walk Method
advection-dispersion modelTwo-Dimensional Modeling of Flow and Contaminant Transport in Meandering Channels
AEESGIMulti Criteria Decision Analysis to Set the Priority of Interventions in Water Distribution Systems
AFMAExtreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
airborneMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
airborne LiDAR bathymetryHigh-Resolution LiDAR Bathymetry Data for Alpine Rivers - Case Study on the River Mareit/Mareta, Italy
AlexandriaExtreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
alpine riversHigh-Resolution LiDAR Bathymetry Data for Alpine Rivers - Case Study on the River Mareit/Mareta, Italy
Alternate water sourceDevelopment of a System Dynamics Computer Model for the Simulation of the Effects of an Alternate Water Source Development Project on the Water Supply Systems Management and Customer Satisfaction
AndroidEvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
ANFISComparison of Two Data-Driven Streamflow Forecast Approaches in an Adaptive Optimal Reservoir Operation Model
ANFIS methodPhysical Habitat Simulation with ANFIS Method
ANNPredicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
Annual maximum rainfallRainfall Trends over the Past Century for Tropical Climatic Region in Western India
Annual maximum rainfall.Influence on the Distribution Function of Annual Maximum Rainfall Series when Filling Data Using Lagrange Interpolation
anthropogenic variablesVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
anticipatory flood managementExtreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
AphroditeComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
ApplicationEvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
Aquatox modelSimulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
arch damComputation of Hydraulic Characteristics of Flood Flow Downstream from the Reservoir with Dam Safety Scenarios in North Vietnam
areal reduction factor(ARF)Scaling Characteristics of Storm-Centered ARF Using Radar Rainfall
Aridity indexUse of Global Reanalysis Data in the Study of the Aridity Index in the Magdalena-Cauca Macro-Basin, Colombia
ARRA Classic Hydroinformatic Problem - Floods
Artificial Neural NetworkWeekly Flow Prediction of Ergene River Using an Artificial Neural Network Based Solution Approach
Comparison of Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kriging Methods for Estimating Chlorine Concentration
Artificial Neural NetworksReal-Time Quality Control and Infilling of Precipitation Data Using Neural Networks
Uncertainty Estimations in Different Components of a Hybrid ANN - Fuzzy - Kriging Model for Water Table Level Simulation
artificial viscosity techniqueParallel Simulations of Shallow Water Solvers for Modelling Overland Flows
Asset ManagementFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
Risk Assessment and Development of Maintenance Strategy for Pipe Rehabilitation Using WDNetXL
ASTER DEM and MODIS NDVITemporal Variation in Water Induced Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Augmented solverIncreasing Accuracy in Shallow Water Flows: Maintaining Vorticity in Presence of Bathymetry
automated water level controlEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
automaticAutomatic Identification of Sewer Fault Types Using CCTV Footage
automatic calibrationAutomatic Calibration and Performance Evaluation of a Water Quality Model for a River Greatly Influenced by Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent
automatizationOn Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
Bacterial levelPredicting Bacterial Levels in Recreational Beach Waters along U.S. Gulf Coast
Bayesian decision networkPre-Conditioning Approach to Bayesian Decision Networks for Water Quality Sensors Positioning in Urban Drainage Systems
Bayesian modelPredicting Bacterial Levels in Recreational Beach Waters along U.S. Gulf Coast
Bayesian Model averageMulti-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia
Bayesian Networks (BNs)Uncertainty Analysis of a Temperature-Index Snowmelt Model Using Bayesian Networks
bayesian uncertaintyUncertainty Estimations in Different Components of a Hybrid ANN - Fuzzy - Kriging Model for Water Table Level Simulation
Beach water quality violationPredicting Bacterial Levels in Recreational Beach Waters along U.S. Gulf Coast
Beijing cityResearch and Development of Flood Control Operation System of Beijing City, China
Beijing IntelligentApplication of Intelligent Water Network in Water Resource Management: Framework And Case
BenchmarkingPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
bifurcationMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Big DataA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
Research and Design of Hydrological Big-data Sharing Platform
Big Data AnalyticsN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
BiocharRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
BioethanolAssessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
Biomass energyAssessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
bivariate return periodFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
boundary correctionImproving Water Level Forecast of an Oceanographic Model in Malacca Strait Based on Data-Driven Open Boundary Correction
BOUSS-2DComparison of 1DH and 2DH Mathematical Models for Modelling Wave Hydrodynamics in Ofir Beach
BrahmaputraHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Brahmaputra basinExploring the Use of the Three Rainfall Remote Sensing Products for Flood Prediction in the Brahmaputra Basin
BridgeTowards Integrating Modelling of Flood-Induced Bridge Failures
C-band radarInfluence of Rainfall Data with Different Spatial Resolutions on Flood Forecasting Reliability
Z-R Law for Quantitative Rainfall Estimation Using a C-band Radar and a Network of Ground-Based Disdrometers
calibrationFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Hydraulic Model Calibration of Pressure Reduced Zones with Multiple Input Valves
Application of Routine Calibration of Real Water Supply Network with Adjustment of Demand Roughness Parameters Driven by Applied Pressure Real Network of Brazil
Analysis of Hypothetical Water Distribution Network from the Application of Three Calibration Optimization Algorithms Applying the Genetic Algorithms
calibration data series lengthHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
Canopy flowLarge-Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow with Rigid Submerged Vegetation
cascading effectsAnalysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
cavitating flowPIV Analysis of Cavitating Flow Behind Square Multi-Orifice Plates
CE-QUAL-W2Serial Application of SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2 to Predict Water Quality Dynamics in the Basin and Lake of the Yongdam Dam, Korea to Analyze Climate Change Effects
cellular automataModelling Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria Abundance in Lakes by Integrating Cellular Automata and Genetic Programming
A Cellular Automata Urban Growth Model for Water Resources Strategic Planning
central-upwind schemeParallel Simulations of Shallow Water Solvers for Modelling Overland Flows
Centrality metricsCentrality Metrics for Water Distribution Networks
centre pivot irrigation systemDecision Support for a Centre Pivot Irrigation System Based on Numerical Modelling
ChaosChaotic Statistical Downscaling (CSD): Application and Comparison in the Bogotá River Basin
chaos theoryParameter Selection for Phase Space Reconstruction in Hydrological Series and Rationality Analysis of its Chaotic Characteristics
China Flash Flood Hydrological ModelA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
Citizen ObservatoriesFlood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
ClassificationObject-Based Image Analysis Technique for Gully Mapping Using Topographic Data at Very High Resolution (VHR)
Clausius-ClapeyronRelationship Between Extreme Rainfall and Surface Temperature in Sicily (Italy)
Clausius-Clapeyron relationshipBuilding a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Clean water projectsA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
climate changeN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
A Multi-Hazard Extreme Climate Index across Europe
Collaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Evaluation and Stochastic Simulation of Storm Precipitation for City Underground Utilities in Condition of Climate Change
Building a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Seismic Activity due to Groundwater Fluctuation in South Korea
Influence of Climate Change on the Optimization of Water Supply Systems
Robust Reliability Assessment of Water Reservoir Under Uncertainty of Climate Change
Changes in Precipitation-Runoff Relationship in Six Catchments of the Adriatic Coast of Central Italy
Climate Changes Impacts on Groundwater Recharge in the UAE
Detection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
Serial Application of SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2 to Predict Water Quality Dynamics in the Basin and Lake of the Yongdam Dam, Korea to Analyze Climate Change Effects
Semi Distributed Model Application for Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource in Quang Nam - Da Nang Area
Effects of Climate Change on Streamflow in Kon – Ha Thanh River Watershed, Vietnam
Simulation of Water Cycle Changes in the Yellow River Basin under Changing Conditions
climate change adaptationFinding Cost-Effective Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen Using Extensive Climate, Economic and Spatial Data
climate change impactScale-Invariance Generalized Logistic (GLO) Model for Estimating Extreme Design Rainfalls in the Context of Climate Change
A Spatio-Temporal Statistical Downscaling Approach to Deriving Extreme Rainfall IDF Relations at Ungauged Sites in the Context of Climate Change
climate dataFinding Cost-Effective Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen Using Extensive Climate, Economic and Spatial Data
Climate IndexA Multi-Hazard Extreme Climate Index across Europe
Cloud ApplicationRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
ClusteringEstimation of Streamflow Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Rule-Based Model
Clustering Multiple Hydrographs Using Mathematical Optimization
Extracting High Resolution Snow Distribution Information with Inexpensive Autonomous Cameras
coastDesigning a Framework for the Estuarine Monitoring System
coastal erosionApplication of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
coastal floodingHigh Resolution Urban Flood Modelling: A Case Study of Cork City, Ireland
Coastal hydrodynamicsComparison of 1DH and 2DH Mathematical Models for Modelling Wave Hydrodynamics in Ofir Beach
coastal managementEstimation of the Effect of Sewage Nitrogen Discharges on Coastal Waters: Case Study from the Mediterranean Sea
Coastal ZonesStorm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
coefficientA Study of the Average Flow in Open Channel with Baffle Blocks Distributed Uniformly
Cold climatesModelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
ColombiaUse of Global Reanalysis Data in the Study of the Aridity Index in the Magdalena-Cauca Macro-Basin, Colombia
combined sewer overflowA Model Predictive Control Framework for Real-Time Optimisation of Water System Operations
Fault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
Prediction of CSO Chamber Level Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
complex network theoryDevelopment of a Modularity Index for Reliability Assessment of Isolation Valve Systems
Complex Network Theory for Water Distribution Networks Analysis
Centrality Metrics for Water Distribution Networks
complex networksSensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
complexityInvestigating the Complexity of Runoff Series in the Yangtze River Using Sample Entropy
computational efficiencyDevelopment of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
Computational HydraulicsDevelopment of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
computer modelDevelopment of a System Dynamics Computer Model for the Simulation of the Effects of an Alternate Water Source Development Project on the Water Supply Systems Management and Customer Satisfaction
computer modellingManaging Large Geodatasets for Urban Flood Risk Mapping: The Mexican Flood Risk Atlas
conceptual modelingInvestigating the Optimization Strategies on Performance of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
confidence intervalUncertainty Quantification in 2D Morphodynamic Model: Application to the Gironde Estuary.
confusion matricesImproving Detection of Events at Water Treatment Works: A UK Case Study
constrained optimizationDesigning a Framework for the Estuarine Monitoring System
contaminant transportA Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Advection-Diffusion Equation
Contiguous Drought AreasIntelligent Drought Tracking for its Use in Machine Learning: Implementation and First Results
convexModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
CopulasFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
CORDEXComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
Correlation coefficient.Generation of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
cost-benefitFramework to Identify Optimal Configurations of (De)Centralised Wastewater Systems, in Abu Dis, West Bank
cost-effectiveness analysisFinding Cost-Effective Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen Using Extensive Climate, Economic and Spatial Data
COULWAVEComparison of 1DH and 2DH Mathematical Models for Modelling Wave Hydrodynamics in Ofir Beach
coupled land surface-hydrology modelSimulation of Water Cycle Changes in the Yellow River Basin under Changing Conditions
coupled modelSimulation of Floating Debris in Violent Shallow Flows
coupled modelsImproving River Flow Simulation Using a Coupled Surface-Groundwater Model for Integrated Water Resources Management
CRCMImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
crisisThe Knowledge Development in Flood Risk Reduction: a Case of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, Thailand
Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC)The Knowledge Development in Flood Risk Reduction: a Case of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, Thailand
Critical InfrastructureAnalysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
STOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Critical InfrastructuresA Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Crop strawsAssessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
Cross flow turbineOptimal Design of Water Pipeline and Micro-Hydro Turbine by Genetic Algorithm
cross-sectionsOptimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
Crowd-Sourced Data MiningA Data-Driven Hybrid Urban Flood Modelling Approach
CrowdsourcingFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
CSOAdvanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
Cu De river catchmentDistributed Hydrological Model Application for Estimating the Groundwater Resource at Cu De River Catchment, Viet Nam
CUDAMulti-GPU Implementation of 2D Shallow Water Equation Code with Block Uniform Quad-Tree Grids
CUDNFactors Influencing the Simplified Quality Model Performance
Current patternsData Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin
customer satisfactionDevelopment of a System Dynamics Computer Model for the Simulation of the Effects of an Alternate Water Source Development Project on the Water Supply Systems Management and Customer Satisfaction
cyanobacteriaUsing Compensated Fluorescence Probes Data for Proactive Water Treatment Management
cyanobacteria bloomsModelling Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria Abundance in Lakes by Integrating Cellular Automata and Genetic Programming
cyber-physical water systemsSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Cún-Szaporca oxbowModeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
Daily demand patternA Tool for Daily Demand Pattern Generation
Daily inflow volumen.Generation of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
damReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Impact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
Dam breakNumerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Wave Propagating Over an Erodible Floodplain in Presence of a Structure
Dam operationIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
Damage mitigationShort-Term Reservoir System Operation for Flood Mitigation with 1D Hydraulic Model
Danube DeltaFlood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
Data AnalyticsCapitalizing RFID Technology as Cost-Effective Real-Time Process Monitoring Tool in Wastewater Treatment: Two Case Studies
data assimilationIntegrating a 2D Hydraulic Model and GIS Algorithms into a Data Assimilation Framework for Real Time Flood Forecasting and Mapping
Mixed Variational-Monte Carlo Assimilation of Streamflow Data in Flood Forecasting: the Impact of Observations Spatial Distribution
An Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
Application of a Sequential Data Assimilation Technique to Improve Modeling of Surface Currents Using Radar Data at a Coastal Domain
Doppler Radar Data Assimilation for Mesoscale Numerical Rainfall Prediction
Improving Water Level Forecast of an Oceanographic Model in Malacca Strait Based on Data-Driven Open Boundary Correction
Data Brokering LayerTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
data managementN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
Data MiningFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
data reconstructionReconstruction of Hydrometric Data Using a Network Optimization Model
data summaryChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Data-driven methodPhysical Habitat Simulation with ANFIS Method
data-driven modellingA Data-Driven Hybrid Urban Flood Modelling Approach
data-limited catchmentHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
databaseDynamic Flood Inundation Forecast for the City of Kulmbach Using Offline Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
DBLTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
Debris flowsEstimation of Velocity Profile in a Hyper-Concentrated Flow: a Critical Analysis of Bagnold Equation
Decentralised systemsFramework to Identify Optimal Configurations of (De)Centralised Wastewater Systems, in Abu Dis, West Bank
Decision making methodsDecision Making Methods for Water Resources Planning in England and Wales
decision supportDecision Support for a Centre Pivot Irrigation System Based on Numerical Modelling
Decision Support SystemIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
Study on Design Specification of Water Allocation Projects’ Information System
Decision Support SystemsDevelopment and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
decision support toolEmerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
deep learningApplicability of the Deep Learning Flood Forecast Model Against the Inexperienced Magnitude of Flood
degree distributionComplex Network Theory for Water Distribution Networks Analysis
delay timeParameter Selection for Phase Space Reconstruction in Hydrological Series and Rationality Analysis of its Chaotic Characteristics
Delft3DApplication of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
Storm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
DEMDevelopment of a System for Practical Prediction of Flood and Debris Flow Throughout Japan
DEM analysisTopographic Analysis of Wetlandscapes: Fractal Dimension and Scaling Properties
DEM sourcesUncertainty Analysis of Watershed-Based Flow and Water Quality Modelling with Different DEM Data Sources
demandOptimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
Demand ForecastingSmart Water Demand Forecasting: Learning from the Data
depth-averaged flowsStudy of Pollutant Transport in Environmental Flows Using Depth-Averaged Random Walk Method
derived distributionsFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
DesignA Classic Hydroinformatic Problem - Floods
design rainfall estimationScale-Invariance Generalized Logistic (GLO) Model for Estimating Extreme Design Rainfalls in the Context of Climate Change
design specificationStudy on Design Specification of Water Allocation Projects’ Information System
detached breakwaterComparison of 1DH and 2DH Mathematical Models for Modelling Wave Hydrodynamics in Ofir Beach
detectionSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
DetentionModelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
Detention reservoirsA Real-Time Optimal Gate Operation Model for Urban Drainage Systems
Deterministic distributed hydrologicalDistributed Hydrological Model Application for Estimating the Groundwater Resource at Cu De River Catchment, Viet Nam
Deterministic modellingAquaVar: Real Time Models for Underground and Surface Waters Management at Catchment Scale
Deterministic Models (DM)Uncertainty Analysis of a Temperature-Index Snowmelt Model Using Bayesian Networks
Dew point temperatureBuilding a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
diffuse source pollutionSimulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
diffusion wave modelDevelopment of a System for Practical Prediction of Flood and Debris Flow Throughout Japan
DisaggregationEstimating High Resolution Temporal Scale of Water Demand Time Series – Disaggregation Approach (Case Study)
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)The Knowledge Development in Flood Risk Reduction: a Case of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, Thailand
Discharge predictionEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
Discontinuous GalerkinReformulation of 2D DG2 Scheme for Shallow Water Modelling
Discrete element modelSimulation of Floating Debris in Violent Shallow Flows
DiscretizationEntropy Based Multicriterion Evaluation for Rainfall Monitoring Networks under the Impact of Discretization
DisdrometerZ-R Law for Quantitative Rainfall Estimation Using a C-band Radar and a Network of Ground-Based Disdrometers
dispatching networkApplication of Intelligent Water Network in Water Resource Management: Framework And Case
dispersionComparison Between Diffusive and Advective Approach in Quality Analysis of a Real Distribution Network
dispersion coefficientTwo-Dimensional Modeling of Flow and Contaminant Transport in Meandering Channels
dispersion coefficientsEstimation of Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion Coefficients in Saturated Porous Media Involving Physical Model
dispersion stressTwo-Dimensional Modeling of Flow and Contaminant Transport in Meandering Channels
displacementsReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Dissipated wave energyComparison of 1DH and 2DH Mathematical Models for Modelling Wave Hydrodynamics in Ofir Beach
dissolved oxygenModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
distributed controlDistributed Input-Delay Model Predictive Control of Inland Waterways
Distributed deterministic hydrological modelApplication of Distributed Deterministic Hydrological Model in Mediterranean Region, Case Study in Var Catchment, France
Distributed deterministic hydrological modellingAssessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region - Application to the Var catchment, France
Distributed hydrologic modelA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
Mixed Variational-Monte Carlo Assimilation of Streamflow Data in Flood Forecasting: the Impact of Observations Spatial Distribution
Distributed hydrological modellingFlood Estimation in Ungauged Catchment Using ENKI Simulation: A Case Study in Norway
Exploring the Use of the Three Rainfall Remote Sensing Products for Flood Prediction in the Brahmaputra Basin
Distributed ModelAn Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
Distribution Function.Influence on the Distribution Function of Annual Maximum Rainfall Series when Filling Data Using Lagrange Interpolation
distribution networkPressure Sensors Positioning for Leakages Detection under Uncertain Demands
District Metered AreasOptimal District Metered Area Design by Simulated Annealing
Partition of Water Distribution Networks into District Metered Areas Using a Graph Theoretical Approach
DMAResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
Doppler radar dataDoppler Radar Data Assimilation for Mesoscale Numerical Rainfall Prediction
DownscalingBuilding a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Chaotic Statistical Downscaling (CSD): Application and Comparison in the Bogotá River Basin
DownsizingUtilization and Validation of Hydraulic Formula to Optimize Pipeline Diameter in Waterworks~Downsizing of Water Facilities to Prepare for Decrease in Water Demand due to Population Decline~
Downstream water levelA Sliding Mode-Based Predictive Strategy for Irrigation Canal Pools
Drainage designAdaptation and Resilience of Roads to Extreme Hydrological Events
Drainage networkDrainage Network Modelling with a Novel Algorithm for Junction Calculation
Drinking water distribution networksPractical Application of Optimization Techniques to Drinking Water Distribution Problems
Drinking Water NetworksExperimental and Numerical Analysis of the Hydraulic Performance of Filtering Cartridges for Water Treatment
DroughtVariability of Rainfall in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil
Drought hazard monitoringNovel Drought Hazard Monitoring Framework for Decision Support Under Data Scarcity
Drought magnitudeNovel Drought Hazard Monitoring Framework for Decision Support Under Data Scarcity
Drought monitoringIntelligent Drought Tracking for its Use in Machine Learning: Implementation and First Results
drought trackingIntelligent Drought Tracking for its Use in Machine Learning: Implementation and First Results
DSSA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
AquaVar: Real Time Models for Underground and Surface Waters Management at Catchment Scale
A DSS for Operational Management of Wastewaters under Uncertain Conditions
DubaiLand Use/Land Cover Changes Monitoring and Analysis of Dubai Emirate, UAE Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
dynamic conditionsModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
dynamic modellingDynamic Scenarios and Water Management Simulations: Towards to an Integrated Spatial Analysis Approach in Water Urban Planning
early warningExtreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
EarthquakeSeasonal and Spatial Variation of Seismic Activity due to Groundwater Fluctuation in South Korea
EC meterExperimental Study on Sorption and Desorption of NaCl to Sand Using a Physical Model
ECIA Multi-Hazard Extreme Climate Index across Europe
eCognitionObject-Based Image Analysis Technique for Gully Mapping Using Topographic Data at Very High Resolution (VHR)
Ecological ImpactsSediment Flushing from Reservoir and Ecological Impacts
EFDCApplication of a Sequential Data Assimilation Technique to Improve Modeling of Surface Currents Using Radar Data at a Coastal Domain
EgyptExtreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
electricity consumptionImpact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Electricity generation-mixOptimization of the Midterm Electricity Generation Mix Considering the Effects of Water, Land and Carbon Footprints
embedding dimensionParameter Selection for Phase Space Reconstruction in Hydrological Series and Rationality Analysis of its Chaotic Characteristics
Estimating High Resolution Temporal Scale of Water Demand Time Series – Disaggregation Approach (Case Study)
emergency managementReal-Time Measurement Fault Detection and Remote-Control in a Mountain Water Supply System
Emergent blocksA Study of the Average Flow in Open Channel with Baffle Blocks Distributed Uniformly
emerging pollutantsEmerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
emission factorModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
end usersTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
engineering designShape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
ENKIFlood Estimation in Ungauged Catchment Using ENKI Simulation: A Case Study in Norway
Ensemble ANN ModelPrediction of Water Quality Variation Affected by Tributary Inputs in large Rivers Using ANN Model
Ensemble Kalman FilterGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
ensemble predictionAssessment on Effects of Preliminary Release Operation of a Multi-purpose Reservoir Considering Ensemble Inflow Prediction
ensemble weather predictionStudy on Optimization of the Operation of Dams Using Ensemble Prediction and a Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model
Entropic degreeIdentifying Critical Components in Water Networks Using Time-Dependent Data
EntropyEntropy Based Multicriterion Evaluation for Rainfall Monitoring Networks under the Impact of Discretization
Water Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
Optimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
Spatial-Temporal Evaluation of Rain-Fauge Network Based on Entropy Theory
ERA-InterimA Multi-Hazard Extreme Climate Index across Europe
Spatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
Ergene RiverWeekly Flow Prediction of Ergene River Using an Artificial Neural Network Based Solution Approach
ErosionSimulation of Scouring Process Downstream of a Hydraulic Structure and Analysis of the Effect of Vegetation
error assessmentInfluence of Rainfall Data with Different Spatial Resolutions on Flood Forecasting Reliability
error propagationError Propagation from Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture Into Soil Water Index Using an Exponential Filter
errorsError Evolution Patterns in Multi-Step Ahead Streamflow Forecasting
EstuaryDesigning a Framework for the Estuarine Monitoring System
eutrophicationEstimation of the Effect of Sewage Nitrogen Discharges on Coastal Waters: Case Study from the Mediterranean Sea
EvapotranspirationAssessment of Irrigation Water Use Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data in Mexico’s Northeast
EvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
event recognitionImproving Detection of Events at Water Treatment Works: A UK Case Study
Evolutionary Artificial Neural NetworkPrediction of CSO Chamber Level Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
exact solutionMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
experimental catchmentHydrological Modelling of the Cascina Scala Catchment
exponential filterError Propagation from Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture Into Soil Water Index Using an Exponential Filter
external reviewCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Extreme hydraulic conditionsSimulation of Floating Debris in Violent Shallow Flows
Extreme hydrometeorological eventsSimulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
Extreme rainfallRelationship Between Extreme Rainfall and Surface Temperature in Sicily (Italy)
extreme rainfallsScale-Invariance Generalized Logistic (GLO) Model for Estimating Extreme Design Rainfalls in the Context of Climate Change
A Spatio-Temporal Statistical Downscaling Approach to Deriving Extreme Rainfall IDF Relations at Ungauged Sites in the Context of Climate Change
faecal sludgeRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
failureResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
fault detectionPipe System Characteristics vs. Reliability of Transient Test-Based Techniques for Pipe Inspection
Automatic Identification of Sewer Fault Types Using CCTV Footage
fault detection and isolationReal-Time Measurement Fault Detection and Remote-Control in a Mountain Water Supply System
fault diagnosisFault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
fault-tolerant controlFault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
fDOM probeUsing Compensated Fluorescence Probes Data for Proactive Water Treatment Management
Fickian second lawEstimation of Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion Coefficients in Saturated Porous Media Involving Physical Model
field dataData Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin
filter cartridgesExperimental and Numerical Analysis of the Hydraulic Performance of Filtering Cartridges for Water Treatment
finite volumeMulti-GPU Implementation of 2D Shallow Water Equation Code with Block Uniform Quad-Tree Grids
finite volume methodTowards Transient Experimental Water Surfaces: Strengthening Two-Dimensional SW Model Validation
Numerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
fish communityPhysical Habitat Simulation with ANFIS Method
Flash flood disastersChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Flash flood simulationEvaluation of the Uncertainty of Flash Flood Prediction Using the RRI Model in Mountainous Rivers
Floating debrisSimulation of Floating Debris in Violent Shallow Flows
floodThe Knowledge Development in Flood Risk Reduction: a Case of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, Thailand
Numerical Simulation of the Land use Effect on Catchment Flood Mitigation
Assessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
Floodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Using a Particle Based Simulation to Visualize Sub-Catchments Contribution to Localized Flooding
Adaptation and Resilience of Roads to Extreme Hydrological Events
Clustering Multiple Hydrographs Using Mathematical Optimization
Assessment on Effects of Preliminary Release Operation of a Multi-purpose Reservoir Considering Ensemble Inflow Prediction
Towards Integrating Modelling of Flood-Induced Bridge Failures
Multi-GPU Implementation of 2D Shallow Water Equation Code with Block Uniform Quad-Tree Grids
Flood AnalysisFlood Estimation in Ungauged Catchment Using ENKI Simulation: A Case Study in Norway
flood controlFlood Control by Water Reservoir with Account of Runoff Forecast
A Real-Time Optimal Gate Operation Model for Urban Drainage Systems
Short-Term Control of a Storage Hydropower under Flood Risk by Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization
flood control operationResearch and Development of Flood Control Operation System of Beijing City, China
Study on Optimization of the Operation of Dams Using Ensemble Prediction and a Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model
flood disasterShort-Term Reservoir System Operation for Flood Mitigation with 1D Hydraulic Model
flood forecastDynamic Flood Inundation Forecast for the City of Kulmbach Using Offline Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
Research and Development of Flood Control Operation System of Beijing City, China
Flood forecastingIntegrating a 2D Hydraulic Model and GIS Algorithms into a Data Assimilation Framework for Real Time Flood Forecasting and Mapping
Mixed Variational-Monte Carlo Assimilation of Streamflow Data in Flood Forecasting: the Impact of Observations Spatial Distribution
Ensemble Numerical Modeling Approach with Social Network Information to Optimize Flood Forecasting
Real-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Flood Forecasting and WarningA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
Flood inundationHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
Flood Inundation MapDynamic Flood Inundation Forecast for the City of Kulmbach Using Offline Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
flood managementHigh Resolution Urban Flood Modelling: A Case Study of Cork City, Ireland
flood mapHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Tapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Flood mappingIntegrating a 2D Hydraulic Model and GIS Algorithms into a Data Assimilation Framework for Real Time Flood Forecasting and Mapping
flood mechanismsHigh Resolution Urban Flood Modelling: A Case Study of Cork City, Ireland
flood mitigationApproach to Mitigation of Territory Inundation with Help of Flood Control by Small Water Reservoirs
Flood ModelingA New Railway Bridge on Gornalunga River: a Flood Modeling Study.
Predicting Accurate Urban Flooding from Nuisance Flows to Major Disasters
Flood modellingFlood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
An Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
Analysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
A Data-Driven Hybrid Urban Flood Modelling Approach
High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling of Storm Induced Floods at a Catchment Scale
flood point surveyModeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
Flood PredictionApplicability of the Deep Learning Flood Forecast Model Against the Inexperienced Magnitude of Flood
Exploring the Use of the Three Rainfall Remote Sensing Products for Flood Prediction in the Brahmaputra Basin
flood propagationComputation of Hydraulic Characteristics of Flood Flow Downstream from the Reservoir with Dam Safety Scenarios in North Vietnam
flood protectionOptimal Operation of Flood Storage Areas in Huai River Using Coupled HEC-RAS River Model and NSGAII Global Optimization Algorithm
flood regulationReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
flood riskExtreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
flood risk analysisPreliminary GIS Elaborations to Apply Rapid Flood Spreading Models
flood risk managementRisk Informed Decision-Making Framework for Operating Reservoirs Under Flooding Conditions: Accounting for Uncertainty and Risk
flood risk mappingManaging Large Geodatasets for Urban Flood Risk Mapping: The Mexican Flood Risk Atlas
flood simulationResearch and Development of Flood Control Operation System of Beijing City, China
flood visualizationA Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Flooding1D Model vs 2D Model for Flooding Events
Tapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
FloodsFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
A Classic Hydroinformatic Problem - Floods
Impacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
flow measurementMicrowave Waste Water Meter: A New Sensing Principle for Flow Measurement in Partially Full Pipes
Flow stageFlow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
flow velocitySimulation of Scouring Process Downstream of a Hydraulic Structure and Analysis of the Effect of Vegetation
Flow velocity coefficientUtilization and Validation of Hydraulic Formula to Optimize Pipeline Diameter in Waterworks~Downsizing of Water Facilities to Prepare for Decrease in Water Demand due to Population Decline~
fluorescenceUsing Compensated Fluorescence Probes Data for Proactive Water Treatment Management
flushingModel Predictive Control of Salinity and Water Level in a Hypothetical Polder Ditch: Is it Possible to Use the Discretized Linearized Physical Equations for Optimization
Sediment Flushing from Reservoir and Ecological Impacts
forecastImproving Water Level Forecast of an Oceanographic Model in Malacca Strait Based on Data-Driven Open Boundary Correction
ForecastingFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Clustering Multiple Hydrographs Using Mathematical Optimization
fractal dimensionTopographic Analysis of Wetlandscapes: Fractal Dimension and Scaling Properties
fractional Gaussian noiseHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
French Mediterranean regionAssessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region - Application to the Var catchment, France
Application of Distributed Deterministic Hydrological Model in Mediterranean Region, Case Study in Var Catchment, France
Fuzzy LogicUncertainty Estimations in Different Components of a Hybrid ANN - Fuzzy - Kriging Model for Water Table Level Simulation
Galway BayApplication of a Sequential Data Assimilation Technique to Improve Modeling of Surface Currents Using Radar Data at a Coastal Domain
gap fillingA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
generalized logistic distributionScale-Invariance Generalized Logistic (GLO) Model for Estimating Extreme Design Rainfalls in the Context of Climate Change
Genetic AlgorithmOptimal Design of Water Pipeline and Micro-Hydro Turbine by Genetic Algorithm
Automatic Calibration and Performance Evaluation of a Water Quality Model for a River Greatly Influenced by Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent
Genetic AlgorithmsOptimization of the Midterm Electricity Generation Mix Considering the Effects of Water, Land and Carbon Footprints
Hydrological Modelling of the Cascina Scala Catchment
Application of Routine Calibration of Real Water Supply Network with Adjustment of Demand Roughness Parameters Driven by Applied Pressure Real Network of Brazil
Analysis of Hypothetical Water Distribution Network from the Application of Three Calibration Optimization Algorithms Applying the Genetic Algorithms
Genetic ProgrammingModelling Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria Abundance in Lakes by Integrating Cellular Automata and Genetic Programming
Geographical Information SystemsA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
geomorphic transientsNumerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Wave Propagating Over an Erodible Floodplain in Presence of a Structure
GEV distributionA Spatio-Temporal Statistical Downscaling Approach to Deriving Extreme Rainfall IDF Relations at Ungauged Sites in the Context of Climate Change
GGAAdvanced Loop-flow Method for Fast Hydraulic Simulations
Gironde EstuaryGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
GISA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Managing Large Geodatasets for Urban Flood Risk Mapping: The Mexican Flood Risk Atlas
Approach to Mitigation of Territory Inundation with Help of Flood Control by Small Water Reservoirs
Study on Design Specification of Water Allocation Projects’ Information System
global atmospheric datasetsPerformance of Global Atmospheric Datasets towards Groundwater Management
Global Gradient AlgorithmMatrix Formulation of Steady/Unsteady-State Models in Complex Pressurized Pipe Systems.
Global reanalysisUse of Global Reanalysis Data in the Study of the Aridity Index in the Magdalena-Cauca Macro-Basin, Colombia
global search algorithmsInvestigating the Optimization Strategies on Performance of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
global sensitivity analysisGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
GNSSReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Godunov schemeNumerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
GPCPComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
GPU computing1D Model vs 2D Model for Flooding Events
graph theoryIdentifying Critical Components in Water Networks Using Time-Dependent Data
Graph Theory Algorithms for Real Time Control of a Sewer Network
Partition of Water Distribution Networks into District Metered Areas Using a Graph Theoretical Approach
grazingVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
green roofModelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
greenhouse gasesModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
Grey water recyclingModelling Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Reuse for Tank Size Optimizations
grid convergenceA Grid Convergence Study for the Integral Porosity Shallow Water Model on Unstructured Triangular Meshes
GroundwaterAssessment of Irrigation Water Use Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data in Mexico’s Northeast
Comparison of Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kriging Methods for Estimating Chlorine Concentration
Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Seismic Activity due to Groundwater Fluctuation in South Korea
Groundwater flow processDistributed Hydrological Model Application for Estimating the Groundwater Resource at Cu De River Catchment, Viet Nam
groundwater managementPerformance of Global Atmospheric Datasets towards Groundwater Management
Groundwater rechargeClimate Changes Impacts on Groundwater Recharge in the UAE
Groundwater recharged volumeDistributed Hydrological Model Application for Estimating the Groundwater Resource at Cu De River Catchment, Viet Nam
Groundwater spatial distributionDistributed Hydrological Model Application for Estimating the Groundwater Resource at Cu De River Catchment, Viet Nam
guidelinesA Classic Hydroinformatic Problem - Floods
hazard mapsA Web-GIS Tool for Rainstorm Hazard Management Over Large Areas
Hazen-Williams formulaUtilization and Validation of Hydraulic Formula to Optimize Pipeline Diameter in Waterworks~Downsizing of Water Facilities to Prepare for Decrease in Water Demand due to Population Decline~
HBaseResearch and Design of Hydrological Big-data Sharing Platform
HDFSResearch and Design of Hydrological Big-data Sharing Platform
Head lossUtilization and Validation of Hydraulic Formula to Optimize Pipeline Diameter in Waterworks~Downsizing of Water Facilities to Prepare for Decrease in Water Demand due to Population Decline~
Head lossesExperimental and Numerical Analysis of the Hydraulic Performance of Filtering Cartridges for Water Treatment
Head-leakage formulaOn the Calibration of the Mathematical Laws for the Water Loss Estimation in Water Distribution Network
HeadroomDecision Making Methods for Water Resources Planning in England and Wales
HEC-RAS ControllerOptimal Operation of Flood Storage Areas in Huai River Using Coupled HEC-RAS River Model and NSGAII Global Optimization Algorithm
Hidden Markov ModelA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
High Performance ComputingHigh-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling of Storm Induced Floods at a Catchment Scale
High performance computing clustersA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
high-frequency monitoringExtracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
high-orderIncreasing Accuracy in Shallow Water Flows: Maintaining Vorticity in Presence of Bathymetry
HLLComparative Study on the Open Boundary Conditions of Shallow Flows
HLLC methodParallel Simulations of Shallow Water Solvers for Modelling Overland Flows
horizontal 2D simulationDevelopment of a System for Practical Prediction of Flood and Debris Flow Throughout Japan
HSAMIImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
HSPF modelUncertainty Analysis of Watershed-Based Flow and Water Quality Modelling with Different DEM Data Sources
Huai RiverOptimal Operation of Flood Storage Areas in Huai River Using Coupled HEC-RAS River Model and NSGAII Global Optimization Algorithm
human activitiesChanges in Precipitation-Runoff Relationship in Six Catchments of the Adriatic Coast of Central Italy
Human Development IndexIntegrated Model for Water, Food, Energy and Human Development
Hurst phenomenonHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
hybrid optimizationIdentification of the Aquifer Parameters from Pumping Test Data by Using a Hybrid Optimization Approach
hybrid systemsDevelopment of Decision Support Tool for Evaluation of Urban Water System Metabolism Efficiency
hydraulic conductivityAssessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
hydraulic engineeringShape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
Hydraulic ModelingOptimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
Hydraulic modellingHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Hydraulic modelsComparison Between Diffusive and Advective Approach in Quality Analysis of a Real Distribution Network
hydraulic riskA New Railway Bridge on Gornalunga River: a Flood Modeling Study.
hydraulic structuresModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
hydraulicsHydraulic Model Calibration of Pressure Reduced Zones with Multiple Input Valves
HydrodynamicA 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Shallow Water Flow Through a Circular Patch of Emergent Cylinders
hydrodynamic modelNumerical Simulation of the Land use Effect on Catchment Flood Mitigation
Modeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
Improving Water Level Forecast of an Oceanographic Model in Malacca Strait Based on Data-Driven Open Boundary Correction
High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling of Storm Induced Floods at a Catchment Scale
Hydrodynamic modelsDynamic Flood Inundation Forecast for the City of Kulmbach Using Offline Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
HydrodynamicsPreliminary GIS Elaborations to Apply Rapid Flood Spreading Models
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
hydrographClustering Multiple Hydrographs Using Mathematical Optimization
hydroinformatic platformA DSS for Operational Management of Wastewaters under Uncertain Conditions
hydroinformatics modeling systemFlash Flood Simulations Based on Shallow Water Equations to Investigate Protection Measures for El Gouna, Egypt
Hydrologic cycleSeasonal and Spatial Variation of Seismic Activity due to Groundwater Fluctuation in South Korea
hydrologic modelAssessing the Effect of Streamflow Estimation at Potential Station Locations In Entropy-Based Hydrometric Network Design
Hydrological Data SharingResearch and Design of Hydrological Big-data Sharing Platform
Hydrological ensembleMulti-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia
hydrological modelHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling of Storm Induced Floods at a Catchment Scale
hydrological modelingairGR and airGRteaching: Two Open-Source Tools for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Teaching Hydrology
Approach to Mitigation of Territory Inundation with Help of Flood Control by Small Water Reservoirs
hydrological modellingFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Hydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Hydrological modelsHydrological Modelling of the Cascina Scala Catchment
hydrological processesImproving River Flow Simulation Using a Coupled Surface-Groundwater Model for Integrated Water Resources Management
Hydrological responseChanges in Precipitation-Runoff Relationship in Six Catchments of the Adriatic Coast of Central Italy
Hydrological simulationPUBs for Engineering Purpose: Framework Development and Case Study
HydrologyValidation of SMOS-IC Soil Moisture over Brazilian Semiarid Using in situ Measurements
Chaotic Statistical Downscaling (CSD): Application and Comparison in the Bogotá River Basin
Simulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
Hydrometric NetworkAssessing the Effect of Streamflow Estimation at Potential Station Locations In Entropy-Based Hydrometric Network Design
Hydromorphological AssessmentAssessment of Hydromorphological Characteristics in Sakarya Watershed, Turkey
HydropowerShort-Term Control of a Storage Hydropower under Flood Risk by Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization
HYDROTELSimulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
ICTAn Innovative ICT Solution for Sewer Systems
Framework Implementation for Smart Water Management
IDFScale-Invariance Generalized Logistic (GLO) Model for Estimating Extreme Design Rainfalls in the Context of Climate Change
IDF curvesA Spatio-Temporal Statistical Downscaling Approach to Deriving Extreme Rainfall IDF Relations at Ungauged Sites in the Context of Climate Change
IFASClustering Multiple Hydrographs Using Mathematical Optimization
Influence of Rainfall Data with Different Spatial Resolutions on Flood Forecasting Reliability
illicit intrusionPre-Conditioning Approach to Bayesian Decision Networks for Water Quality Sensors Positioning in Urban Drainage Systems
image processingExtracting High Resolution Snow Distribution Information with Inexpensive Autonomous Cameras
IMDComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
impact assessmentAnalysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
Assessment on Effects of Preliminary Release Operation of a Multi-purpose Reservoir Considering Ensemble Inflow Prediction
impact forceNumerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Wave Propagating Over an Erodible Floodplain in Presence of a Structure
impacts analysisCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Implementation FrameworkFramework Implementation for Smart Water Management
IndiaEmerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
Industrial Control NetworkStudy on Design Specification of Water Allocation Projects’ Information System
Inflow ForecastingComparison of Two Data-Driven Streamflow Forecast Approaches in an Adaptive Optimal Reservoir Operation Model
information systemStudy on Design Specification of Water Allocation Projects’ Information System
information system architectureAquaVar: Real Time Models for Underground and Surface Waters Management at Catchment Scale
information theoryAssessing the Effect of Streamflow Estimation at Potential Station Locations In Entropy-Based Hydrometric Network Design
Optimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
information valueExtracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
InfraredMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Inland waterwaysSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
Distributed Input-Delay Model Predictive Control of Inland Waterways
Innovative trend analysisRainfall Trends over the Past Century for Tropical Climatic Region in Western India
integer programmingOptimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
Integrate managementApplication System for Integrated Water and Water Environment Management in the Hai River Basin
integrated managementIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
Integrated planningImpact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Integrated Urban Wastewater ManagementFault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
Integrated Urban Water ManagementDevelopment of Decision Support Tool for Evaluation of Urban Water System Metabolism Efficiency
intellectualizationA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
interactionInteractive Visualisation of Water Distribution Network Optimisation
Towards Interactive Evolution: A Distributed Optimiser for Multi-Objective Water Distribution Network Design
InterferometryReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
InternetizationA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
inundate analysisModeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
inverse-distance weighted interpolation leak/burst localisationOptimal Sensor Placement and Leak/Burst Localisation in a Water Distribution System Using Spatially-Constrained Inverse-Distance Weighted Interpolation
Investigation and assessmentChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
investments planningMulti Criteria Decision Analysis to Set the Priority of Interventions in Water Distribution Systems
IrrigationAssessment of Irrigation Water Use Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data in Mexico’s Northeast
Considering Water Footprint in Reservoir Adaptation to Climate Change: an Evolutionary Approach
Development of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
A Model Predictive Control Framework for Real-Time Optimisation of Water System Operations
Irrigation demandImpact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
irrigation managementA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
isolated obstacleA Grid Convergence Study for the Integral Porosity Shallow Water Model on Unstructured Triangular Meshes
IWRMImproving River Flow Simulation Using a Coupled Surface-Groundwater Model for Integrated Water Resources Management
Jinan CityWater Energy Nexus in Urban Water Resources Allocation: A Case Study of Jinan City
Junction calculationDrainage Network Modelling with a Novel Algorithm for Junction Calculation
Karhunen-Loeve decompositionGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
kernel smoothingAnalysis of the Kernel Bandwidth Influence in the Double Smoothing Merging Algorithm to Improve Rainfall Fields in Poorly Gauged Basins
KNNComparison of Two Data-Driven Streamflow Forecast Approaches in an Adaptive Optimal Reservoir Operation Model
Knowledge ManagementN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
Kon - Ha Thanh riverEffects of Climate Change on Streamflow in Kon – Ha Thanh River Watershed, Vietnam
KrigingUncertainty Estimations in Different Components of a Hybrid ANN - Fuzzy - Kriging Model for Water Table Level Simulation
Kriging methodsComparison of Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kriging Methods for Estimating Chlorine Concentration
laboratory experimentsExperimental and Numerical Analysis of the Hydraulic Performance of Filtering Cartridges for Water Treatment
Laboratory testsOn the Calibration of the Mathematical Laws for the Water Loss Estimation in Water Distribution Network
Lagrange interpolation.Influence on the Distribution Function of Annual Maximum Rainfall Series when Filling Data Using Lagrange Interpolation
land useNumerical Simulation of the Land use Effect on Catchment Flood Mitigation
land use changeSimulation of Water Cycle Changes in the Yellow River Basin under Changing Conditions
land use scenariosImplications of Land Use Change on River Flow in South West England
Large coherent structuresLarge-Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow with Rigid Submerged Vegetation
large eddy simulationLarge-Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow with Rigid Submerged Vegetation
Las Cruces Dam Nay.Generation of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
lateral boundary conditionsThe Effect of Lateral Boundary Conditions on Results of One-Way Nested Ocean Regional Circulation Model
Lead time for evacuationEvaluation of the Uncertainty of Flash Flood Prediction Using the RRI Model in Mountainous Rivers
leak locationLocating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
leakageOptimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
LIDModelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
local cell stencilReformulation of 2D DG2 Scheme for Shallow Water Modelling
logic fuzzyTowards a Web Decision System Support for Planning Micro-Watershed Using Pressure-State-Response and Logic Fuzzy, Study Case in Colombia
Long term recordsDetection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
Long-term optimizationA Real-Time Optimal Gate Operation Model for Urban Drainage Systems
Long-term simulationsMeandering Evolution and Width Variation, a Physics-Statistical Based Modeling Approach
loop-flowAdvanced Loop-flow Method for Fast Hydraulic Simulations
Low Impact DevelopmentA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
Evaluation of Low Impact Development Using EPA SWMM-LID Modeling
Lower Tapi basinRainfall Trends over the Past Century for Tropical Climatic Region in Western India
machine learningIntelligent Drought Tracking for its Use in Machine Learning: Implementation and First Results
Predicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
Automatic Identification of Sewer Fault Types Using CCTV Footage
A Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
Smart Water Demand Forecasting: Learning from the Data
Magdalena RiverOptimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
Magdalena-Cauca macro-basinUse of Global Reanalysis Data in the Study of the Aridity Index in the Magdalena-Cauca Macro-Basin, Colombia
main waterline designOptimal Design of Water Pipeline and Micro-Hydro Turbine by Genetic Algorithm
Mann-Kendall testVariability of Rainfall in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil
MappingExtracting High Resolution Snow Distribution Information with Inexpensive Autonomous Cameras
Markov processSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
mathematical modellingModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
Comparison of 1DH and 2DH Mathematical Models for Modelling Wave Hydrodynamics in Ofir Beach
MATLABHydraulic Model Calibration of Pressure Reduced Zones with Multiple Input Valves
Influence of Climate Change on the Optimization of Water Supply Systems
maximum likelihoodUncertainty Quantification in 2D Morphodynamic Model: Application to the Gironde Estuary.
maximum runoffEvaluation and Stochastic Simulation of Storm Precipitation for City Underground Utilities in Condition of Climate Change
MCParameter Uncertainties Assessment in a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model Using Bayesian Paradigm
MCDAMulti Criteria Decision Analysis to Set the Priority of Interventions in Water Distribution Systems
MCMCParameter Uncertainties Assessment in a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model Using Bayesian Paradigm
meandering channelTwo-Dimensional Modeling of Flow and Contaminant Transport in Meandering Channels
Meandering evolutionMeandering Evolution and Width Variation, a Physics-Statistical Based Modeling Approach
Meandering riversMeandering Evolution and Width Variation, a Physics-Statistical Based Modeling Approach
Mechanical reliabilityRisk Assessment and Development of Maintenance Strategy for Pipe Rehabilitation Using WDNetXL
MediterraneanImpact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
MegalopolisZ-R Law for Quantitative Rainfall Estimation Using a C-band Radar and a Network of Ground-Based Disdrometers
mergingAnalysis of the Kernel Bandwidth Influence in the Double Smoothing Merging Algorithm to Improve Rainfall Fields in Poorly Gauged Basins
mesh refinement techniquesA Grid Convergence Study for the Integral Porosity Shallow Water Model on Unstructured Triangular Meshes
metadata repositoryTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
method of characteristicsA Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Advection-Diffusion Equation
metricsComplex Network Theory for Water Distribution Networks Analysis
Mexico CityZ-R Law for Quantitative Rainfall Estimation Using a C-band Radar and a Network of Ground-Based Disdrometers
Mexico.Simulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
micro-watershed in ColombiaTowards a Web Decision System Support for Planning Micro-Watershed Using Pressure-State-Response and Logic Fuzzy, Study Case in Colombia
MicrowavesMicrowave Waste Water Meter: A New Sensing Principle for Flow Measurement in Partially Full Pipes
Mike 11 modelShort-Term Reservoir System Operation for Flood Mitigation with 1D Hydraulic Model
MIKE SHEApplication of Distributed Deterministic Hydrological Model in Mediterranean Region, Case Study in Var Catchment, France
MIKE SHE Snow melting processAssessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region - Application to the Var catchment, France
Mini hydroOptimal Design of Water Pipeline and Micro-Hydro Turbine by Genetic Algorithm
Minimum Night FlowOptimal Time Step Length to Minimize Uncertainty of Zonal Water Balance Calculation in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Locating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
MitigationSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
mitigation measuresFlash Flood Simulations Based on Shallow Water Equations to Investigate Protection Measures for El Gouna, Egypt
MOBIDIC-UA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
mode climacogramHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
Model averagesA Web-GIS Tool for Rainstorm Hazard Management Over Large Areas
model calibration performanceAutomatic Calibration and Performance Evaluation of a Water Quality Model for a River Greatly Influenced by Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent
model performanceHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
Model Predictive ControlModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
A Model Predictive Control Framework for Real-Time Optimisation of Water System Operations
Fault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
Distributed Input-Delay Model Predictive Control of Inland Waterways
On Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
Short-Term Control of a Storage Hydropower under Flood Risk by Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization
model predictive feed forward controlEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
Model validation.Validation of a Model for Operation Optimization of a Regional Water Supply System
modelingFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
Assessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
Adaptation and Resilience of Roads to Extreme Hydrological Events
Water Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
modellingMulti-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia
A Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
MODFLOW-2005Modeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
modularity indexDevelopment of a Modularity Index for Reliability Assessment of Isolation Valve Systems
modularizationA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
MOHYSEImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
monitoringDesigning a Framework for the Estuarine Monitoring System
MonsoonSeasonal and Spatial Variation of Seismic Activity due to Groundwater Fluctuation in South Korea
Monte Carlo calibrationA Cellular Automata Urban Growth Model for Water Resources Strategic Planning
Monte Carlo methodUncertainty Quantification in 2D Morphodynamic Model: Application to the Gironde Estuary.
morphological structuresHigh-Resolution LiDAR Bathymetry Data for Alpine Rivers - Case Study on the River Mareit/Mareta, Italy
moving bed biofiltersCapitalizing RFID Technology as Cost-Effective Real-Time Process Monitoring Tool in Wastewater Treatment: Two Case Studies
MPCAdvanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
MPIMulti-GPU Implementation of 2D Shallow Water Equation Code with Block Uniform Quad-Tree Grids
MSWEPAnalysis of the Kernel Bandwidth Influence in the Double Smoothing Merging Algorithm to Improve Rainfall Fields in Poorly Gauged Basins
multi-criteria analysisDevelopment and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
multi-objective optimisationOptimal Sensor Placement and Leak/Burst Localisation in a Water Distribution System Using Spatially-Constrained Inverse-Distance Weighted Interpolation
multi-objective optimizationMulti-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
Considering Water Footprint in Reservoir Adaptation to Climate Change: an Evolutionary Approach
Development and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
multi-step ahead forecastingError Evolution Patterns in Multi-Step Ahead Streamflow Forecasting
multi-variateA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
multicriteria analysisMulti-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
multicriterionEntropy Based Multicriterion Evaluation for Rainfall Monitoring Networks under the Impact of Discretization
multiobjective optimisationFramework to Identify Optimal Configurations of (De)Centralised Wastewater Systems, in Abu Dis, West Bank
multiple performance criteriaAutomatic Calibration and Performance Evaluation of a Water Quality Model for a River Greatly Influenced by Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent
Multipurpose water useReal-Time Measurement Fault Detection and Remote-Control in a Mountain Water Supply System
Multiresolution modellingAdaptive Multi-Scale Shallow Flow Model: a Wavelet-Based Formulation
multivariateExtracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
multiwavelengthMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
MUSCL-HancockComparative Study on the Open Boundary Conditions of Shallow Flows
MéxicoPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
NARXPredicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
NCEPComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
NDVIVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
Nebhana DamA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
nested modelHigh Resolution Urban Flood Modelling: A Case Study of Cork City, Ireland
network analysisOptimal Sensor Placement and Leak/Burst Localisation in a Water Distribution System Using Spatially-Constrained Inverse-Distance Weighted Interpolation
network configurationAnalysis of the Kernel Bandwidth Influence in the Double Smoothing Merging Algorithm to Improve Rainfall Fields in Poorly Gauged Basins
network designAssessing the Effect of Streamflow Estimation at Potential Station Locations In Entropy-Based Hydrometric Network Design
network evaluationEntropy Based Multicriterion Evaluation for Rainfall Monitoring Networks under the Impact of Discretization
network flow modelReconstruction of Hydrometric Data Using a Network Optimization Model
neural networkBuilding a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Applicability of the Deep Learning Flood Forecast Model Against the Inexperienced Magnitude of Flood
neural networksDevelopment of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
NexusSIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
Nile BasinThe Nile System Dynamics Model for Water-Food-Energy Nexus Assessment
Nitrous oxideModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
Nodal demand controlComparison Between Calibration and Sensitivity Approach in Water Network Management in Emergency Conditions
Non Revenue WaterEstimation of NRW using Main Parameters of Water Distribution Systems
non-invasiveMicrowave Waste Water Meter: A New Sensing Principle for Flow Measurement in Partially Full Pipes
non-linearA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
Non-parametric testsRainfall Trends over the Past Century for Tropical Climatic Region in Western India
non-stationary time seriesVariability of Rainfall in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil
Non-submerged vegetationA 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Shallow Water Flow Through a Circular Patch of Emergent Cylinders
northwestern regionsA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
nowcastingEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
Null demandProbability of Null Water Demand Characterization
Numerical estimationEstimation of Velocity Profile in a Hyper-Concentrated Flow: a Critical Analysis of Bagnold Equation
numerical modelComputation of Hydraulic Characteristics of Flood Flow Downstream from the Reservoir with Dam Safety Scenarios in North Vietnam
numerical modellingData Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin
Numerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Wave Propagating Over an Erodible Floodplain in Presence of a Structure
Application of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
Storm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
numerical optimizationPractical Application of Optimization Techniques to Drinking Water Distribution Problems
numerical rainfall predictionDoppler Radar Data Assimilation for Mesoscale Numerical Rainfall Prediction
numerical simulationNumerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
Nutrient modellingEstimation of the Effect of Sewage Nitrogen Discharges on Coastal Waters: Case Study from the Mediterranean Sea
O&MTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
object-basedObject-Based Image Analysis Technique for Gully Mapping Using Topographic Data at Very High Resolution (VHR)
Objective analysisDesigning a Framework for the Estuarine Monitoring System
objective functionsInvestigating the Optimization Strategies on Performance of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
Framework to Identify Optimal Configurations of (De)Centralised Wastewater Systems, in Abu Dis, West Bank
Observations & MeasurementsFederating and Harmonising Disparate Soil Moisture Data Sources
Observations and MeasurementsTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
Observations spatial distributionMixed Variational-Monte Carlo Assimilation of Streamflow Data in Flood Forecasting: the Impact of Observations Spatial Distribution
online monitoringOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Improving Detection of Events at Water Treatment Works: A UK Case Study
Open Boundary ConditionComparative Study on the Open Boundary Conditions of Shallow Flows
Open channel flowTowards Transient Experimental Water Surfaces: Strengthening Two-Dimensional SW Model Validation
open sourceairGR and airGRteaching: Two Open-Source Tools for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Teaching Hydrology
OpenMPParallel Simulations of Shallow Water Solvers for Modelling Overland Flows
operational monitoring and modellingA DSS for Operational Management of Wastewaters under Uncertain Conditions
Operational optimization.Validation of a Model for Operation Optimization of a Regional Water Supply System
Optimal ManagementSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
optimal parameterHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
optimal pump schedulingMulti-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
optimal sensor placementOptimal Sensor Placement and Leak/Burst Localisation in a Water Distribution System Using Spatially-Constrained Inverse-Distance Weighted Interpolation
Optimisation techniquesPressure Sensors Positioning for Leakages Detection under Uncertain Demands
OptimizationFlood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
Hydraulic Model Calibration of Pressure Reduced Zones with Multiple Input Valves
Optimal Design of Water Pipeline and Micro-Hydro Turbine by Genetic Algorithm
Optimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
Model Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
Interactive Visualisation of Water Distribution Network Optimisation
Optimal Operation of Flood Storage Areas in Huai River Using Coupled HEC-RAS River Model and NSGAII Global Optimization Algorithm
Influence of Climate Change on the Optimization of Water Supply Systems
Clustering Multiple Hydrographs Using Mathematical Optimization
The Water Tariff in a WDS Rehabilitation
Graph Theory Algorithms for Real Time Control of a Sewer Network
Optimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
Visualising the Operation of Evolutionary Algorithms Optimising Water Distribution Network Design Problems
Towards Interactive Evolution: A Distributed Optimiser for Multi-Objective Water Distribution Network Design
ORCMsThe Effect of Lateral Boundary Conditions on Results of One-Way Nested Ocean Regional Circulation Model
overland flowNumerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
overland flowsParallel Simulations of Shallow Water Solvers for Modelling Overland Flows
overtoppingA Novel Slope Failure Operator for a Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Model
parallel computingA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
parameter estimationIdentification of the Aquifer Parameters from Pumping Test Data by Using a Hybrid Optimization Approach
parameter optimizationInfluence of Rainfall Data with Different Spatial Resolutions on Flood Forecasting Reliability
particle-basedUsing a Particle Based Simulation to Visualize Sub-Catchments Contribution to Localized Flooding
partitioningOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Pathways DesignFlood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
pattern recognitionCategorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
PDA AnalysisComparison Between Calibration and Sensitivity Approach in Water Network Management in Emergency Conditions
PeachlandEstimating High Resolution Temporal Scale of Water Demand Time Series – Disaggregation Approach (Case Study)
Pedotransfer functionsAssessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
PerformanceFactors Influencing the Simplified Quality Model Performance
performance indicatorsMulti Criteria Decision Analysis to Set the Priority of Interventions in Water Distribution Systems
Performance indicesAn Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
phase space reconstructionParameter Selection for Phase Space Reconstruction in Hydrological Series and Rationality Analysis of its Chaotic Characteristics
Physical habitat simulationPhysical Habitat Simulation with ANFIS Method
physical modelEstimation of Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion Coefficients in Saturated Porous Media Involving Physical Model
physically-based modelAn Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
PIGOOPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
Pipe burstComparison Between Calibration and Sensitivity Approach in Water Network Management in Emergency Conditions
pipe rehabilitationRisk Assessment and Development of Maintenance Strategy for Pipe Rehabilitation Using WDNetXL
Pipe sizingA Teaching Experiment Using a Serious Game for WDNs Sizing
Pipe SystemsPipe System Characteristics vs. Reliability of Transient Test-Based Techniques for Pipe Inspection
PIVPIV Analysis of Cavitating Flow Behind Square Multi-Orifice Plates
pluvial flood mappingCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
PoldersModel Predictive Control of Salinity and Water Level in a Hypothetical Polder Ditch: Is it Possible to Use the Discretized Linearized Physical Equations for Optimization
pollutant transportStudy of Pollutant Transport in Environmental Flows Using Depth-Averaged Random Walk Method
pollutionComparison of Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kriging Methods for Estimating Chlorine Concentration
porosity shallow water modelA Grid Convergence Study for the Integral Porosity Shallow Water Model on Unstructured Triangular Meshes
Porous Shallow water EquationsMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
PortugalStorm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
Poyanghu Lake BasinReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
practical insightsAdaptive Multi-Scale Shallow Flow Model: a Wavelet-Based Formulation
practical issuesPractical Application of Optimization Techniques to Drinking Water Distribution Problems
precipitationValidation of SMOS-IC Soil Moisture over Brazilian Semiarid Using in situ Measurements
Evaluation and Stochastic Simulation of Storm Precipitation for City Underground Utilities in Condition of Climate Change
Chaotic Statistical Downscaling (CSD): Application and Comparison in the Bogotá River Basin
Simulation of Possible Scenarios of Precipitations on River Basin of Water Reservoir with Considerate of Climatic Change.
Entropy Based Multicriterion Evaluation for Rainfall Monitoring Networks under the Impact of Discretization
predictionPredicting Bacterial Levels in Recreational Beach Waters along U.S. Gulf Coast
Comparison of Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kriging Methods for Estimating Chlorine Concentration
PredictiveA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
predictive controlA Sliding Mode-Based Predictive Strategy for Irrigation Canal Pools
preliminary releaseAssessment on Effects of Preliminary Release Operation of a Multi-purpose Reservoir Considering Ensemble Inflow Prediction
preparednessSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Pressure managementOptimal District Metered Area Design by Simulated Annealing
Pressure reducing valve (PRV)Hydraulic Model Calibration of Pressure Reduced Zones with Multiple Input Valves
Pressure-driven analysisDecision Support for a Centre Pivot Irrigation System Based on Numerical Modelling
Water Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
Pressure-State-Response (PER) frameworkTowards a Web Decision System Support for Planning Micro-Watershed Using Pressure-State-Response and Logic Fuzzy, Study Case in Colombia
PresureFlow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
primary flow distributionTwo-Dimensional Modeling of Flow and Contaminant Transport in Meandering Channels
prior releasingStudy on Optimization of the Operation of Dams Using Ensemble Prediction and a Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model
Probability approachA Tool for Daily Demand Pattern Generation
probability density functionTopographic Analysis of Wetlandscapes: Fractal Dimension and Scaling Properties
protectionOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
pumping testIdentification of the Aquifer Parameters from Pumping Test Data by Using a Hybrid Optimization Approach
PyrolysisRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
PythonA Tool for Daily Demand Pattern Generation
QGISQGIS FLO-2D Integration
QUAL2KWAutomatic Calibration and Performance Evaluation of a Water Quality Model for a River Greatly Influenced by Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent
quality controlComparison of Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kriging Methods for Estimating Chlorine Concentration
Real-Time Quality Control and Infilling of Precipitation Data Using Neural Networks
A Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Quang Nam Da NangSemi Distributed Model Application for Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource in Quang Nam - Da Nang Area
quantitative precipitation forecastStudy on Optimization of the Operation of Dams Using Ensemble Prediction and a Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model
RadarApplication of a Sequential Data Assimilation Technique to Improve Modeling of Surface Currents Using Radar Data at a Coastal Domain
Radar HFA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Radar rainfallScaling Characteristics of Storm-Centered ARF Using Radar Rainfall
Radar Rainfall NowcastsPrediction of CSO Chamber Level Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
rain gaugeReal-Time Quality Control and Infilling of Precipitation Data Using Neural Networks
Rain gauge densityAnalysis of the Kernel Bandwidth Influence in the Double Smoothing Merging Algorithm to Improve Rainfall Fields in Poorly Gauged Basins
Rain water harvestingModelling Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Reuse for Tank Size Optimizations
rain-gauge network evaluationSpatial-Temporal Evaluation of Rain-Fauge Network Based on Entropy Theory
RainfallReal-Time Quality Control and Infilling of Precipitation Data Using Neural Networks
Rainfall ExtremesA Web-GIS Tool for Rainstorm Hazard Management Over Large Areas
rainfall intensityRainfall Trends over the Past Century for Tropical Climatic Region in Western India
Rainfall remote sensingExploring the Use of the Three Rainfall Remote Sensing Products for Flood Prediction in the Brahmaputra Basin
rainfall runoff processInvestigating the Optimization Strategies on Performance of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
rainfall-runoff modellingSpatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
Implications of Land Use Change on River Flow in South West England
Rainfall-runoff modelsairGR and airGRteaching: Two Open-Source Tools for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Teaching Hydrology
Random CascadeEstimating High Resolution Temporal Scale of Water Demand Time Series – Disaggregation Approach (Case Study)
Random ForestAutomatic Identification of Sewer Fault Types Using CCTV Footage
Random ForestsSmart Water Demand Forecasting: Learning from the Data
Random Walk methodStudy of Pollutant Transport in Environmental Flows Using Depth-Averaged Random Walk Method
rapid flood spreading modelPreliminary GIS Elaborations to Apply Rapid Flood Spreading Models
RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5Effects of Climate Change on Streamflow in Kon – Ha Thanh River Watershed, Vietnam
real networkSpectral Analysis of Uncertainty in Water Age
real-timeAquaVar: Real Time Models for Underground and Surface Waters Management at Catchment Scale
real-time controlFault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
Autonomous Control of Urban Storm Water Networks Using Reinforcement Learning
Graph Theory Algorithms for Real Time Control of a Sewer Network
real-time monitoringCapitalizing RFID Technology as Cost-Effective Real-Time Process Monitoring Tool in Wastewater Treatment: Two Case Studies
Real-time operationA Real-Time Optimal Gate Operation Model for Urban Drainage Systems
reanalysisA Multi-Hazard Extreme Climate Index across Europe
Performance of Global Atmospheric Datasets towards Groundwater Management
Recursive methodError Evolution Patterns in Multi-Step Ahead Streamflow Forecasting
redundancyResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
reformulationReformulation of 2D DG2 Scheme for Shallow Water Modelling
regional characteristicsPUBs for Engineering Purpose: Framework Development and Case Study
Regional water supply systems.Validation of a Model for Operation Optimization of a Regional Water Supply System
RegulationDecision Making Methods for Water Resources Planning in England and Wales
RehabilitationThe Water Tariff in a WDS Rehabilitation
Reinforcement LearningAutonomous Control of Urban Storm Water Networks Using Reinforcement Learning
ReliabilityPerformance Analysis of the Water Distribution System of the City of Messina Through Sustainability Indices
Robust Reliability Assessment of Water Reservoir Under Uncertainty of Climate Change
reliability assessmentDevelopment of a Modularity Index for Reliability Assessment of Isolation Valve Systems
remote controlCapitalizing RFID Technology as Cost-Effective Real-Time Process Monitoring Tool in Wastewater Treatment: Two Case Studies
remote sensingValidation of SMOS-IC Soil Moisture over Brazilian Semiarid Using in situ Measurements
Assessment of Irrigation Water Use Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data in Mexico’s Northeast
High-Resolution LiDAR Bathymetry Data for Alpine Rivers - Case Study on the River Mareit/Mareta, Italy
Hydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Land Use/Land Cover Changes Monitoring and Analysis of Dubai Emirate, UAE Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
Reservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Assessment of Hydromorphological Characteristics in Sakarya Watershed, Turkey
ReplenishmentModeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
reproducibilityRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
reservoirFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
reservoir operationShort-Term Reservoir System Operation for Flood Mitigation with 1D Hydraulic Model
Assessment on Effects of Preliminary Release Operation of a Multi-purpose Reservoir Considering Ensemble Inflow Prediction
Short-Term Control of a Storage Hydropower under Flood Risk by Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization
Reservoir OperationsRisk Informed Decision-Making Framework for Operating Reservoirs Under Flooding Conditions: Accounting for Uncertainty and Risk
reservoir simulation modelRobust Reliability Assessment of Water Reservoir Under Uncertainty of Climate Change
ReservoirsImpact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
Sediment Flushing from Reservoir and Ecological Impacts
reservoirs operational rulesApplication of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
ResilienceResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
Water Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
Towards Integrating Modelling of Flood-Induced Bridge Failures
ResiliencyPerformance Analysis of the Water Distribution System of the City of Messina Through Sustainability Indices
return periodsImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
Revised Universal Soil Loss EquationTemporal Variation in Water Induced Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Reynolds stressPIV Analysis of Cavitating Flow Behind Square Multi-Orifice Plates
RFIDCapitalizing RFID Technology as Cost-Effective Real-Time Process Monitoring Tool in Wastewater Treatment: Two Case Studies
Riemann problemMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Rigid vegetationLarge-Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow with Rigid Submerged Vegetation
RiskThe Knowledge Development in Flood Risk Reduction: a Case of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, Thailand
Towards Integrating Modelling of Flood-Induced Bridge Failures
risk assessmentRisk Assessment and Development of Maintenance Strategy for Pipe Rehabilitation Using WDNetXL
riverSimulation of Scouring Process Downstream of a Hydraulic Structure and Analysis of the Effect of Vegetation
river basinSimulation of Possible Scenarios of Precipitations on River Basin of Water Reservoir with Considerate of Climatic Change.
Approach to Mitigation of Territory Inundation with Help of Flood Control by Small Water Reservoirs
river crossingsA New Railway Bridge on Gornalunga River: a Flood Modeling Study.
river floodingImpact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
River flow predictionWeekly Flow Prediction of Ergene River Using an Artificial Neural Network Based Solution Approach
river managementImpact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
River operationA Model Predictive Control Framework for Real-Time Optimisation of Water System Operations
roadsAdaptation and Resilience of Roads to Extreme Hydrological Events
RoboticsAn Innovative ICT Solution for Sewer Systems
robustnessRobust Reliability Assessment of Water Reservoir Under Uncertainty of Climate Change
A Sliding Mode-Based Predictive Strategy for Irrigation Canal Pools
RRI-modelEvaluation of the Uncertainty of Flash Flood Prediction Using the RRI Model in Mountainous Rivers
RTCFactors Influencing the Simplified Quality Model Performance
Advanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
runoff modelParameter Uncertainties Assessment in a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model Using Bayesian Paradigm
runoff seriesInvestigating the Complexity of Runoff Series in the Yangtze River Using Sample Entropy
Sakarya River BasinAssessment of Hydromorphological Characteristics in Sakarya Watershed, Turkey
SalinityExperimental Study on Sorption and Desorption of NaCl to Sand Using a Physical Model
SalinizationModel Predictive Control of Salinity and Water Level in a Hypothetical Polder Ditch: Is it Possible to Use the Discretized Linearized Physical Equations for Optimization
sample entropyInvestigating the Complexity of Runoff Series in the Yangtze River Using Sample Entropy
Sand-CycleCapitalizing RFID Technology as Cost-Effective Real-Time Process Monitoring Tool in Wastewater Treatment: Two Case Studies
SARReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Saulyev schemeA Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Advection-Diffusion Equation
SCADAOptimal Time Step Length to Minimize Uncertainty of Zonal Water Balance Calculation in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Real-Time Measurement Fault Detection and Remote-Control in a Mountain Water Supply System
scale invarianceScale-Invariance Generalized Logistic (GLO) Model for Estimating Extreme Design Rainfalls in the Context of Climate Change
A Spatio-Temporal Statistical Downscaling Approach to Deriving Extreme Rainfall IDF Relations at Ungauged Sites in the Context of Climate Change
scaling factorScaling Characteristics of Storm-Centered ARF Using Radar Rainfall
SDMSIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
sedimentHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
sediment fluxesData Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin
sediment transportApplication of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
A Novel Slope Failure Operator for a Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Model
sediments transportImpact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
SegmentationObject-Based Image Analysis Technique for Gully Mapping Using Topographic Data at Very High Resolution (VHR)
Semi-arid watershedSpatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
semi-distributed modelSemi Distributed Model Application for Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource in Quang Nam - Da Nang Area
semi-enclosed basinData Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin
sensitivityThe Effect of Lateral Boundary Conditions on Results of One-Way Nested Ocean Regional Circulation Model
sensorOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Remote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
Sensor Observation ServiceTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
sensor placementSensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
Locating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
SensorsPressure Sensors Positioning for Leakages Detection under Uncertain Demands
serious gameA Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
serious gamingSIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
A Teaching Experiment Using a Serious Game for WDNs Sizing
service perceptionPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
Severity of ill effectsSediment Flushing from Reservoir and Ecological Impacts
sewer systemGraph Theory Algorithms for Real Time Control of a Sewer Network
Sewer SystemsAn Innovative ICT Solution for Sewer Systems
SewersAutomatic Identification of Sewer Fault Types Using CCTV Footage
shallow waterIncreasing Accuracy in Shallow Water Flows: Maintaining Vorticity in Presence of Bathymetry
A Novel Slope Failure Operator for a Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Model
shallow water equationComparative Study on the Open Boundary Conditions of Shallow Flows
shallow water equationsReformulation of 2D DG2 Scheme for Shallow Water Modelling
Adaptive Multi-Scale Shallow Flow Model: a Wavelet-Based Formulation
Drainage Network Modelling with a Novel Algorithm for Junction Calculation
Flash Flood Simulations Based on Shallow Water Equations to Investigate Protection Measures for El Gouna, Egypt
Multi-GPU Implementation of 2D Shallow Water Equation Code with Block Uniform Quad-Tree Grids
Simulation of Floating Debris in Violent Shallow Flows
Shallow water flowA 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Shallow Water Flow Through a Circular Patch of Emergent Cylinders
shallow water modelTwo-Dimensional Modeling of Flow and Contaminant Transport in Meandering Channels
shallow water modelingTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Shannon entropyAssessing the Effect of Streamflow Estimation at Potential Station Locations In Entropy-Based Hydrometric Network Design
shape optimizationShape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
simplified quality modelFactors Influencing the Simplified Quality Model Performance
Simulated AnnealingOptimal District Metered Area Design by Simulated Annealing
Locating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
simulationSimulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
Development of a System Dynamics Computer Model for the Simulation of the Effects of an Alternate Water Source Development Project on the Water Supply Systems Management and Customer Satisfaction
simulationsError Evolution Patterns in Multi-Step Ahead Streamflow Forecasting
SimulatorSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
size distributionTopographic Analysis of Wetlandscapes: Fractal Dimension and Scaling Properties
sliding mode controlA Sliding Mode-Based Predictive Strategy for Irrigation Canal Pools
slope failureA Novel Slope Failure Operator for a Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Model
smart managementOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Smart Water ManagementFramework Implementation for Smart Water Management
smart water networkAn Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
Smart Water NetworksOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
SmartphonesEvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
snow covered areaExtracting High Resolution Snow Distribution Information with Inexpensive Autonomous Cameras
Snow monitoringExtracting High Resolution Snow Distribution Information with Inexpensive Autonomous Cameras
Sobol’ indicesGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
social mediaFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
social network informationEnsemble Numerical Modeling Approach with Social Network Information to Optimize Flood Forecasting
Social Network TheoryAn Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
soil moistureError Propagation from Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture Into Soil Water Index Using an Exponential Filter
Assessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
Federating and Harmonising Disparate Soil Moisture Data Sources
soil water indexError Propagation from Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture Into Soil Water Index Using an Exponential Filter
soil weightExperimental Study on Sorption and Desorption of NaCl to Sand Using a Physical Model
SOSTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
Federating and Harmonising Disparate Soil Moisture Data Sources
spatial analysisDynamic Scenarios and Water Management Simulations: Towards to an Integrated Spatial Analysis Approach in Water Urban Planning
spatial dataQGIS FLO-2D Integration
spatial distributionChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
spatial interpolationAssessing the Effect of Streamflow Estimation at Potential Station Locations In Entropy-Based Hydrometric Network Design
spatial resolutionImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
spatial-temporal patternSpatial-Temporal Evaluation of Rain-Fauge Network Based on Entropy Theory
spatially distributed hydrological modellingSpatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
spectral graphSensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
Spectral Graph PartitioningPartition of Water Distribution Networks into District Metered Areas Using a Graph Theoretical Approach
square multi-orifice platePIV Analysis of Cavitating Flow Behind Square Multi-Orifice Plates
Standardized Drought IndicesNovel Drought Hazard Monitoring Framework for Decision Support Under Data Scarcity
statisticFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
statistical algorithmParameter Uncertainties Assessment in a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model Using Bayesian Paradigm
statistical analysisEstimation of NRW using Main Parameters of Water Distribution Systems
statistical biasHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
statisticsA Classic Hydroinformatic Problem - Floods
Meandering Evolution and Width Variation, a Physics-Statistical Based Modeling Approach
stochastic forecastFlood Control by Water Reservoir with Account of Runoff Forecast
stochastic modelProbability of Null Water Demand Characterization
stochastic optimizationShort-Term Control of a Storage Hydropower under Flood Risk by Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization
stochastic simulationSimulation of Possible Scenarios of Precipitations on River Basin of Water Reservoir with Considerate of Climatic Change.
storage areaOptimal Operation of Flood Storage Areas in Huai River Using Coupled HEC-RAS River Model and NSGAII Global Optimization Algorithm
Storage.Development of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
Storm DesmondHigh-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling of Storm Induced Floods at a Catchment Scale
Storm DrainagePredicting Accurate Urban Flooding from Nuisance Flows to Major Disasters
storm modelingEvaluation and Stochastic Simulation of Storm Precipitation for City Underground Utilities in Condition of Climate Change
storm surgesStorm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
storm-centered methodScaling Characteristics of Storm-Centered ARF Using Radar Rainfall
stormwater management model (SWMM)Modelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
Stormwater mitigationA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
stormwater overflowEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
stormwater reductionEvaluation of Low Impact Development Using EPA SWMM-LID Modeling
Stormwater SystemsAutonomous Control of Urban Storm Water Networks Using Reinforcement Learning
strategic planningFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
streamflow estimationEstimation of Streamflow Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Rule-Based Model
surface currentsApplication of a Sequential Data Assimilation Technique to Improve Modeling of Surface Currents Using Radar Data at a Coastal Domain
surface water-groundwater interactionModeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
surrogate modellingDevelopment of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
SustainabilityOptimization of the Midterm Electricity Generation Mix Considering the Effects of Water, Land and Carbon Footprints
sustainability indexPerformance Analysis of the Water Distribution System of the City of Messina Through Sustainability Indices
Sustainability water systemsDevelopment of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
Svanidze method.Generation of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
SWATSerial Application of SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2 to Predict Water Quality Dynamics in the Basin and Lake of the Yongdam Dam, Korea to Analyze Climate Change Effects
SWAT modelSimulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
Semi Distributed Model Application for Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource in Quang Nam - Da Nang Area
Effects of Climate Change on Streamflow in Kon – Ha Thanh River Watershed, Vietnam
SWAT-MODFLOWImproving River Flow Simulation Using a Coupled Surface-Groundwater Model for Integrated Water Resources Management
SWMMModelling Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Reuse for Tank Size Optimizations
An Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
SWMM LIDEvaluation of Low Impact Development Using EPA SWMM-LID Modeling
synchronizationChaotic Statistical Downscaling (CSD): Application and Comparison in the Bogotá River Basin
synthetic hydrographsFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
Synthetic series.Generation of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
systemResearch and Development of Flood Control Operation System of Beijing City, China
System Design and developmentReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
System DynamicsDevelopment of a System Dynamics Computer Model for the Simulation of the Effects of an Alternate Water Source Development Project on the Water Supply Systems Management and Customer Satisfaction
System Dynamics ModellingThe Nile System Dynamics Model for Water-Food-Energy Nexus Assessment
Integrated Model for Water, Food, Energy and Human Development
system modellingAquaVar: Real Time Models for Underground and Surface Waters Management at Catchment Scale
System partitioningDistributed Input-Delay Model Predictive Control of Inland Waterways
T-D modelSpatial-Temporal Evaluation of Rain-Fauge Network Based on Entropy Theory
TaiwanEnsemble Numerical Modeling Approach with Social Network Information to Optimize Flood Forecasting
Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Rule-Based modelEstimation of Streamflow Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Rule-Based Model
Tank Hydrological ModelInvestigating the Optimization Strategies on Performance of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
Telemac-3DFlow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
Telemac2DGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
Telemac_2D DragA Study of the Average Flow in Open Channel with Baffle Blocks Distributed Uniformly
TemperatureRelationship Between Extreme Rainfall and Surface Temperature in Sicily (Italy)
Temporal ScaleEstimating High Resolution Temporal Scale of Water Demand Time Series – Disaggregation Approach (Case Study)
TensorFlowEnsemble Numerical Modeling Approach with Social Network Information to Optimize Flood Forecasting
the application systemApplication System for Integrated Water and Water Environment Management in the Hai River Basin
The Yongdam LakeSerial Application of SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2 to Predict Water Quality Dynamics in the Basin and Lake of the Yongdam Dam, Korea to Analyze Climate Change Effects
ThematicSIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
Thiessen polygonsModelling Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria Abundance in Lakes by Integrating Cellular Automata and Genetic Programming
Three-River Headwaters RegionVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
time lapse photosExtracting High Resolution Snow Distribution Information with Inexpensive Autonomous Cameras
time seriesError Evolution Patterns in Multi-Step Ahead Streamflow Forecasting
time series analysisHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
time series clusteringCategorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
Time step lengthOptimal Time Step Length to Minimize Uncertainty of Zonal Water Balance Calculation in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Time-dependent dataIdentifying Critical Components in Water Networks Using Time-Dependent Data
Time-dependent inputsGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
Total algae probeUsing Compensated Fluorescence Probes Data for Proactive Water Treatment Management
Total loadA Novel Slope Failure Operator for a Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Model
TPADrainage Network Modelling with a Novel Algorithm for Junction Calculation
tracerEstimation of Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion Coefficients in Saturated Porous Media Involving Physical Model
Transient flowDrainage Network Modelling with a Novel Algorithm for Junction Calculation
transient testsPipe System Characteristics vs. Reliability of Transient Test-Based Techniques for Pipe Inspection
transientsMatrix Formulation of Steady/Unsteady-State Models in Complex Pressurized Pipe Systems.
Transitional regimeLarge-Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow with Rigid Submerged Vegetation
transportTowards Integrating Modelling of Flood-Induced Bridge Failures
trend analysisVariability of Rainfall in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil
trend detectionDetection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
Triangle methodMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Tributary InputsPrediction of Water Quality Variation Affected by Tributary Inputs in large Rivers Using ANN Model
TRMMComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
Spatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
Trunk mainsPredicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
TurbidityPredicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
Turbulance modelFlow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
turbulence intensityPIV Analysis of Cavitating Flow Behind Square Multi-Orifice Plates
Flow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
turbulence modelA 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Shallow Water Flow Through a Circular Patch of Emergent Cylinders
two-phase shallow-water modelNumerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Wave Propagating Over an Erodible Floodplain in Presence of a Structure
TyphoonEnsemble Numerical Modeling Approach with Social Network Information to Optimize Flood Forecasting
UAEClimate Changes Impacts on Groundwater Recharge in the UAE
Land Use/Land Cover Changes Monitoring and Analysis of Dubai Emirate, UAE Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
UncertaintiesSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
uncertaintyFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Optimal Time Step Length to Minimize Uncertainty of Zonal Water Balance Calculation in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Error Propagation from Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture Into Soil Water Index Using an Exponential Filter
Error Evolution Patterns in Multi-Step Ahead Streamflow Forecasting
uncertainty analysisUncertainty Analysis of a Temperature-Index Snowmelt Model Using Bayesian Networks
Uncertainty Analysis of Watershed-Based Flow and Water Quality Modelling with Different DEM Data Sources
Uncertainty of forecastingEvaluation of the Uncertainty of Flash Flood Prediction Using the RRI Model in Mountainous Rivers
uncertainty quantificationSpectral Analysis of Uncertainty in Water Age
Ungauged areasPUBs for Engineering Purpose: Framework Development and Case Study
ungauged sitesA Spatio-Temporal Statistical Downscaling Approach to Deriving Extreme Rainfall IDF Relations at Ungauged Sites in the Context of Climate Change
unstructured gridNumerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
urbanZ-R Law for Quantitative Rainfall Estimation Using a C-band Radar and a Network of Ground-Based Disdrometers
urban catchment areaEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
urban drainageA Model Predictive Control Framework for Real-Time Optimisation of Water System Operations
Finding Cost-Effective Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen Using Extensive Climate, Economic and Spatial Data
Urban drainage modelDevelopment of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
Urban drainage networksAdvanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
Urban drainage systemA Real-Time Optimal Gate Operation Model for Urban Drainage Systems
urban drainage systems.Pre-Conditioning Approach to Bayesian Decision Networks for Water Quality Sensors Positioning in Urban Drainage Systems
Urban floodModeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
urban flood modellingHigh Resolution Urban Flood Modelling: A Case Study of Cork City, Ireland
QGIS FLO-2D Integration
urban floodingPredicting Accurate Urban Flooding from Nuisance Flows to Major Disasters
Flash Flood Simulations Based on Shallow Water Equations to Investigate Protection Measures for El Gouna, Egypt
Impact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
Development of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
urban growthA Cellular Automata Urban Growth Model for Water Resources Strategic Planning
Urban HydrologyMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
A Data-Driven Hybrid Urban Flood Modelling Approach
urban planningDynamic Scenarios and Water Management Simulations: Towards to an Integrated Spatial Analysis Approach in Water Urban Planning
Urban surfaces identificationA Cellular Automata Urban Growth Model for Water Resources Strategic Planning
urban water allocationWater Energy Nexus in Urban Water Resources Allocation: A Case Study of Jinan City
ValidationFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Var catchmentAquaVar: Real Time Models for Underground and Surface Waters Management at Catchment Scale
Application of Distributed Deterministic Hydrological Model in Mediterranean Region, Case Study in Var Catchment, France
Var River BasinAssessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region - Application to the Var catchment, France
Variable speed driven pumpsDecision Support for a Centre Pivot Irrigation System Based on Numerical Modelling
vegetationSimulation of Scouring Process Downstream of a Hydraulic Structure and Analysis of the Effect of Vegetation
vegetation changeVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
velocityEstimation of Velocity Profile in a Hyper-Concentrated Flow: a Critical Analysis of Bagnold Equation
velocity distributionPIV Analysis of Cavitating Flow Behind Square Multi-Orifice Plates
very high resolutionObject-Based Image Analysis Technique for Gully Mapping Using Topographic Data at Very High Resolution (VHR)
VGIFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Ressources and EnvironmentsSemi Distributed Model Application for Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource in Quang Nam - Da Nang Area
visual interfaceairGR and airGRteaching: Two Open-Source Tools for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Teaching Hydrology
visualisationInteractive Visualisation of Water Distribution Network Optimisation
Visualising the Operation of Evolutionary Algorithms Optimising Water Distribution Network Design Problems
visualizationExtracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
Using a Particle Based Simulation to Visualize Sub-Catchments Contribution to Localized Flooding
VulnerabilityPerformance Analysis of the Water Distribution System of the City of Messina Through Sustainability Indices
Impact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
Waal riverFlow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
WASH123DEnsemble Numerical Modeling Approach with Social Network Information to Optimize Flood Forecasting
WASP modelSimulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
Wastewater management in IndiaDevelopment and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
wastewater treatment plantAdvanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
Estimation of the Effect of Sewage Nitrogen Discharges on Coastal Waters: Case Study from the Mediterranean Sea
wastewaters managementA DSS for Operational Management of Wastewaters under Uncertain Conditions
water ageSpectral Analysis of Uncertainty in Water Age
water allocationConsidering Water Footprint in Reservoir Adaptation to Climate Change: an Evolutionary Approach
Development of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
Study on Design Specification of Water Allocation Projects’ Information System
water and environmentApplication System for Integrated Water and Water Environment Management in the Hai River Basin
water balanceOptimal Time Step Length to Minimize Uncertainty of Zonal Water Balance Calculation in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
water balance modelRobust Reliability Assessment of Water Reservoir Under Uncertainty of Climate Change
water budgetModeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
Water consumption patternsCategorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
water control and monitoringSensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
water cycle simulationSimulation of Water Cycle Changes in the Yellow River Basin under Changing Conditions
water demandProbability of Null Water Demand Characterization
Estimating High Resolution Temporal Scale of Water Demand Time Series – Disaggregation Approach (Case Study)
Water DemandsDevelopment of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
water distribution networkOn the Calibration of the Mathematical Laws for the Water Loss Estimation in Water Distribution Network
Sensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
A Teaching Experiment Using a Serious Game for WDNs Sizing
Water Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
Locating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
Partition of Water Distribution Networks into District Metered Areas Using a Graph Theoretical Approach
water distribution network designInteractive Visualisation of Water Distribution Network Optimisation
Visualising the Operation of Evolutionary Algorithms Optimising Water Distribution Network Design Problems
Towards Interactive Evolution: A Distributed Optimiser for Multi-Objective Water Distribution Network Design
water distribution network StructureApplication of Routine Calibration of Real Water Supply Network with Adjustment of Demand Roughness Parameters Driven by Applied Pressure Real Network of Brazil
Analysis of Hypothetical Water Distribution Network from the Application of Three Calibration Optimization Algorithms Applying the Genetic Algorithms
water distribution networksDevelopment of a Modularity Index for Reliability Assessment of Isolation Valve Systems
Complex Network Theory for Water Distribution Networks Analysis
Centrality Metrics for Water Distribution Networks
water distribution systemPerformance Analysis of the Water Distribution System of the City of Messina Through Sustainability Indices
Water distribution systemsMulti Criteria Decision Analysis to Set the Priority of Interventions in Water Distribution Systems
Spectral Analysis of Uncertainty in Water Age
Multi-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
Estimation of NRW using Main Parameters of Water Distribution Systems
Predicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
Comparison Between Diffusive and Advective Approach in Quality Analysis of a Real Distribution Network
Water Distribution Systems Management (WDS)Comparison Between Calibration and Sensitivity Approach in Water Network Management in Emergency Conditions
water footprintOptimization of the Midterm Electricity Generation Mix Considering the Effects of Water, Land and Carbon Footprints
Assessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
Water Framework DirectiveAssessment of Hydromorphological Characteristics in Sakarya Watershed, Turkey
water free-surface depthTowards Transient Experimental Water Surfaces: Strengthening Two-Dimensional SW Model Validation
Water leaksMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
water levelReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
water level and discharge controlOn Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
water lossesOn the Calibration of the Mathematical Laws for the Water Loss Estimation in Water Distribution Network
Optimal District Metered Area Design by Simulated Annealing
Locating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
water managementReconstruction of Hydrometric Data Using a Network Optimization Model
Categorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
Impact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
Climate Changes Impacts on Groundwater Recharge in the UAE
Risk Informed Decision-Making Framework for Operating Reservoirs Under Flooding Conditions: Accounting for Uncertainty and Risk
Smart Water Demand Forecasting: Learning from the Data
Water management simulationDynamic Scenarios and Water Management Simulations: Towards to an Integrated Spatial Analysis Approach in Water Urban Planning
Water MetabolismDevelopment of Decision Support Tool for Evaluation of Urban Water System Metabolism Efficiency
Water Network AnalysisComparison Between Calibration and Sensitivity Approach in Water Network Management in Emergency Conditions
water network partitioningResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
Water Network waterApplication of Intelligent Water Network in Water Resource Management: Framework And Case
water networksIdentifying Critical Components in Water Networks Using Time-Dependent Data
Optimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
water operation systemPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
water partitioningAn Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
water protectionAn Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
water qualityExtracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
Simulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
Comparison Between Diffusive and Advective Approach in Quality Analysis of a Real Distribution Network
Prediction of Water Quality Variation Affected by Tributary Inputs in large Rivers Using ANN Model
Emerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
Water Quality ControlModel Predictive Control of Salinity and Water Level in a Hypothetical Polder Ditch: Is it Possible to Use the Discretized Linearized Physical Equations for Optimization
Water quality modelingSerial Application of SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2 to Predict Water Quality Dynamics in the Basin and Lake of the Yongdam Dam, Korea to Analyze Climate Change Effects
Water Quantity ControlModel Predictive Control of Salinity and Water Level in a Hypothetical Polder Ditch: Is it Possible to Use the Discretized Linearized Physical Equations for Optimization
water reservoirFlood Control by Water Reservoir with Account of Runoff Forecast
Simulation of Possible Scenarios of Precipitations on River Basin of Water Reservoir with Considerate of Climatic Change.
Approach to Mitigation of Territory Inundation with Help of Flood Control by Small Water Reservoirs
water resource planningOptimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
water resourcesAssessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
Implications of Land Use Change on River Flow in South West England
Land Use/Land Cover Changes Monitoring and Analysis of Dubai Emirate, UAE Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
Water resources managementThe Nile System Dynamics Model for Water-Food-Energy Nexus Assessment
Water Resources Management PlanDecision Making Methods for Water Resources Planning in England and Wales
water retentionAssessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
Water reuse applicationsDevelopment and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
water savingModelling Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Reuse for Tank Size Optimizations
water scarcityDevelopment of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
water supplyReal-Time Measurement Fault Detection and Remote-Control in a Mountain Water Supply System
Impact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Development of a System Dynamics Computer Model for the Simulation of the Effects of an Alternate Water Source Development Project on the Water Supply Systems Management and Customer Satisfaction
water supply systemsInfluence of Climate Change on the Optimization of Water Supply Systems
Water tariffThe Water Tariff in a WDS Rehabilitation
Water treatment worksImproving Detection of Events at Water Treatment Works: A UK Case Study
water-energy nexusImpact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Water Energy Nexus in Urban Water Resources Allocation: A Case Study of Jinan City
Water-Food-Energy systemIntegrated Model for Water, Food, Energy and Human Development
Water-induced Soil erosionTemporal Variation in Water Induced Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model Using Remote Sensing and GIS
WaterNetGenWater Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
Watershed modelingUncertainty Analysis of Watershed-Based Flow and Water Quality Modelling with Different DEM Data Sources
waterway operationOn Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
Wave MeasurementsA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
wave paddleComparative Study on the Open Boundary Conditions of Shallow Flows
Wavelet CompressionAdaptive Multi-Scale Shallow Flow Model: a Wavelet-Based Formulation
wavelet transformDetection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
Variability of Rainfall in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil
WDS analysisAdvanced Loop-flow Method for Fast Hydraulic Simulations
WEAP-MABIAA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Web GISA Web-GIS Tool for Rainstorm Hazard Management Over Large Areas
Web ServicesIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
web technologyCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Web-Decision System Support (DSS)Towards a Web Decision System Support for Planning Micro-Watershed Using Pressure-State-Response and Logic Fuzzy, Study Case in Colombia
weirModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
Weir removalPhysical Habitat Simulation with ANFIS Method
Wetland IdentificationTopographic Analysis of Wetlandscapes: Fractal Dimension and Scaling Properties
Width variationMeandering Evolution and Width Variation, a Physics-Statistical Based Modeling Approach
wisdomEmerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
WWTPAdvanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
WWTPsFramework to Identify Optimal Configurations of (De)Centralised Wastewater Systems, in Abu Dis, West Bank
Xiamen IslandModeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
Xiuguluan RiverEnsemble Numerical Modeling Approach with Social Network Information to Optimize Flood Forecasting
Yangtze RiverInvestigating the Complexity of Runoff Series in the Yangtze River Using Sample Entropy
Yellow River basinSimulation of Water Cycle Changes in the Yellow River Basin under Changing Conditions
Z-R relationshipZ-R Law for Quantitative Rainfall Estimation Using a C-band Radar and a Network of Ground-Based Disdrometers
ΔQ methodAdvanced Loop-flow Method for Fast Hydraulic Simulations