VERIFY-2010: Editor's Preface

The VERIFY workshop series aims at bringing together people who are interested in the development of safety-critical and security-critical systems, in formal methods, in the development of automated theorem proving techniques, and in the development of tool support. Practical experiences gained in realistic verifications are of interest to the automated theorem proving community and new theorem proving techniques should be transferred into practice. The overall objective of the VERIFY workshops is to identify open problems and to discuss possible solutions under the theme ``What are the verification problems? What are the deduction techniques?''.

The 6th International Verification Workshop was held in connection with the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR) at the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC) in Edinburgh on July 20-21, 2010. This year 13 papers were submitted. Based on at least three reviews per submission, the program committee selected 8 regular papers and 2 discussion papers for presentation at the workshop. This volume contains these accepted papers as well as short abstracts for the keynote talks given by Veronique Cortier, Cliff Jones, and Andre Platzer.

We would like to thank several people who helped us in the organization of this workshop. First of all, many thanks to the members of the program committee and all reviewers for their support and productive collaboration. We are grateful to the organizers of FLoC-2010 and IJCAR-2010 for setting up the FLoC workshop environment, and to Andrei Voronkov for his conference tool EasyChair that simplified our organizational work a lot. Finally, we wish to sincerely thank Veronique Cortier, Cliff Jones, and Andre Platzer for their excellent keynote talks, all authors who submitted their work for consideration, and all participants at the workshop in Edinburgh.

Markus Aderhold
Serge Autexier
Heiko Mantel
July 2010