LPAR 2024: Author Index

Akshay, S.Automated Synthesis of Decision Lists for Polynomial Specifications over Integers
Aleksandrova, KristinaProver9 Unleashed: Automated Configuration for Enhanced Proof Discovery
Baaz, MatthiasOn Translations of Epsilon Proofs to LK
Barenbaum, PabloHybrid Intersection Types for PCF
Barrett, ClarkVerifying SQL queries using theories of tables and relations
Baumgartner, PeterAutomated Theorem Provers Help Improve Large Language Model Reasoning
Biere, ArminCertifying Incremental SAT Solving
Blanqui, FrédéricTranslating HOL-Light proofs to Coq
Bonichon, RichardA Generic Deskolemization Strategy
Bromberger, MartinAutomatic Bit- and Memory-Precise Verification of eBPF Code
Brown, ChadExperiments with Choice in Dependently-Typed Higher-Order Logic
Brugger, Lea SalomeScaling CheckMate for Game-Theoretic Security
Cailler, JulieA Generic Deskolemization Strategy
Chakraborty, SupratikAutomated Synthesis of Decision Lists for Polynomial Specifications over Integers
Chimes, MarkTree-Verifiable Graph Grammars
Cruz-Filipe, LuísMinimizing Sorting Networks at the Sub-Comparator Level
Fazekas, KatalinCertifying Incremental SAT Solving
Fermüller, ChristianReasoning About Group Polarization: From Semantic Games to Sequent Systems
A Simple Token Game and its Logic
Fleury, MathiasCertifying Incremental SAT Solving
Freiman, RobertReasoning About Group Polarization: From Semantic Games to Sequent Systems
A Simple Token Game and its Logic
Georgiou, PaminaSaturating Sorting without Sorts
Gottlob, GeorgFuzzy Datalog∃ over Arbitrary t-Norms
Govind, R.Automated Synthesis of Decision Lists for Polynomial Specifications over Integers
Guerrieri, GiulioConfluence for Proof-Nets via Parallel Cut Elimination
Gurfinkel, ArieEfficient Simulation for Hardware Model Checking
Hajdu, MártonSaturating Sorting without Sorts
Rewriting and Inductive Reasoning
Hennicker, RolfSymbolic Realisation of Epistemic Processes
Hermant, OlivierA Generic Deskolemization Strategy
Hunter, AaronA Tool for Reasoning about Trust and Belief
Iglesias, AlbertoA Tool for Reasoning about Trust and Belief
Iosif, RaduTree-Verifiable Graph Grammars
Jakubuv, JanFirst Experiments with Neural cvc5
Prover9 Unleashed: Automated Configuration for Enhanced Proof Discovery
Janota, MikolasFirst Experiments with Neural cvc5
Kafshdar Goharshady, AmirAutomated Synthesis of Decision Lists for Polynomial Specifications over Integers
Kahramanogullari, OzanDeep Inference in Proof Search: The Need for Shallow Inference
Kaliszyk, CezaryExperiments with Choice in Dependently-Typed Higher-Order Logic
Prover9 Unleashed: Automated Configuration for Enhanced Proof Discovery
Kesner, DeliaHybrid Intersection Types for PCF
Knapp, AlexanderSymbolic Realisation of Epistemic Processes
Korovin, KonstantinVIRAS: Conflict-Driven Quantifier Elimination for Integer-Real Arithmetic
Kovács, LauraSaturating Sorting without Sorts
VIRAS: Conflict-Driven Quantifier Elimination for Integer-Real Arithmetic
Scaling CheckMate for Game-Theoretic Security
Rewriting and Inductive Reasoning
Lang, TimoA Simple Token Game and its Logic
Lanzinger, MatthiasFuzzy Datalog∃ over Arbitrary t-Norms
Leitsch, AlexanderHerbrand's Theorem in Inductive Proofs
Lolic, AnelaOn Translations of Epsilon Proofs to LK
Herbrand's Theorem in Inductive Proofs
Manara, GiuliaConfluence for Proof-Nets via Parallel Cut Elimination
McGinness, LachlanAutomated Theorem Provers Help Improve Large Language Model Reasoning
Milicich, MarianaHybrid Intersection Types for PCF
Miné, AntoineAutomatic Detection of Vulnerable Variables for CTL Properties of Programs
Mohamed, Mudathir Mahgoub YahiaVerifying SQL queries using theories of tables and relations
Motwani, Harshit JitendraAutomated Synthesis of Decision Lists for Polynomial Specifications over Integers
Moussaoui Remil, NaïmAutomatic Detection of Vulnerable Variables for CTL Properties of Programs
Olarte, CarlosReasoning About Group Polarization: From Semantic Games to Sequent Systems
Petković Komel, AnjaScaling CheckMate for Game-Theoretic Security
Piepenbrock, JelleFirst Experiments with Neural cvc5
Pimentel, ElaineReasoning About Group Polarization: From Semantic Games to Sequent Systems
Pollitt, FlorianCertifying Incremental SAT Solving
Rain, SophieScaling CheckMate for Game-Theoretic Security
Ranalter, DanielExperiments with Choice in Dependently-Typed Higher-Order Logic
Rawson, MichaelScaling CheckMate for Game-Theoretic Security
Rewriting and Inductive Reasoning
Reynolds, AndrewVerifying SQL queries using theories of tables and relations
Rosain, JohannA Generic Deskolemization Strategy
Schneider-Kamp, PeterMinimizing Sorting Networks at the Sub-Comparator Level
Schoisswohl, JohannesVIRAS: Conflict-Driven Quantifier Elimination for Integer-Real Arithmetic
Schwarz, SimonAutomatic Bit- and Memory-Precise Verification of eBPF Code
Sferrazza, StefanoFuzzy Datalog∃ over Arbitrary t-Norms
Subercaseaux, BernardoSometimes Hoarding is Harder than Cleaning: NP-hardness of Maximum Blocked-Clause Addition
Tafese, JosephEfficient Simulation for Hardware Model Checking
Tammet, TanelWaste Reduction: Experiments in Sharing Clauses between Runs of a Portfolio of Strategies (Experimental Paper)
Tinelli, CesareVerifying SQL queries using theories of tables and relations
Toledo, GuilhermeCombining Combination Properties: Minimal Models
Tortora de Falco, LorenzoConfluence for Proof-Nets via Parallel Cut Elimination
Urban, CaterinaAutomatic Detection of Vulnerable Variables for CTL Properties of Programs
Urban, JosefFirst Experiments with Neural cvc5
Varanasi, Sai TejaAutomated Synthesis of Decision Lists for Polynomial Specifications over Integers
Vaux Auclair, LionelConfluence for Proof-Nets via Parallel Cut Elimination
Wałęga, Przemysław AndrzejFuzzy Datalog∃ over Arbitrary t-Norms
Weidenbach, ChristophAutomatic Bit- and Memory-Precise Verification of eBPF Code
Wirsing, MartinSymbolic Realisation of Epistemic Processes
Zohar, YoniCombining Combination Properties: Minimal Models
Zuleger, FlorianTree-Verifiable Graph Grammars