SCSS 2016: Keyword Index

alpha-equivalenceCritical Pair Analysis in Nominal Rewriting
arithmetizationFrom Tarski to Descartes: Formalization of the Arithmetization of Euclidean Geometry
automated reasoningDetermining automatically compass and straightedge unconstructibility in triangles
binding-time analysisAutomatic Staging via Partial Evaluation Techniques
bit-sizeBit-size reduction of triangular sets in two and three variables
Compass and straightedge constructionDetermining automatically compass and straightedge unconstructibility in triangles
completenessA rewrite-based computational model for functional logic programming
component-based software engineeringExpression Compatibility Problem
computational origamiA Mathematica module for Conformal Geometric Algebra and Origami Folding
confluenceCritical Pair Analysis in Nominal Rewriting
Conformal Geometric AlgebraA Mathematica module for Conformal Geometric Algebra and Origami Folding
congruence closureA Data Structure to Handle Large Sets of Equal Terms
CoqFrom Tarski to Descartes: Formalization of the Arithmetization of Euclidean Geometry
Verification of a brick Wang tiling algorithm
Towards Verified Construction for Planar Class of a Qualitative Spatial Representation
critical pairsCritical Pair Analysis in Nominal Rewriting
cross-stage persistenceAutomatic Staging via Partial Evaluation Techniques
data structureA Data Structure to Handle Large Sets of Equal Terms
decision procedureA Data Structure to Handle Large Sets of Equal Terms
delimited continuationsImplementing a stepper using delimited continuations
Expression Compatibility ProblemExpression Compatibility Problem
expression problemExpression Compatibility Problem
expression simplificationA Data Structure to Handle Large Sets of Equal Terms
formal semanticsExpression Compatibility Problem
formalizationFrom Tarski to Descartes: Formalization of the Arithmetization of Euclidean Geometry
formalized mathematicsCompass-free Navigation of Mazes
functional logic programmingA rewrite-based computational model for functional logic programming
geometryFrom Tarski to Descartes: Formalization of the Arithmetization of Euclidean Geometry
Compass-free Navigation of Mazes
interactive theorem provingCompass-free Navigation of Mazes
Lagrange interpolationBit-size reduction of triangular sets in two and three variables
lexicographic Groebner basesBit-size reduction of triangular sets in two and three variables
Lightweight Family PolymorphismExpression Compatibility Problem
MathematicaA Mathematica module for Conformal Geometric Algebra and Origami Folding
multiplicityBit-size reduction of triangular sets in two and three variables
narrowingA rewrite-based computational model for functional logic programming
network monitorsSpace Analysis of a Predicate Logic Fragment for the Specification of Stream Monitors
Nominal rewritingCritical Pair Analysis in Nominal Rewriting
partial evaluationAutomatic Staging via Partial Evaluation Techniques
planarityTowards Verified Construction for Planar Class of a Qualitative Spatial Representation
PLCATowards Verified Construction for Planar Class of a Qualitative Spatial Representation
predicate logicSpace Analysis of a Predicate Logic Fragment for the Specification of Stream Monitors
program verificationVerification of a brick Wang tiling algorithm
proof assistantTowards Verified Construction for Planar Class of a Qualitative Spatial Representation
qualitative spatial reasoningTowards Verified Construction for Planar Class of a Qualitative Spatial Representation
shift and resetImplementing a stepper using delimited continuations
soundnessA rewrite-based computational model for functional logic programming
space complexitySpace Analysis of a Predicate Logic Fragment for the Specification of Stream Monitors
stagingAutomatic Staging via Partial Evaluation Techniques
stepperImplementing a stepper using delimited continuations
strategiesA rewrite-based computational model for functional logic programming
symbolic computationDetermining automatically compass and straightedge unconstructibility in triangles
Tarski's system of geometryFrom Tarski to Descartes: Formalization of the Arithmetization of Euclidean Geometry
term equivalenceA Data Structure to Handle Large Sets of Equal Terms
theory of equalityA Data Structure to Handle Large Sets of Equal Terms
Triangular SetsBit-size reduction of triangular sets in two and three variables
Wang tilingVerification of a brick Wang tiling algorithm