PROOFS 2018: Editor's Preface

This volume contains the papers presented at PROOFS 2018, the 7th International Workshop on Security Proofs for Embedded Systems held on September 13, 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The goal of the PROOFS workshop is to promote methodologies that increase the confidence
in the security of embedded systems, especially those which contain cryptographic algorithms.
Formal methods allow to increase the trust level of digital systems. Some benefits are:

  • Specifications review and consistency checks during the modeling stage
  • Capturing and verifying security properties in early design phases
  • Non-regression testing during refinement and optimization
  • Better-than-worst-case performance by using provably effective security measures

The PROOFS workshop seeks contributions in both theory and practice of formal or semi-
formal methods applied to the security of embedded systems. In the scope of the workshop lie
also use-cases where a thorough formalization helps the design and verification engineers to gain
confidence in the implementation correctness of security mechanisms, as well as contributions
in the field of software and hardware verification.

We would like to thank the authors for their contributions, and the members of the program
committee and the additional reviewers for the time they invested in reviewing the submitted
papers.  We also thank the invited speakers, David Basin and Catuscia Palamidessi for their presentations.

Lejla Batina
Ulrich Kühne
Nele Mentens
September 5, 2018