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Integrating Learning Management Systems and Faculty Performance Evaluation for Continuous Program Assessment and Improvement

9 pagesPublished: May 15, 2022


The use of technology and learning management systems (LMS) has significantly advanced program assessment in higher education. Accreditors and researchers have affirmed that systematic approaches to program assessment are paramount for improving student learning and making strategic decisions in academic units. These structured approaches contribute to providing consistent and reliable data that can be used to make more informed decisions for planning and determining resource allocations. One of the challenges institutions face is creating a system that is adaptable and can be used across academic units and accrediting bodies. Another challenge is finding new ways to encourage or incentivize faculty to actively engage in assessment related activities. This study focusses on the development and implementation of an assessment framework for three construction related degree programs. The system was designed to be adaptable to accommodate the reporting needs of multiple accrediting bodies and to encourage faculty engagement in the process. The framework has been implemented and used in writing an accreditation self-study. The system has undergone a complete implementation cycle with most courses in the curriculum and this study can be viewed as ongoing in nature.

Keyphrases: accreditation, construction education, program assessment

In: Tom Leathem, Wes Collins and Anthony Perrenoud (editors). ASC2022. 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference, vol 3, pages 506-514.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Kelly Strong and Jacob Avila},
  title     = {Integrating Learning Management Systems and Faculty Performance Evaluation for Continuous Program Assessment and Improvement},
  booktitle = {ASC2022. 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference},
  editor    = {Tom Leathem and Wes Collins and Anthony Perrenoud},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Built Environment},
  volume    = {3},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2632-881X},
  url       = {/publications/paper/pNMS},
  doi       = {10.29007/bx43},
  pages     = {506-514},
  year      = {2022}}
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