LINC 2019: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. In the language component of International Studies BA programs, students do not attain proficiency levels high enough to enable them to develop their critical thinking skills in dealing with texts from the target culture(s). This is especially true for the so- called Less-Commonly Taught Languages. Designing the final course in the language sequence as a 'Language in Practice' course addresses this issue through Task-Based Language Teaching. Abandoning proficiency goal for higher performance goals, and focusing on only a subset of language modes of communication enables integrating critical thinking skills in specific relevant contexts. Maintaining only relevant aspects of Task-Based Language Teaching and allowing others to be carried out in English rather than the target language can preserve task authenticity, and allow for more in- depth development of critical thinking skills using texts from the target cultures.
Abstract. In the late 20th century, students learning English in India as a second language had a set of challenges. Classes had mixed ability groups, teaching was carried out in vernacular language and English was taught as a subject and not a skill. Students as well as teachers had few opportunities to learn or practice English.[1] In the 21st century, the challenges from the previous century continued. On the other hand, a new learner has also emerged: the Indian millennial whose access to tech and connectivity has increased along with her expectations from online products and offline services. Millennials of India want collaborative learning experiences and quick feedback, and have low tolerance for boredom. [2]
In this paper we explore two styles of English training for the millennial, online self- paced and blended (online + face-to-face) where the end-goals of both programs were to help students be an English-confident, job-ready graduate. We present quantitative data and qualitative feedback that shows the difference that the two programs had on the students. From this exploration, we list out a set of design principles for creating an effective English Training program for the Indian Millennial.
Abstract. The challenge of updating the existing curriculum to meet the requirements of blended, interactive and gamified approaches is complex. This article presents the design and results of the application of a gamified activity that was used to enrich a blended Philosophy course taught for two years and taken by more than 450 sophomore students in a large public university in Russia. The combination of social search with multilingual communication became an important educational experience for the participating students.
Abstract. Global attempts to renew scientific education aim to stop the decline of young people's interest in science and technology, and to promote the development of citizens' scientific literacy for sustainable development. Among other changes, these aims require the adaptation of K12 Biological Science Teacher’s training to meet the new objectives.
Scientific literacy involves knowing science and how knowledge is developed and validated, recognizing the interactions between science, technology and society, that is, the nature of science (NoS; a set of meta-scientific contents that encompass historical, epistemological and sociological aspects of science with great value for scientific education). It also involves grasping of cognitive skills underlying critical thinking (CT; a set of cognitive abilities, including self-regulation and metacognitive processes) and creative problem solving. Therefore, scientific literacy contributes to making informed decisions, facilitating the participation of citizens in situations and dilemmas of scientific tenor.
In addition, CT is closely related to the performance of educators in their professional work. Particularly, in the teaching of science, CT skills favour and enhance the learning of concepts and theories linked not only to science but also to the NoS.
Considering the current conditions of middle-higher K12 Biological Science Teachers’ formation and classrooms´ limitations in our country and the region, we propose a pilot project aiming to promote the transformation of initial teachers´ training, seeking to improve the development of CT skills and to deepen NoS comprehension. It will involve the immersion of K12 Biological Science Teacher students in Biological Science Living Physical and "mirror" Virtual Reality Laboratories. These laboratories will be equipped with "do it yourself" (DIY), "do it with others" (DIWO) and "bring your own device" (BYOD) technologies for the implementation of research-type activities framed in the philosophy of the "fabrication laboratories". The virtual platform will also comprise a library with didactic resources under permissive licenses to ensure a broader impact.
Within these environments, K12 Biological Science Teacher students will engage in the creation of didactic units involving problem solving and knowledge building in parallel to deeper understanding of scientific processes. We also hope to promote the creativity and innovation of the participants, and the appropriation of DIY/DIWO/BYOD and virtual reality technologies as educational resources in the classroom and everyday life.
Thanks to the virtual environment, this approach would also allow to reach both National and International K12 Biological Science Teacher students and graduate Biological Science Teachers. Considering the universal access to the Internet and free access to educational platforms in several countries, we also hope to impact on the non-formal and informal Biological Science education and contribute to achieving quality education for all (Objective # 4 of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030, UNESCO) beyond geographical and cultural barriers.
This pilot project will be implemented by an interinstitutional, multidisciplinary and international team. It will capitalize on confluent groups´ previous experience and complementary strengths in Science didactics (particularly biology), engineering, arts, virtual reality, fabrication, as well as open hardware and open software culture.
The experimental approach corresponds to a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with control groups, and formative and summative evaluation.
As a result of the implementation of this educational innovation we expect to contribute to the improvement of Biological Science Teachers students´ CT skills and promote their active involvement in practical activities that should enhance their professional activity.
Abstract. This paper aims to design three online and classroom programs which focus on deep
learning of high school mathematics and physics subjects, with the foundation of three
levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy: understand, analyze and create. A design of learning
tasks and scaffolding for classroom and online in-depth learning support that targets
deep understanding as the first program and a design of thinking tasks and scaffolding
for classroom and online problem-solving support system that targets at analysis and
applications as the second program as well as the third program that designs action
tasks and scaffolding aiming at knowledge innovation. Experienced teachers,
technology experts, and pedagogue
work together striving to help learners deepening self-learning and cooperative learning, encouraging motivation and improving system thinking ability. With on-going experiment in schools, the comparison data of experimental class and control classes on average scores and number of top-ranking students of midterm and final exam have shown the improvements in students’ deep
Abstract. This paper presents and discusses the use of simulation-based customizable online learning activities, virtual laboratories, and comprehensive e-Learning environments for teaching subjects such as materials science, chemistry, and biomanufacturing. The virtual equipment and lab assignments have been used for: (i) authentic online experimentation, (ii) homework and control assignments with traditional and blended courses, (iii) preparing students for hands-on work in real labs, (iv) lecture demonstrations, and (v) performance-based assessment of students’ ability to apply gained theoretical knowledge for operating actual equipment and solving practical problems. Using the associated learning and content management system (LCMS) and authoring tools, instructors kept track of student performance and designed new virtual experiments and more personalized learning assignments for students. Virtual X-Ray Laboratory and Web-based Environment for Single-Use Upstream Bioprocessing have been used to illustrate the implementation of the concept of Interactive and Adjustable Cloud-based e-Learning Tools. The virtual labs and e-learning environments have been used at two-year and four-year colleges and universities in the USA, UK, Tanzania and some other countries. The virtual X-Ray lab has also been integrated with the MITx course delivered via the MOOC (massive open online course) edX platform for Massachusetts Institute of Technology undergraduate students.
Abstract. This paper presents the activity-based reconfigurable learning and training environment build around a “Virtual Energy Efficient House” (v-EEHouse). It provides an interactive context for cross-disciplinary learning and teaching a wide spectrum of STEM topics related to solar energy, energy efficiency, and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The target audience includes K-12 and higher education students and faculty, and general public. It can also be employed for the professional training of employees of utility industry and IoT service providers.
v-EEHouse enables users to explore energy consumption by major home systems and appliances, get familiar with the IoT technology and the domestic use of renewable energy sources, and adapt an energy-responsible behavior. The v-EEHouse and its individual components can be integrated with online courses including these delivered via the MOOC platforms including edX.
Application of the environment in different countries (USA, UK, Ghana, and Tanzania), at diverse educational levels and in various settings, as well as students and instructors’ feedback is discussed.
Abstract. Early childhood enrichment opportunities have been shown to shape Executive Functions (EFs), which in turn play a critical role in the development of academic skills, including school readiness and future educational achievement and mobility. We partnered with We Love Reading, a Jordan-based organization designed to promote reading for pleasure among children, in order to examine the impact of the WLR read-aloud method on executive functions in children. Children completed a battery of executive functions tasks and parents filled out behavioral and demographic assessments of their children. Over a six month interval with the WLR program, we found that the number of books in the home and the number of children that considered reading as a hobby had increased. Changes in reading in the home from baseline to post-WLR also predicted larger improvements in executive functions, and particularly for younger children and for families who reported lower family income.
Abstract. The Learning Network Program is an initiative and an online collaborative methodology which can be applied to all age ranges, with students from the beginner level up to university students. It is an interschool project promoted by the Brazilian NGO Instituto Crescer since 2010, and it is been promoting interaction between schools from different parts of the world. Teachers, together with their students, work on a topic proposed by Instituto Crescer, relative to the environment, historical memory, citizenship or culture of the region where the school is located. The whole process is documented in a virtual community, such as Facebook, by the teachers themselves, who also have the objective of sharing the work of the other schools with their students. At one point of the project, students have a video conference call to exchange impressions and experiences about the work they did. Students not only become familiar with other cultures, but also begin to gain deeper knowledge about their own reality.
Abstract. Purpose of the study, was to compare effectiveness of the physical modeling and computer animation implemented with social constructivist and traditionally designed instruction on 10th grade students’ understanding of human reproductive system, motivation to- wards learning biology and types of achievement goal orientation. Design of the study was quasi-experimental with 125 students from six intact classes in a private high school in Ankara. Three groups for both experimental and controlled groups were randomly as- signed. Students in experimental and control group were exposed to computer animation and physical modeling implemented with social constructivist instruction and traditionally designed biology instruction with respectively.
Results of MANOVA indicated that experimental group showed significantly better acquisition of the scientific concepts and higher motivation towards biology learning than traditionally designed biology instruction. Analysis of ANCOVA showed that students in control group had significantly higher tendency to have performance approach and performance avoidance goals. In contrary there is no significant difference in between two groups related with mastery approach and mastery avoidance goals.
Abstract. The OECD suggests that young people, ages 18-25, will be the hardest hit by the future of work. As entry-level positions are more likely to involve routine tasks with low skill requirements, this group will be most at risk for disruptions or transitions partially because lack of social capital and exposure to careers prevent them from finding the necessary support to transfer their skills to a new environment (OECD, 2018). As society faces an uncertain and changing future of work, workforce development needs a new paradigm; one founded in leveraging the learning sciences and human-centered technology design to drive inclusion.
A preliminary trial of a web-based skills visualization tool with the LA Chamber of Commerce suggests that when participants in their workforce development program created their skills visualization map using the tool, the quantity, and quality of skills used to self-describe increased. Further, the number of participants recommended for an internship also increased. These early results indicate that using a skills visualization map may promote self-explanation, and allow participants to construct a better understanding of how to transfer their skills to a new environment. This approach was used to address the core learning problem of self-explanation, as studies have shown that self-explanation and visualizations are powerful strategies to learn more deeply (Schwartz et al., 2016).
Abstract. India as an emerging economy deals with troubles in literacy due to factors like shortage of quality academic institutions and unsuitable curriculum. Digital Technology is accredited as something which can bridge the gap between quality institutions and individuals and make learning more engaging.
Indian Government has made use of technology in the best possible way and launched Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA)‡ under its Digital India initiative. It has been initiated to make at least one individual from each household digitally literate so that they develop the skills which will be needed to link with the rapidly growing digital world. This scheme aims to target the rural population including the disparaged sections of society like minorities, Below Poverty Line (BPL), women and differently-abled people.
The use of technology in education has transmuted the whole system of education. This paper is aimed at exploring the changing state of literacy in India after introducing PMGDISHA.

* Prime Minister Rural Digital Literacy Mission
Abstract. This study explores experiences in the use of mobile learning (mLearning) to train Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in Kenya. It is drawn form a PhD research on mLearning adoption among CHVs enrolled on the mHealth platform. The study population was 3081 CHVs enrolled on the project. A sample of 354 participants was obtained for the survey. Questionnaires, key informant interviews and focus group discussions were triangulated during data collection. The findings show that mLearning was adopted across divergent learner characteristics. Further, mLearning presented opportunities such as a collaborative learning environment, accessibility, portability, and simplicity. The challenges included a limited depth of content, limited storage and battery life. This study concludes that mLearning can be used among diverse learners as long as effective support services are provided. The study recommends design of learner friendly mLearning platforms to enhance adoption. The study also recommends that mLearning is best situated in blended learning environments in order overcome some of the challenges experienced when mLearning is the only mode of delivery.
Abstract. Project Accelerate is a National Science Foundation funded program providing access to a rigorous introductory college level College Board Advanced Placement physics course to students attending high schools where this opportunity is not part of the regular high school program of study. High schools in the United States not offering this opportunity in general are either small rural schools or high schools in districts serving a larger than average proportion of economically disadvantaged families. Students in Project Accelerate do as well on the AP exam as their peer groups enrolled in traditional AP® Physics 1 classrooms. In addition, students in Project Accelerate show a marked increase in interest in pursuing post high school academic programs in science.
Abstract. The traditional educational model was designed in the industrial age of the 20th century. That model is outdated for various reasons. This paper is introducing a case study of a project, "The S-Cool Days Program," which applies new routines to reframe those aspects. The introduction of the Program does not require significant changes in the curriculum, can be realized in Art and Music classes, or as a homeroom activity in advisory class.
The Program was implemented in Europe, in two countries, in 3 different school types, one American School, a School Start-up and a traditional public school. The activities are introduced by creative art and craft sessions, are engaging enough to invite students to present their passion projects in the classroom, to take the first steps towards purpose-driven learning, learn how to focus on monitoring and expressing of emotions, among other things.
The goal is to have some school habits reframed, that results in mindset change. New values are introduced and through them, the class is transformed into a comfort zone for students to envision and follow their dreams. The expected changes can be realized by easy-to-do new routines, which maintain the newly introduced behaviors. The Program supports the 4C's; the 21st-century skills education is supposed to focus on: the creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.
As visualized on social maps, the research realized before and after the Project shows changes in the social relations of the participating classes after the new routines were introduced. New mutual common choices were emerging in all participating grades, classes. The paper shares insights from participating teachers, how they felt in and after the Program, what changes did they identify in the classroom.
Abstract. This paper presents an analysis of the engagement of learners in the Arab World with Edraak, a regional online learning platform, between 2015 and 2018. Our analysis investigates the changes in demographic characteristics of registration and engagement with online courses across the 4-year period. We also investigate correlations at the country level between engagement with online learning on Edraak and several human and technology development indices of the countries. The results show gradual but substantial shifts in demographic characteristics of engagement over the 4 year period, including noticeable drops in average registrant age and a shrinkage of the gender gaps in registration. The correlations of registration and engagement with human and technology development indices show that gender gaps in 2015 were positively correlated with the Arab countries’ gender inequality indices (GII), and that the shrinkage in gender gaps over the 4 years is negatively correlated with the GII. Our results also show that penetration of online learning is negatively correlated with the countries’ Information and Communication Technology (ICT) indices, but positively correlated with the digital skills ICT sub-index. We point out possible explanations for these correlations that could be further researched in the future to inform policy makers on how certain development conditions can promote or restrain the adoption of online learning at a national level.
Abstract. STEAM Unit I Challenge - How do we break through limitations created by war?
Although this was the guiding question for our STEAM Innovation Program 2018 first Trimester unit, the real question became “How can you engage learners and compete with the reality of their lives outside of school?” The reference here is not the typical high school experience of competing with social media or the extensive time requirements of intense sports. At Greater Lawrence Technical School, the reality of our students' and families’ lives is never simple, but became increasingly difficult after the tragedy of the gas explosions in Lawrence, North Andover, Andover - 3 of our 4 sending communities. The area most seriously affected was Lawrence, which encompasses 80% of our student population. Families all throughout Lawrence were removed from their homes, many displaced for months. In this backdrop of personal uncertainty, our program began a transdisciplinary bioreactor project to make medication for Syrians. Students designed their own bioreactors from items that could be found in war-torn Syria (e.g. from bombed hospitals or factories in Damascus). Although Greater Lawrence students continued to struggle with needs for heat and hot water for months, it was this intimate knowledge of hardship that bridged these two worlds - Syria and Lawrence, MA - and the parallel experiences made the learning significant. The success of our Exhibition of Leaning from this unit underscored the importance of engaging students regardless of persisting outside hardship and connecting project-based learning to something within the context of our students lives. The experience that the students themselves lived through during our bioreactor project demanded a rewording of our unit challenge to the following:
- “How do we innovate, adapt, and change to counteract limitations?”
Abstract. Technology surrounds us everywhere, every moment. It seems almost impossible to imagine our life without technology, but in fact there are places and people who have little in the way of technological resources. This is the case for 47 underprivileged young learners (third graders) in the city of Elbasan, Albania. These third graders are part of a project which aims at enhancing their English with the aid of 12 pre-service teachers of English, through fun activities, games and use of technology. In a time when technology has become a common educational tool in many developed countries, these third graders have very limited technology access both at home and at schools. They live in the “Global Village” and should be well prepared to participate in it. For this reason, the project is trying to give these students as much access to technology in the classroom as possible to make learning English fun, and at the same time researching how would the use of technology influence their learning. This paper tries to answer the following research questions: 1. How does the use of technology influence the English language learning? 2. What are some of the challenges that pre-service teachers face while teaching in a low tech class? To answer these research questions observation and interviews were conducted. The observations were carried out from November 2018- January 2019 and the interviews in January 2019. The results indicate that third graders are more enthusiastic and engaged in learning during classes when the activities include the use of technology. The pre-service teachers faced various challenges when using technology in class such as the lack of tech equipment, not being able to observe many activities which integrate technology in class and the lack of experience of employing tech equipment. When available both third graders and pre-service teachers embraced the use of technology as a tool to make teaching and learning English fun and inclusive.
Abstract. This study investigates the impact of education on twenty internally displaced out- of-school children over a period of nine months in a rural area of Pakistan. Two focus areas of the study were to observe (1) Change in participants’ perception towards education, and; (2) Skill development of participants. Internally displaced children were enrolled in a local school and their performance was measured against non- displaced students attending regular school. An educational strategy developed by UNICEF specifically for IDPs was used to structure the study along with a hybrid learning framework to measure children’s performance in three knowledge areas: foundational, meta and humanistic skills. The overall findings suggested that after eight months, the children had an increased interest towards learning; their parents were more supportive of their children’s education and the children learnt life skills to financially help their families while continuing school.
Abstract. This paper presents an ongoing work to involve Peruvian high school students in scientific research, engineering design, and mathematical modeling. It describes extracurricular workshops and classroom sessions to discover natural laws and solve real problems in local communities. The emphasis is on teaching and learning electrical engineering and computer science with an integrated approach to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The paper also introduces a project- based and inquiry-based curriculum for high school, and GRISEL, a tool for virtual experiments with electronic design and computer programming.
Abstract. In this quasi-experimental longitudinal mixed-methods study we examined the link between coaching, self-efficacy and the employability efforts of students from a widening participation university (a university which aims to offer education to students regardless of their socioeconomic status, income, age, disability or ethnicity) in the United Kingdom. We investigated effectiveness of coaching used as an employability-enhancing tool.
We also examined what aspects of coaching relationship are most effective in changing students’ career self-efficacy beliefs, outcome expectations and employability efforts.The study also explored the impact of gender, ethnicity, perceived social support, socioeconomic status, cultural influences and gender role models on students’ self- efficacy beliefs, outcome expectations and their employability efforts.
We analyzed the above factors in the context of the changing role of Higher Education. Our study explored a need for the widening participation universities in the United Kingdom to address the issues of gender, ethnicity, perceived social support, socioeconomic status, cultural influences and gender role models in their employability strategy.
We used Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) as the main theoretical framework as SCCT recognizes the links between psychological and social effects of gender and ethnicity, the social-cultural environment and career opportunity structures. We positioned coaching as a learning experience within the SCCT framework.
Abstract. In our increasingly data-driven society, it is critical for high school students to learn to integrate computational thinking with other disciplines in solving real world problems. To address this need for the life sciences in particular, we have developed the Bio-CS Bridge, a modular computational system coupled with curriculum integrating biology and computer science. Our transdisciplinary team comprises university and high school faculty and students with expertise in biology, computer
science, and education.
Our approach engages students and teachers in scientific practices using biological data that they can collect themselves, and computational tools that they help to design and implement, to address the real-world problem of
pollinator decline.
Our modular approach to high school curriculum design provides
teachers with the educational flexibility to address national and statewide biology and computer science standards for a wide range of learner types. We are using a teacher- leader model to disseminate the Bio-CS Bridge, whose components will be freely
available online.
Abstract. Progracademy (PRG) is a program that seeks to make universal the development of 21st-century competencies (6Cs) -with emphasis on computational ones, in underprivileged pK-12 students of developing countries. PRG proposes a self- sustaining crowdsourcing solution applied to education, with the two key innovative components: i) extra-supported online Computer Science courses (MaxiMOOCs on Collaborative Programming) for pK-12 students who work in teams during school time (PRG Lab) and/or after school (PRG Club), and ii) an online platform that empowers and coordinates online volunteers, teachers, and parents in order to support students. PRG is a solution for underprivileged schools’ severe limitations of resources and institutional capacity to develop 6Cs in students. PRG’s seeks a quadruple social impact at scale and cost-effectively: i) achieve students’ 6Cs educational objectives, ii) build capacity in the schools’ teachers and administrators to educate in 6Cs, iii) develop 6Cs in the volunteers that support the students, and iv) mobilize sustainable support from the for-profit sector and civil society to the public education system. After a successful pilot in a Venezuelan school belonging to the largest educational NGO in Latin America –Fe y Alegria, PRG is now being piloted in Ecuador in two schools from the same NGO.
Abstract. The Latin American educational context contains particular features (aspects) that make the Learning - Teaching in higher education process a real challenge for the professor, the student and for the institution that makes it necessary to design a model based on four relevant lines of work. Leadership, technology, research and projects.
Lines of work that influence the gap between the expectations and needs of the community with respect to teacher productivity and competitiveness. For this reason we propose a model appropriate to the context that seeks to work in conjunction with networks and communities of professionals of the Ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in addition to the main actors of educational institutions.
The model aims to achieve in educational institutions a worldwide competitive level, which allows to face the new challenges of the 4th industrial revolution that were set in the World Economic Forum in 2018. Forming competitive professionals and prepared for these new challenges with international validations of their skills, which allow us to meet the commitments and expectations with society to be generators of research, innovation and development that contributes to the growth and improvement of our communities.
Abstract. Education delivery and design is being continuously recast by application of learning technology. Several web-based learning applications are contributing to accessibility, enabling differentiated learning needs at scale. No doubt this is an important first step towards education for all, however since learning is a complex socio-psychological experience, are current EdTech products simply replicating traditional teaching? This paper presents a Learning Science (LS) perspective on EdTech solutions emerging in India, aimed at examining their pedagogical efficacy and proposing recommendations for greater cognitive engagement. Results reveal that while teacher centred approaches are visible in the Indian EdTech products, designing products aimed at constructive and interactive learner tasks will likely pave the way for higher learning gains.
Abstract. In view of the growing urgency to protect wildlife, the general goal of our research is to develop an immersive virtual experience where users can step into the ‘shoes’ of wild animals. The specific objective of this research is to explore the possibility of creating a strong emotional connection experience with a virtual animal body. In a game setting, users explore a simulated natural habitat of the animal. At the end of the game, users experience a distress event during which they become the target of an illegal animal hunter. The users receive physical feedback through haptic virtual reality suits (vibrating motors) that mimic the sensation of feeling pain of a hunter's shot. We compare the perceived pain, empathy, immersion, and embodiment experience evoked through a game character with a natural body (beaver), with an artificial body (robot beaver), and an amorphous body. The results of this investigation show a significant effect of game character appearance and perceived pain during the distress event. Moreover, we find a significant effect of game character appearance on immersion. These results suggest that the design of the game character appearance can influence users’ emotional connectedness to the character and the game experience.
Abstract. This paper explores a case study of how educators reach out to and edify individuals behind barriers to educational opportunities. The scope of this paper does not address all barriers to education, but researches three: distance as a barrier that keeps a student physically distanced from the classroom, time as a barrier that forces communication to be asynchronous, and extendibility as a barrier that begs the question, “Can a teacher’s influence be satisfactorily extended through the barriers of distance and time?” Edifying, within this interpretive frame, is defined as inviting the alma mater presence, guiding the learning experience, and revealing the previously out of reach or concealed context to the learner. Through an examination of artifacts and conducting of interviews, five themes describe how one organization successfully reaches out to and edifies learners behind the barriers of distance, time, and extendibility. These themes are the significance of feedback, overcoming the burden of asynchronicity, genuine concern for the student, true to brand, and cost consciousness.
Abstract. As interactive whiteboard (IWB) becomes more popular, teacher educators and students are expected to teach and learn using interactive whiteboard: This study was conducted at the Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo during first semester of 2017/2018 academic session in order to determine the effects of IWB on the academic performance of the deaf and hard of learning students who attended “Educational Technology: Theory and Practice” course. The finding gained in this research showed that a significant difference in favour of the IWB class versus the conventional class in the posttest. In the IWB class, IWB system was used. Therefore, it was seen that the use of IWB system increased the student achievement effectively.
Abstract. Uncertainty is a keyword whenever the future is described. As educators, we must contribute to promote a feeling of ease among our youth in an uncertain world. Our students must be able to discover problems and face those that are ill-defined, to build innovative solutions, to analyze situations using non- traditional viewpoints and to happily and effectively respond to changing constraints. This work presents the curricular redesign process of Mexico's national university virtual high school. The program is aimed at building the fundamental cultural basis that is expected from this educational level. We expect its contents, structure and learning activities to constitute a two-year training for students to feel comfortable and be productive while facing uncertain environments. The redesign process involved a diagnosis, the definition of its design constraints and general structure, and the development of an educational social network to socialize and improve the syllabi, as well as an intelligent tutoring system that will support teachers’ work.
Abstract. This paper will provide details of implementing the Kakuma Project in different schools in Argentina. The Kakuma Project offers free education to African refugees via Skype. Students from Argentina communicated online with students in a refugee camp in Kenya. Argentine and African students are the center of the learning process by creating content and interacting with each other. The author of this paper has been selected as a Kakuma Project Ambassador in 2016. The objective of this paper is to describe the process of implementing a global student-centered collaborative project called Kakuma Project using technology to enhance the learning process.
Abstract. It is now well established that the negative emotions the child experiences for not understanding a mathematical topic mark their emotional memory associated with that topic. We’ve been investigating which tangible and accessible tools prevent the development of a pathological allergy to a fundamental concept as it is the Cartesian space, seeking for kid-friendly gates to the subject. When fear and pain for not understanding traces an escape pattern from this topic at a young age the child’s ability to relate to all its didactic applications can be seriously jeopardized, marking (when not identified) the school career and sub-sequent attitudes towards all the fields of theoretical and practical application of it.

The elementary approach in explaining the Cartesian space principles to the children remains mainly linked to traditional visualization models of three-dimensional images on two-dimensional space, e.g., paper, blackboard, and screens. Only recently, augmented reality has been used as a teaching aid for visualizing objects in the actual three-dimensional space. Those systems are suitable for children naturally predisposed to mathematical and/or visual-cognitive intelligence, who are not suffering from any visual impairment. This is a non-inclusive system of access to understanding such fundamental topic as the Cartesian space. Topic which is later essential to an extended comprehension of geometry, mathematics, representation of objects, and concepts. The aim of the research was to find and test a support system to complement the standard two-dimensional and visual-only approach and to guarantee a complete and consistent sensorial experience of the definition of the Cartesian space through physical, material, and modular forms. We sought to create a bond between the concept and its real representation. This system should be extended to different ages of development and types of intelligence and backgrounds, transversal to environments and contexts of usage (family/school), also for visually impaired children. The developed tools pro-vide the child an early and positive emotional bond, prior to any traditional scholastic approach, with the fundamental principles of the Cartesian space through methods such as free play, trial and error, experimentation and share of the emotions while engaging in cooperative activities.
Abstract. This research aims to identify the role of interactive quality to assess the Scandinavian students’ perceived learning from the digital learning environment. The quantitative research methodology is used by utilizing the questionnaire as a survey tool by targeting the Scandinavian students who are using digital learning environment. The findings show that socialability based interactivity significantly influence the students’ learning. The future directions and contributions are discussed in the concluding section.
Abstract. Although universities and their faculty design courses for periodic learning, the “new learning society,” an increasingly diverse, mobile population is inexorably shifting to a model of continuous, self-directed, lifelong learning. Hence, the effective instructional practices that emerge through the role of the MOOC instructor have lasting value, whether the trend of MOOCs endures, or not. Understanding faculty experiences can inform online teaching as well as facilitate the success of MOOCs and other online offerings within and beyond the university. It can also help both faculty and learners thrive in a new learning society. As part of a larger study, this paper reports on the impact of online teaching on instructors’ pedagogical approaches. A key finding is that instructors improved their residential teaching by incorporating MOOC material into their courses; online format also forced instructors to think of both their subject matter and the presentation of their content in better and more inclusive ways.