ICRISET2017: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. As the significance of open transportation framework expands a programmed license plate recognition (ALPR) has ended up being a critical examination issue. It is getting to be hard to monitor every vehicle for motivation behind law implementation and movement administration. ALPR prepared in numerous wise observation frameworks like, traffic management, security administration, programmed toll gathering framework and so forth. A number of methods have been proposed for license plate detection, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. The basic step in ALPR is accurate localization of number plate, segmentation, recognition. Algorithm for Automatic License Plate Recognition system have been developed for college premises successfully for image and video data. GMM based algorithm was carried out for extraction of license plates from video data by integrating the different controlling parameters. License plates are detected from a video frame effectively by using Harris corner detector. Segmentation results achieved was good by utilizing integrated approach of controlling parameters. Artificial neural network (ANN) had used for the recognition purpose and accuracy achieved was high, also data logging had been implemented successfully for future purpose.
Abstract. Power quality at the source side deteriorates due to current harmonics which are introduced in the power system by non-linear loads, originating a vital difficulty. Rectifiers, variable speed drive, switched mode power supply, etc. types of non-linear loads create such harmonics. Con- ventional technique to eliminate such harmonics is use of passive filters but this technique has the disadvantage of series and parallel resonance within the network impedance, overcompen- sation of reactive power at fundamental frequency and poor flexibility. Shunt Active Harmonic Filters (SAHF) are generally used to reduce current harmonics. The active harmonic filters introduce remunerating currents into the source to neutralize the harmonics possessed by the load current. The compensating currents will be derived by sensing three-phase voltages at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) and load currents. Efforts are made in this study to ana- lyze Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm, Instantaneous Reactive Power (IRP) technique, and Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) technique used to derive the reference compensating currents. These compensating currents act as reference currents for the fixed switching based current controllers which generate control signals for the SAHF employing three-level T-type Neutral Point Clamped (TNPC) topology of converter.
Abstract. Quantization is basically the method of mapping a big set of input values to a smaller set, widely utilized in almost all the digital signal processing as it represents the signal in digital form. Aspect of data compression or coding is to shrink the number of bits necessary to deliver analog data, dependent on a distortion or fidelity conditions. In a wired communications very large bandwidth (range of frequency) are obtainable due to enormous bandwidth availability of optical fiber cables, while in a wireless communications range of frequency spectrum availability is a significant matters and service provider are continuously in penetrating of coder for obliging more consumers within a limited allocated spectrum. To achieve high speech quality at a lower bit rate coding algorithms plays a vital role to remove irrelevant information (redundancy) from speech signal. Good-looking progress have been made during last decades in code the speech signal with high quality at low bit rate for next generation wireless communication. This 1paper provides the fundamentals of scalar & vector quantizers applied for analysis and synthesis of speech signal. This paper also includes the review regarding the various types of coders utilized in next generation wireless communication as well as current capability in research direction in speech coding techniques.
Abstract. Solar based electronic fences use the principle of converting solar energy into electrical energy and giving electronic shock while touching the fences. Electronic fences are used at many places such as forest area, farm, government area etc. to protect them against animals and thefts. It consists of small components which used to convert solar energy to electrical and further will convert DC voltage to AC voltage and provide shock to the person who is touching the fences. The solar energy is converted to the electrical energy which is in the form of unregulated DC voltage. This unregulated DC voltage is converted to the regulated DC voltage and further converted to the AC voltage using inverter. This inverted high AC voltage and small current helps to give short but sharp shock so animals and thefts stay away from that area. The change in current is sensed and gives alert to the owner. Owner will know who is entering in the farm by the device IR sensor which senses the entry of the person.
Abstract. Lapping is a crucial surface super finishing technology which includes rubbing of flat surfaces by introduction of abrasive slurry between them performed either by hand reciprocating movement or assisted by machine. Graphite, being commonly used material as base for precision measuring instruments is selected for experimentation and hence required high level of accuracy. By making slight modifications in the conventional lapping process, enhanced level of resulting surface finish can be achieved. In the current experiment, static pressure plate is replaced by vibratory mechanism. Analysis of variance has been carried out to identify the most influencing input parameter on the response parameters by performing series of experiments.
Abstract. This paper presents system development for the detection of earth resources such as a water, vegetation and land for the satellite application. Satellite imaging sensors generate mass volume of data at very high speeds. On the other hand, storage capacity and communication bandwidth are crucial parameters for satellite resources. Here we have proposed the system that can be used on board to extract relative information from the image and can send out the required (obtained) results to the ground system (Result of pixel information whether it contains water/vegetation/land). The system can be used for the saving of on board satellite resources such as memory storage, power and communication bandwidth. The detection of earth resources are based on their reflectance value. For the analysis of proposed detection algorithm LabVIEW based simulation has been carried out for the detection of Land, Water and vegetation from their reflectance value. Same algorithm has implemented in FPGA for the real time implementation using SPARTAN XC3S500e-4vq100 FPGA board. The results are accurate and matched with the simulation results performed in LabVIEW.
Abstract. Massive MIMO system has been designed to enhance the capacity, data rate, spectral efficiency and maximal energy efficiency as well as system sensitivity towards propagation environment which meets demand of future wireless communication. Using an asymptotic argument of random matrix theory, linear signal processing can be used to achieve the optimal performance of the massive MIMO. So what are the optimal numbers of antennas, actives users, and power transmitted in system? Is the one fundamental question needed to be answered? In this work we described the effect of these parameters using Ergodic achievable rate and energy efficiency by applying linear signal processing; particularly we have used zero-forcing (ZF), and maximum ratio combining or maximum transmission (MRC/MRT) algorithms. We also used minimum mean square error (MMSE) to estimate the CSI. In the context the major problem that encounters the implementation of massive MIMO multi-cell time division duplexing (TDD) network system is called pilot contamination due to limitations of coherence time. In this paper, massive MIMO along with linear precoding algorithms and pilot contamination are described and also included source and possible solutions of this problem and we found that, contrary to MRC/MRT algorithms, ZF can be used to get an optimal performance of massive when the K is equal to or less than BS antennas.
Abstract. To safely hold an unidentified object by means of an intelligent hand of robot, the hand has to recognize the weight of it. By attaching six-axis Force/Torque (F/T or Force/Moment) sensor to an intelligent robot’s hand the weight can be calculated by measuring forces Fx, Fy and Fz. Forces should be measured in order to precisely pull and push an object. To securely grasp an unidentified object with an intelligent robot’s gripper, the forces in the gripping direction and in the gravitational direction needs to be detected, but it also requires to perceive the moments to accurately recognize the position of the object in the grippers. A robot joint can be controlled in better way if three forces and three moments exerted at the joint are measured. The available Force/Torque sensors are bulky, not customized and costly. Therefore, it is essential to customize and develop low cost six axis Force/Torque sensor with new appropriate dimensions for an intelligent robot’s joints. Six axis Force/Torque sensor is designed using strain gauge. The strain gauges are selected for Aluminium and its working conditions. The sensor design is based on results of parametric analysis done in ANSYS software to obtain the strain values in the measurable range. The analytical results are compared with Finite Element Analysis (ANSYS) results. The percentage error in deviation is 0.75% maximum.
Abstract. Recently in a competitive manufacturing sector, lead time is the most important factor in order to compete in the market. This leads every manufacturer to decrease production time and increase quality of the product. Due to improper work cycle delay of a product occurs. The major changes required are operation sequence, flow of material in the workshop, work cycle, etc. In this paper, the authors have delved into the causes of excessive lead time and suggest practical inexpensive strategies for reducing it. Recommendations are based on detailed study of manufacturing facility and processes for a time period of 6 months in the industry. After describing the relationship between lead time, material flow time and variance and reviewing potential methods for reducing lead time by reducing mean flow time of material and operation time of an automated gas fired kit fitting box (hereafter termed as “box”). The aim of this paper is also to demonstrate the use of QC tools and Kaizen in the industry as to tool for improvement in manufacturing sector especially in small to medium scale industries.
Abstract. This paper presents the modeling and analysis of core loss and winding loss in a power transformer. 2-D FEM and 3-D FEM are used for the accurate calculation of flux density distribution and total core and winding loss of a three phase 15 MVA, 66/11 KV power transformer. Finite element method (FEM) is a very powerful tool for transformer design and analysis; it takes into account the non-linear behavior of the core. Also the comparison of 2-D FEM and 3-D FEM is shown. The results of the proposed numerical method are compared with the experimental results (performed at Atlanta Electricals Pvt. Ltd.).
Abstract. For identification of fault in time, with effectiveness and also to isolate the faulted part from the system to keep away from probable outages in a power system, the precise coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays (DOCRs) is required. The coordination of DOCRs is assessed as optimization problem with containing complex nonlinear constraints. In this paper, several nature inspired AI techniques are implemented for the optimum solution of DOCR coordination problem. Fine tuning of presented AI algorithm is done to get the optimum possible results. Also the obtained results using the proposed methods are hybridized with the nonlinear programming technique for obtaining global best solution. All four algorithms represented for a case study system are compared with each other on the basis of Fitness of solution, convergence time of an algorithm for solution and on the basis of complexities presented by them in the way of solution. The results obtained present that with fine tuning of separate algorithm and using hybridization approach leads to the optimum as well as feasible solution within the boundary limits.
Abstract. In this paper, an analysis of RPCA, MRA and ICA methods for motion artifact identification in AECG signals is preformed. First we applied a RPCA to ECG signal with synthesis motion artifact by low-pass filtering random noise signal. In the process, we have verified that the RPCA error magnitude is significantly greater for the noisy episodes as compared to the clean ECG signal portions. We used 25 data-sets from Physionet website and also used recorded AECG of five person of different physical activity for AECG analysis. We used wavelet for AECG signal denoising. and then ICA, technique used for removal of motion artifacts of synthesized ECG data of MIT- BIH and of AECG signals.
Abstract. Blower is used to deliver the air or gas with an appreciable rise in pressure against the flow resistance. It plays an important role in various industries for air-conditioning systems, furnaces and dust or fume extraction systems. The backward inclined blade centrifugal blower was considered for study and analysis. The parameters affecting performance were determined and important parameters were selected. For centrifugal blower, both impeller and casing parameters are considered for CFD analysis in ANSYS, where model was prepared in Creo2.0 parametric and CFD results were validated with the help of experimental results. For CFD analysis of models k- ɛ turbulence model was used. Then range of parameters was used for doing DoE by Taguchi’s method and detailed study of given blower was carried out. Models given by DoE were analyzed to get their performance and optimal model was found out which has 23.07% higher performance than current centrifugal blower.
Abstract. In today’s world electric power demand is increase steadily. In order to meet this increasing demand superconducting cable can be use instead of conventional AC cable in the power system. The Superconducting cable has some different characteristic than conventional AC cable. If this cable is installed in the power system, then there are some effects introduced on the fault current level. These effects on the fault current level can further have an impact on the power system protection. So there is a need to analyze the impact of a superconducting cable on power system protection and determine its impedance under a fault condition. This paper presents the impacts of the fault current level on a superconducting cable under fault condition in power system. Different types of fault are present in this paper like LG fault, LL fault, LLG fault, LLL fault.
Abstract. Casting process deals with the metal in the molten state. When the molten metal is poured into the mold box, Smooth and turbulence less flow with appropriate velocity is need to be ensured. Type of flow while pouring the molten metal has significant influence on the end characteristics of casting. Inefficient metal flow can result in error beyond altering the desired characteristics of casting. Dross formation while pouring the metal has direct connection with the type of flow of molten metal. In short, one cannot neglect the flow of molten metal on other hand expecting sound casting formation. Gating characteristics directly deals with the type of flow expected while pouring. To provide desired flow is one of the functions of efficient gating system. But it is very difficult to consider the flow characteristics while actually designing the gating system. Computer technology has taken leap to aid foundry engineer in control of metal flow. Simulation soft-wares have been equipped with provision of flow analysis while designing the Gating system.
Abstract. At present, power demand is increasing day by day so we have to transfer more power and for this we must have to improve stability limits of our power system. In this paper application of static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) for enhancement of power system stability is throughout investigated. SSSC is effectively utilized for power flow control in the power system. A SSSC-based damping controller is proposed for power oscillation damping and to improve the rotor angle stability. A improved control signal can be superimposed as a power flow control signal for SSSC damping controller to improve the rotor angle stability and power oscillation damping in system. Speed deviation of rotor is taken as the input signal to the SSSC damping controller. A single machine infinite bus system (SMIB) with SSSC is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink software. Simulation results shows the effectiveness of this controller for power system stability enhancement under different fault conditions.
Abstract. The focus of this paper is to propose an innovative mathematical model, which describes the influence of slip and transverse roughness on a hydromagnetic squeeze film in porous tilted pad bearing. The stochastic model of Christensen and Tonder is, applied to evaluate the effect of surface roughness. Beavers and Joseph slip model takes the care of slip effect. Applying these models which governing the fluid pressure; is solved for the calculation of load support. The closed form solution is, obtained for the pressure and load capacity as a function of various physical parameters. The effect of such parameters is, discussed through graphical representations. The computations indicate that slip has to be at minimum for any upgrading in the bearing design. Besides, the absence of flow fails to keep away the bearing from supporting good amount of load, which does not happen in the case of traditional lubricant.
Abstract. The research work includes development of vertical centrifugal casting set-up for functionally graded metal composite (LM25-SiC) preparation. Material parameters like wt % of SiC Particles (2, 3.5, and 5%), average grain size of SiC particles (75, 44, and 6.5 μm) and process parameter like rotational speed of the mould (1000, 1100, 1200 RPM) are selected for characterization. Samples were tested for hardness and wear resistance to investigate the effect parameters on change of properties. Microstructure analysis was also performed. Total 11 FGM samples were made by varying different process parameters. It is found that hardness and wear resistant property improves with increase in wt% of SiC particles and mould rotation speed. It is also found that hardness and wear resistance value increases with reduction of average grain size of SiC particles. Increased mould rotation speed improves the level of distribution of reinforcing particles from inner to outer region.
Abstract. This paper gives the review of the modelling of solar photovoltaic (PV) array using the basic diode equations and comparison of various Maximum Power point Tracking (MPPT) techniques used for the tracking of maximum power available on the output side of PV array. The PV modelling as well as MPPT algorithms along with a DC-DC boost converter connected to a resistive load for standalone photovoltaic system are simulated and analysed in MATLAB/Simulink.
Abstract. This paper presents a simplified approach to analyse the operational performance of a three phase Self-Excited Induction Generator (Cage type) under varying magnetizing component. SEIG are widely used in wind- mills due to many advantages, such as robustness, mechanical simplicity and low price but suffers from poor voltage regulation. However, the need of external capacitance to provide required reactive power is a major limitation particularly in standalone mode [1, 2] Therefore, it is necessary to study the effect of capacitance very precisely for practical importance. The proposed method is experimentally tested for a 3.7 kW induction generator.
Abstract. Bolster and Stripper Assembly is used to support mold box, match plate and pattern for mold preparation with green sand in high pressure molding machine. Different types of molding machines used for preparation of mold from green sand are flask type molding machine and flask less type molding machine. Commonly used molding machine is flask type molding machine with bolster and stripper assembly for mold preparation.
This paper explains design and analysis of bolster and stripper assembly for manufacturing required size mold in high pressure green sand molding machine.
Abstract. In this paper Matlab-simulink model of single phase variable load with Fixed Capacitor-Thyristor controlled reactor (FC-TCR) for compensation of reactive power is presented. The specific feature of proposed model is determining load reactive power instantaneously and by involving automatic control method compensate load reactive power. The model of FC-TCR and control system is presented such that it is easy to implement in hardware. Detail discussion of all the block is given. And all the results are discussed for the various load.
Abstract. Because of some technical and some historical reasons AC power is more popular than DC. Inverter has become very important power electronics converter for having adjustable AC power output which is need of majority of industrial equipments. For better quality of output various modulation techniques are being implemented. As these techniques require high frequency operation which results in higher switching losses multilevel inverter are preferred for medium and high power applications. Multilevel inverters can give better quality output at low modulating frequency because of their multi step output. In this paper popular Sine wave Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) has been implemented for Active Neutral Point Clamp (ANPC) multilevel inverter which has some better features with respect to standard diode clamp, flying capacitor or cascaded H-bridge topologies. This kind of multilevel inverter is a hybrid type of multilevel inverter in which a 3 level flying capacitor clamp multilevel inverter is cascaded to a 3 level diode clamp multilevel inverter. As low frequency Selective Harmonic Elimination technique has limitation of computational complexity for elimination of more than two harmonics simultaneously SPWM has been implemented to achieve a good quality output. Advance Risk Machine (ARM) controller has been used for generating control signals. Complete scheme has been discussed in this paper. Prototype of 5 level ANPC has been fabricated for experimentation and results are presented from the experiments.
Abstract. Multilevel inverter allows the production of high voltage with lower harmonic distortion in ac output and it eliminates the need of transformer. With the usage of multilevel inverter, we can get the required ac voltage output from multiple dc voltage rails. One of the disadvantage in it is the unbalancing of dc link capacitor voltage. The basic aim of this paper is the balancing of dc link capacitor voltage in diode-clamped multilevel inverter. There are different approaches which could be used for balancing of the capacitor voltage. In this paper, the method of additional auxiliary circuit in the form of Two-level Boost converter is being adopted to balance the inner capacitor voltages so as to get the required multilevel output. This balancing leads to the reliability in the inverter output voltage and extension in life of capacitor. The simulations for this are being performed in MATLAB SIMULINK® and the result are being analyzed for the same by employing it for different load condition. The scheme thus offer the proper balancing of capacitor voltage.
Abstract. DC and AC bridges have been used in abundance for a long period of time for the component measurements as well as other parameters measurements. AC bridges are principally used for the determinations of component values and the associated parameters namely the self-inductance, mutual inductance, capacitance etc. In this paper the authors have presented a novel method using latest computing and analysis tools to investigate the capacitor ageing of a popular capacitor used in day to day life using a non-conventional AC bridge like circuit.
Abstract. With the increase in the penetration of photo-voltaic (PV) generation in the power system it is utmost important to analyze the impact and issues of PV generation on the interconnected power system. As the output of PV is not constant its influence on the power system stability needs to be considered and it is evident from the grid codes of most of the countries. In this paper two different model of solar photovoltaic generation suitable for small signal stability analysis are presented and its behavior is investigated considering the IEEE 14-bus test system. The research review the impact of solar power on the interconnected power system with a high penetration of PV generation by the control of active and reactive power output. Based on constant reactive power and constant voltage magnitude models, the effect of voltage and angle stability of grid connected PV systems are studied and discussed. The eigenvalue analysis is carried out for the test system without any PV penetration and with different PV penetration levels and the results are compared using the power system analysis toolbox on MATLAB platform. The most influencing critical modes are identified and their behavior with increase in PV penetration is demonstrated.
Abstract. This paper includes modeling of Solar and Wind Plants of Micro-grid. Paper includes mathematical analysis, modeling of solar and wind source individual. And include modeling of simple P&O MPPT method. The interconnection of the small-distributed generation such as PV, Wind turbine is connected to the common bus to supply load.
Abstract. This paper presents the controlling of the Induction Motor by using the „Field Oriented Control (FOC)‟ method with a PI controller. In addition, the paper describes a model of three phase Induction Motor in d-q reference frame theory and its computer simulation in MATLAB/SIMULINK®. The required equations are stated in the paper itself in d-q model theory.
Abstract. In this paper presents optical character recognition robot (OCR) which is capable of converting image into the computer process able format, in the form of plain text using Raspberry pi and a webcam server where we can live stream video over a local network. Our ultimate goal is to find and solve the different requirements in making a web controlled robot that recognizes and converts textual messages placed in real world to the computer readable text files. Our objective is to integrate the appropriate techniques to explain and prove that such capability, using limited hardware and software capabilities. The objective of our work is to provide an internet controlled mobile robot with the capability of reading characters in the image and gives out strings of characters. In the project we will use MOTION software, which is open source software with a number of configuration options which can be changed according to our needs. Here configurations are to be made so that it allows you to view from any computer on the local network for the control of robot in non-line of sight areas.
Abstract. The project idea develops from the very fact that a woman finds it difficult to concentrate on her child owing to her busy schedule of house life. The situation aggravates when she has a job or has some household business, since she can neither compromise with her work nor she can ignore her child’s needs. Many devices are available to ease her task and help her to balance between her work and the needs of her child. Our Automated Cradle proposes to be one of them. Unlike some of the existing designs, which uses a microprocessor as the controlling unit, the proposed model uses IR wireless technology for less complexity and easy access and the slider crank mechanism used for the swing makes the transition smooth. The user can control the swinging speed of cradle by a remote. The model here has two variable speeds for the cradle swing, which is advantageous in many ways. Once the baby is asleep, the cradle can be brought to low power mode with normal swing.
Abstract. Natural fiber composite materials are gradually becoming more popular due to light weight, low cost, bio degradability, easy to manufacture, lower environmental impact and less energy requirement for manufacturing. These properties of natural fiber make it suitable for automobile, aerospace and other industrial applications. In present study, analysis of mechanical properties like tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength and Young’s modulus are carried out for various composites. Free vibration characteristics of natural fiber composite beams are also studied analysed. In addition to analytical study, finite element analysis also carried out using ANSYS. In this, the test specimens were modelled in accordance to experimental test specimen and model analysis is performed.
Abstract. New product development demands the analysis of each of the component from various engineering concepts.If a machine is expected to have a mechanical power transmission system, obviously number of options can be thought of.The power transmission system involves many hardware and many options are available.These mechanical drives are expected to be light,energy efficient and maintenance free. In the present work,a data matrix comprising of 10 attributes and 10 alternatives is presented .It is then operated for optimum selection in form of ramking using one of the welknown Multi Attribute Decision Making( MADM) method called Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS).The results are given as ranking for the purpose of selectionwhich sets initiative for preliminary design.However the approach presented is also useful for existing designs which needs to be changed to enhance performance.
Abstract. Magnesium & its alloys are flammable for conventional fusion welding process. This adverse effect can be eliminated by a non-fusion solid state welding process, established by The Welding Institute (TWI) in 1991, called friction stir welding (FSW). This is applied in this investigation for joining two plates together by using non-consumable tools (three pin profiles) between two abutting plates of magnesium alloy AZ91 having 6 mm thickness. FSW process joins the plates with certain advantages such as low distortion, no shielding gas required, fine recrystallized microstructure, no fumes liberated during the process, etc. In Friction stir welding, process parameters such as welding speed, tool rotation speed, tool dimensions and axial force play an important role during the process. In the present work, the 6 mm thick plates of the said alloy are welded at traverse speed of 28 mm/min to 56 mm/min with tool rotation speed ranging from 710 rpm to 1400 rpm. Tensile strength testing & simulation of peak temperatures has been carried out for establishing correlationship between best parameters from the selected ones with temperature profiles obtained by those parameters for giving optimum structure-property relationship using different pin profiles.
Abstract. Turn table assembly used in semi-automatic high pressure molding machine for rotating side arm that carries the bolster and stripper assembly by 180o and stop the motion of the assembly at a desired position in specific time limit. The main function of turn table is to handle high torque because of heavy weight and inertia of the mold box and bolster stripper assembly. This paper explains design and analysis of the different components of turn table assembly.
Abstract. There are many small devices like cell phone, which requires small amount of power for charging their battery. The large numbers of these devices in use has resulted into substantial amount of power consumption. The wiring installation to cater to this demand has becomes complex and inconvenient. Wireless power transmission to such gadgets can relieve the wiring system and increase the comfort level of the user. This paper discusses an experimental set up which was successfully designed and tested for charging of battery of small devices like cell phone.
Abstract. Integration of the renewable source in the existing distribution network under varying load profile is a daunting task. This paper presents the active power control of the PV system. This PV renewable source availability and load demand in the distribution network are mismatching. The extraction of maximum PV power is enhanced with Perturb & Observe algorithm. In this paper the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm is coordinated with Constant Power Generation (CPG) control to address the high PV penetration issue. The control algorithm is implemented in MATLAB Simulink environment. The efficacy of proposed technique is tested for variation in temperature, and irradiation level. The simulation results are justified the active power control in dual mode of operation MPPT and CPG to mitigate high PV penetration issue.
Abstract. Distribution systems have been facing serious problems of harmonics load current mainly due to advancement in power electronic based and other non-linear loads. The DSTATCOM has been widely used to mitigate the load current harmonics problems in distribution system. In this paper design and simulation of DSTATCOM with SRF Control Strategy is carried out with 3-phase 3-wire distribution system to mitigate the harmonics load current problem using MATLAB /SIMULIMK software.
Abstract. In many engineering fluids, micro or nano solid particles are introduced to enhance their effect. Introduction of nanoparticles in radiator coolant enhance its efficiency and introduction of micro/nano reinforcement particles in liquid metals enhance its mechanical properties. In most of the applications, de-agglomeration of particle clusters and uniform dispersion of particles is desirable to enhance the process. Ultrasonic streaming and cavitation can help in achieving the desirable output. In this work, the ultrasonic streaming and dispersion of micro SiC particles in water and liquid Aluminium were numerically simulated (using COMSOL multiphysics) and compared. Parameters selected for carrying out the investigations were power of ultrasonic generator and diameter (tip) of probe. Results obtained for water were validated by experimental results. The medium viscosity and density are the key factors influencing ultrasonic streaming and cavitation. The results provide reference for the ultrasonic treatment of melts for making Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs).
Abstract. In this paper analysis of automotive disc brake rotor is carried out with the help of ANSYS 17.1 Academic software. Disc brakes operate on the principle of friction by converting the kinetic energy of the vehicle into heat energy at the contact between disc and pads. The main objective of a disc brake rotor is to store this generated heat energy and dissipate it into the environment as soon as possible. This heat rapidly increases the temperature of the disc at the rubbing surface, resulting in thermal stresses in the components of the brake. Thermal behavior of solid and cross drilled brake disc rotors is studied. For numerical analysis commercially available tool ANSYS is used to determine temperature distribution in the disc.
Abstract. This paper proposes a new topology for ac-to-ac power conversion, which is a three-stage conversion. It comprises of a diode rectifier (ac-to-dc), a buck- boost converter (dc-to-dc) and anH-bridge inverter (dc-to-ac) working as an ac chopper. The topology works as V/f drive wherein the frequency is varied by the buck-boost converter and the voltage is varied by the inverter, which is used as a chopper. Thus, it provides variable output voltage and frequency for all three- phases, which can be used for V/f control of induction motor. As compared to the conventional two-stage conversion i.e. ac-dc-ac (ac-to-ac conversion with intermediate stiff dc-link), proposed topology has advantage of improved THD in output voltage, as the input to the inverter is not a stiffed dc but it is a pulsating dc, provided from output of buck-boost converter. Moreover the blocking voltage of each switch of inverter is not constant voltage but varies according to the pulsating input of inverter, thus the stress across switch, as well as machine winding will reduce as compared to two stage conversion system. The proposed scheme offers linear variation of output voltage from zero to rated, avoiding nonlinear overmodulation range used in conventional inverters. The simulation studies are carried out in Matlab/Simulink 2014 and various results are presented.
Abstract. Technological developments have resulted in a growing demand for high power electronic devices. Although these high power devices meet the high performance requirements, they also generate a very large amount of heat which adversely affects their operating efficiency. Most part of the heat within a package is generated at the chip and hence it is important to keep junction temperature as low as possible. This is commonly achieved by using heat sinks mounted directly on top of the package. Using a vapor chamber can reduce thermal resistance by better spreading heat across the heat sink base. This work presents a parametric study of vapor chambers as heat spreaders and discusses the merits of using this technology especially in high power devices through CFD modeling. Iterative method is used to finalize the value of Ks and Kl by considering the orthotropic approach.
Abstract. An ideal fixture should maximize the stability and locating accuracy of workpiece and also minimize deformations during operation. The present work aims at designing a machining fixture for boring and face milling operations of helical gear boxes and attempts to provide a solution which gives accurate workpiece control. These gear boxes are manufactured as per DIN 3664 with class 6. Generally, the dimensional and geometric tolerances for features are of the order of 20 microns. Hence, the fixture design demands accurate workpiece control. The accurate workpiece control can be obtained by determining the position of locators and clamps which yields minimum deflection of the workpiece. In this paper, optimization of the positions of the locators and clamps is carried out using Genetic Algorithm (GA) with ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL). The prediction of the positions of the locators and clamps is done by using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) which is used as input data for Genetic Algorithm. A systematic process is developed to minimize the workpiece elastic deformation and to optimize the locators and clamping positions using Genetic Algorithm and Finite Element Analysis. The procedure developed can be used by industry to develop fixture for any complex geometry of workpiece.
Abstract. In this project a scheme has been initiated to develop self-directed land Flying robot using software and tools. A quad-rotor helicopter (i.e. QUADCOPTER) is an aircraft whose lift is generated by four propellers driven by rotors. The control mechanism of such an aircraft consists of four Brushless DC motors whose speeds are varied relative to each other. In order to allow for stable flight of the quad-rotor, the control system employed must be fastidious. Uncontrolled flight of a quad-rotor would be practically impossible by one operator, as the system demand constant adjustment of four motors simultaneously. Generally the speed and rotation of a quadcopter is adjusted with the help of remote control. However in order to get rid of bulky remote controls speed and rotation can be controlled by the use of a sensor which detects the motion of hand and will change its direction accordingly.
Abstract. In manufacturing sector, production time is an important factor in order to compete in market. This leads every management to decrease production time and increase quality of the product. In manufacturing industry in the production of product the main two kind of time consumption are Machining time and travel time also known as value added and non-value added time. Sometimes unnecessary or improper work cycle leads to delay in manufacturing. Hence, it is most important to identify that delay and minimize for positive benefit of company. As most of the industries bear losses due to nonproductive time in the manufacturing cycle and this paper give one of many solutions to increase the productive time. The main objective of this paper is to explain how the plant layout can with help of Motion study and Work Measurement to reduce lead-time and the manufacturing cycle time.
Abstract. Women’s across the world are influenced by Breast cancer and conclude on a fatal note if it doesn't cure correctly. When the cases of Breast cancer gaining its pace among young age group the recent technology asks for advance early detection methods apart from the available methods as MRI & breast imaging system, Mammography. Keeping in mind the principles of our society and to bring on a feasible environment the technology can be developed with precise detection of the type of breast tumor cells with help of an antenna among the young age group while still, the age limit for diagnosis by mammography remains at 35 years. Developing a breast cancer exposure system that helps us predict the type of tumor cell present in the breast volume will ease the patients from initial clinical diagnosis.
Abstract. Piston in reciprocating compressor has to perform work until certain life. But piston fail because of improper design. The design of piston must be done for a life time performance. In this paper, the body of work is carried out to design the piston and measure the distribution of stress on the piston of reciprocating oil less gas booster compressor. The dimension of the piston is calculated by analytical method. According to this dimension solid model is developed using modeling software Creo Parametric 2.0. Then analysis is carried through using FEA based software ANSYS 15.0. The result stresses are compared with analytical calculation.
Abstract. Optimal utilization of transmission system without congestion in the network is most important as congestion can violet the security of the system. Sufficient amount of reactive power support needs to be provided in the system in order to maintain the power flow limits on transmission lines and voltage limits at bus bars. This Paper focuses on analysis of congestion occurrence with N-1 contingencies for line flow limits in case of line and generator outages using linear sensitivity factors and congestion management using series compensation. Generation shift factor and line outage distribution factor are used to find sensitive lines and series compensation in two stages are applied to the most sensitive lines to relieve congestion. Standard IEEE 6 bus test system is used to analyze contingencies and congestion mitigation. All the simulations are performed using power world simulator version 19.0. Mathematical calculations are also performed for the same 6-bus system for validation of results.
Abstract. This research paper presents to develop a bio-signal acquisition system and rehabilitation technique based on “Cognitive Science application of robot controlled by brain signal”. We are trying to Developing a data acquisition system for acquiring EEG signals from Brain sense head band and also designing new algorithm for detecting attention and meditation wave and implementing on Robotics platform By using Embedded core.
Abstract. Need of energy is constantly increasing because of increase in population and industrialization globally. Depletion of fossil fuel, increase in pollution level and imbalance in the ecological level of the earth, etc. cause researcher to think for alternative solution of fossil fuel. Biodiesel derived from crops may be replacement of petroleum-derived fuel used for transport and power generation without adversely affecting the crisis of food and also keeping the environment clean. This research paper talks about algae cultivation, process for algae to biofuel conversion, conceptual design and general layout of slow pyrolysis process. B40 gives approximate 54% mechanical efficiency compared to B0 of 51% in an I.C.Engine. Thus, algae biodiesel may address current burning issues of the country as well as of the earth like global warming, treatment of sanitation/waste water, carbon sequestrations, rural development via creating lots of employment, etc
Abstract. The Compressive sensing technique is a new era of arising platform for signal processing and data acquisition. The significant statement of Compressive sensing is that recovery of certain images or signals from fewer samples than required. On the encoding side two properties of a signal is required that are incoherence and sparsity. Initially, the signal is converted into specific transform i.e. wavelet using sensing matrix it takes required coefficients that has less dimensionality than the image dimensions and thereby, we get resultant matrix which is also called as measurements which in turn are non-adaptive. Similarly, on the decoding side, due to low dimension of transmitted vector matrix, convex optimization is required to solve this problem. Convex optimization (L1 minimization) provides an answer to undetermined linear systems without the knowledge of nature of undergoing parameters through the systems.
In this paper, the work is being done on natural image compression. Compression of various black and white natural images is being done with help of ‘haar wavelet’ with second level decomposition and also reconstruct the same with three measurements of 60%, 70% and 80%. Also we have measured same with PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), CoC (Correlation Coefficients) of them.
Abstract. Analysis of Dissolved gas method is very sensitive and reliable method for detection of internal fault in power transformer. One of the most used method for DGA is duval triangle method. Duval triangle is not considering two combustible gases like, ethane so, Duval triangle method has low accuracy for fault interpretation. Then, Duval pentagonal method is used for fault detection in power transformer. In this paper, we have get data for power transformer from Torrent Power Ltd. This experiment has done on various 20 power transformer rating of 15MVA,21kV/400kV. But, In this paper, We have shown six data of fault in case study and found fault by Duval Triangle method and Duval pentagonal method. Then, we will verify this fault interpretation with actual fault. And, we will see that Duval Pentagonal method have higher accuracy (above 80%) for fault interpretation.
Abstract. The automatic construction of large, high-resolution multi view image registration is an active area of research in the fields of image processing. Multiview image registration can be used for many different applications. The most traditional application is the construction of large aerial and satellite photographs from collections of images, construction of virtual travel etc. This proposed Automatic feature based image registration method does not allow any user interaction and perform all registration steps automatically. Here the matching points are found automatically using local feature detector i.e. harris corner detector which find invariant features using feature descriptors as oriented patches. For estimating homography between detected features of images to be registered, Homography estimator i.e. modified RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus) algorithm, and direct linear transformation algorithm is used. Here features are located at Harris corners (new improved) in discrete scale-space and oriented using a blurred local gradient. To have better spatial distribution of features, adaptive non- maximal suppression algorithm is used.Feature matching are achieved using RANSAC which also uses DLT (Direct Linear Transformation) and warping is applied to achieve final registered image. This proposed algorithm can be applied for the series of images that may or may not be in the same alignment as per desired output image, thus mainly scaling, rotation and image transformation must be applied to get proper registered image.
Abstract. In today‟s fast growing world, the energy requirements are increasing with a rapid pace. A quick reflection on a typical day revels that majority of our everyday gadgets require energy that is generated either in renewable or non-renewable form. The increased reliance on technology necessitates availability of energy on our planet in a humongous amount; but unfortunately, it is limited, therefore the world is inquisitive about the energy that can last up to decades, such that the resources do not exhaust and are available for our future generations to come. We have made an attempt to unearth the technology of generating the energy from air, water even the sun rays using solar panels, but to a certain extent they are quiet costly and have their respective feasibility limitations. The technology we focus here is using heat as a source to produce electric power sufficient to charge a mobile phone. Since the heat is ubiquitous, it can be collected and converted into the desired form. This technology has vast applications; from charging various gadgets to providing electricity in a distant rural home where the ease of electricity is out of reach. The motive of presenting this paper is to analyze the heating module that can produce the energy when heated and how it can be converted into charge for a mobile phone.
Abstract. With the increase in the number of thefts, robberies and encroaching in the world, the existing security system is not sufficient. Hence to circumvent this problem the demand of bio-metric systems is increased, as they provide more dependable and effective means of identity confirmation. One such bio-metric security that has seen an uproar in the recent years is the gait identification. Gait recognition targets fundamentally to address this problem by recognizing people based on the way they walk. First of all, silhouette of the persons is extracted. Moreover, step size of the person is considered as unique feature for representing gait and effectively classify the person based on gait. Finally, features are feed to neural network for classification. The proposed approach gives better accuracy.
Abstract. Image processing requires extensive computation and usually done on Personal Computer or CPU. Due to its sequential processing method of Image processing or CPU task takes long time to get desire output. However FPGAs can be one of the options to speed up image processing without increasing the clock speed. One of the main features of FPGA is allowing parallel processing which speed up the processing of Image and get desire output in limited time-bound. In this paper, Digilent Nexys 4 XC7A100T-1CSG324C FPGA is used to implement the edge detection operation on image. The Sobel algorithm is used to detect the edge in an image and is implemented on FPGA using Hardware Description Language (VHDL).
Abstract. In the current deregulated environment, determining loadability to various security limits is of great importance for the secure operation of a power system. The conventional P-V and Q-V curves are used to determine the voltage stability margin. This paper proposes to find the relationship between P and Q for a constant voltage on a particular bus using a contour evaluation program. The flexibility of this program allows generation of a family of curves which show the amount by which the reactive power loading on a particular bus needs to be modified so as to keep the voltage constant on that bus.
Abstract. Flicker is the most common and an intolerable blemish present in signal processing world that leads to distortion in the transmitted frame of a video string. To dodge such misinterpretations a technique for detection of the flickering frame in a video is depicted in this research. Earlier methods were based on removing flicker by calculating the threshold of the consecutive frame difference and then finding the flickering frame. The proposed method in this research includes finding flickering frame using neural network concept. Therefore, the advantage of the practice disclosed here is that it removes the tedious calculation part of the threshold value and thereby the computational part becomes easier with added accurate result.
Abstract. In recent days, Whenever someone wants to take a book from library he or she has to go through all the books available in library related to the particular subject. Even if the book is not available in that library, the user will have to search the entire department. Also the manual work done by the librarians is tedious as they have to organise the books as per the department and also have to maintain the records To summarise the present day library system is not efficient and need improvement with the advance technology . To solve the problem of manual work done in the present day library system, we propose the idea of using a smart cart for accessing the library catalogue. It will automate the process of borrowing a book or issuing a book or any other literature available in library. We propose to use an intelligent system that reduces the manual work and fastens the processes in a library. Also we can merge the data- bases of various public libraries available in a particular city and provide the information to the citizens so that it will be easier for them to go to only that specific library which has the book instead of browsing through all the libraries and moving from place to place .
Abstract. In the present scenario importance of an energy conservation increased day by day. There are various utilities in industries in practice like Chillers, Cooling Towers, Blowers, Fans, Motors, Furnaces, Pumps and Air Compressors in manufacturing industries plays vial role in energy consumption. Energy savings is possible increasing either the efficiency or replacement by efficient utility. It has been found that among all the utilities, Air Compressors are the least efficient utilities. It has been observed that compressed air system installed in early stage and due to ageing effect as well as lack of maintenance an efficiency of compressor is dropped down. In proposed work, Performance analysis of four air compressors has been carried out using “pump up test” (PUT) and losses by “leakage test” at different locations has been calculated large scale gear manufacturing industry. Considerable solution in terms of savings has been provided by providing priority base run of air compressors. Additional solution with variable frequency drive has also been also proposed. It has been proved that alternation of both mentioned test able to provide 5-15% additional amount of energy savings.
Abstract. Valves are widely used in numerous industries like Beverage, Food, Dairy, Cosmetic, Pharmaceutical and Biotech to serve various purposes. Hence, it is strongly needed that each valve must be tested thoroughly for proper functioning. The equipment used for testing of valves is known as test-rig. At present, no standard test-rig is available in the market for testing of valves. This study is a part of an attempt to develop a cost-effective customized test-rig for multiple valve testing. In present study, pressure-drop in various cross-sections of the proposed.
Abstract. A switched mode power supply (SMPS) with multiple outputs has been developed which satisfies the need of isolation of control circuit power supply and driver section power supply for a medium-voltage electrical drive. It means that there is no need of extra components for isolation. For this SMPS, fly-back converter topology along with current mode control method is selected and its performance is observed for line, load as well as cross regulation with other tests. This SMPS generates multiple outputs of +5 V, +24 V, +/- 15 V and five +24 V isolated output voltages.
Abstract. Solar energy is most powerful and trending source among all renewable energy sources. For utility point of view, solar power is available at each place but problem is that the efficiency of solar cell is very low. In addition, the efficiency of solar cell under different atmospheric conditions like different temperature and irradiation, the power we get from the solar cell is different and same as that the efficiency is also changed so for analyzing the behavior of solar cell, we have analyzed mono-crystalline solar cell for different temperature and irradiation and results are taken. For analysis point of view, the mono crystalline solar cell is analyzed into solar simulator under different values of irradiation and temperature and then experimental results for the same are taken. For cross checking the results that we got from the solar simulator, we have done mathematical modelling of solar cell into MATLAB and then the simulated results are taken, the similar kind of results came from the simulation and experimental readings as well.
Abstract. DG penetration is continuously increased across distribution network not only to reduce carbon emission, but also to enhance the performance of the distribution network. In a restructured environment any distribution utility need to address DG placement and sizing problem to find a cost effective solution for the specific investment. Most of the authors have attempted to solve the problem based on real power loss reduction across the network. Some authors consider voltage stability based analysis for increased loadability of network with real power loss. However, optimal reactive power compensation also need to be incorporated for a cost effective solution. In this paper an attempt has been made to address various types of DG and RPC units citing and sizing problem with multi-objectives consists real power loss reduction and VSI improvement. A new approach includes development of cost function to find cost-effective solution for distribution network. Evolutionary based Genetic Algorithm used to optimize the objective function. Proposed algorithm is tested onIEEE-33 bus radial distribution system.
Abstract. This paper describes the design procedure of a spur gear and the selection of appropriate module of a spur gear according to the requirements using Matlab. Along with the module, the other gear and gear teeth parameters are also found and pertaining to these results, simulation and analysis is carried out to ensure the efficient working of the designed gear in the field.
Abstract. The article considers DEFORM software package as a useful tool to model metal- forming processes on the example of the outer upset and the radial forging processes. The specific features of these processes simulation have been described. Results obtained by simulation that can be used to implement the developed processes in the existing working technologies are listed.
Abstract. To improve the hydrodynamic performance of the centrifugal pump, in present work a DOE technique Taguchi L9 orthogonal array experiment was carried out to optimize the impeller design parameters. The Navier-Stokes equations for three-dimensional steady flow is solved by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code. The experimental test result of the original pump was compared with the data predicted from the numerical simulation. The comparison shows the closeness of predicted values with the experimental values, leads to validation of the numerical model under the specific range of operating conditions. Four geometric parameters of impeller were chosen as the variable factors viz. Number of blade, Impeller blade outlet angle, Impeller blade Inlet angle and Impeller blade wrapping angle. According to L9 orthogonal array, nine impellers were modelled using CAD modelling software and CFD analysis is carried out using ANSYS CFX. The impellers were equipped with the same volute during all the simulations. The modelled impellers were simulated by the same numerical method, which has been validated. The best parametric combination for higher efficiency is analysed finally. Results show the improvement of 4.25% higher efficiency compared with the original pump. The geometry selected for this model may be the best one to get the maximum efficiency for such pumps.
Abstract. From geographic data around the planet is covered around 70% with water, but out of total, only around 2% is of fresh water, and out of total fresh water, about 1.6% is not used because it is located in polar ice caps and glaciers. So total of the earth’s water, 98% is saltwater, 1.6% is in polar ice caps and glaciers, and 0.4% is drinkable water, which is available from underground wells or rivers. The survey shows that around 1 billion people, or 14.7% of the total earth’s population, still do not have pure safe drinkable water. So here an effort is made to design a water distillation system with use of the solar parabolic trough that can purify water from any source of water and convert it in to drinkable form. A solar parabolic trough collector is used to convert water into steam and later condense the steam to get pure water.
Abstract. In this paper, I have presented the performance evaluation of different STBC technique in MIMO Rayleigh fading environment. I have evaluated the BER of SISO, MISO and MIMO technique. I have proved that the lowest value of BER is achieved in STBC technique. I have evaluated the BER of real STBC and complex STBC technique with Rayleigh fading channel. The STBC technique is also reduced the complexity of the receiver. We have also compared the performance of MIMO technique with other techniques like SISO and MISO. The lowest value of BER is achieved in MIMO technique. The STBC technique is exploit the diversity gain by inserting more number of antennas at transmitter side. Simulation results are based on MATLAB software.
Abstract. The use of wireless sensor network is increasing due to its effectiveness over wired systems so far as large area coverage is of concern. Wireless sensor network is used to collect data and distribute controls over network but here we are proposing solution to positioning system using wireless network. It becomes essential in many situations to locate the position of the nodes or persons in field. We are using a MCU based system to facilitate the user to identify the position of the deployed nodes in the field.
Abstract. Surface flatness and roughness has a pivotal role in the functioning of any kind of check valve. These two parameters are mainly obtained by face milling[16] during the manufacturing process of valves. The values of these affect during leakage rejection and redesign of check valves. To achieve the desired values of surface flatness and roughness here analysis is carried out. A regression model is generated to predict the values of surface roughness and flatness. ANOVA is also developed to see the effect of machining process parameters on the surface roughness and flatness.
Abstract. The aim of this paper is showing the advantage of simulation technology in Casting. Casting simulation technique is widely used in foundries and casting industries. Casting simulation simulates the real casting phenomenon and gives a virtual casting process as molten metal flow in mould cavity with respect to time and direction. This paper explains the methods and techniques of feeding & gating system uses to increase the yield of casting in the company. On the basis of the own research it can be stated, that introducing the simulation software bring the great changes in the company, for example: product improvement by prevention of defects, increasing of effectiveness and efficiency in the processes, reduction in timing, proper utilization of material, grater quality, less cost to fulfill defects.
Abstract. In this paper, we present the design, analysis, and simulation of a wideband metamaterial absorber using Ansoft HFSS. The absorber proposed here consists of two similar structure each composed of C shaped patterns placed diagonally opposite to each other and a metallic back plate separated by FR4- epoxy substrate. The simulated absorptivity graph for this absorber shows two wideband in the range of 3.7 GHz to 5.6 GHz and from 5.92 GHz to 9.26 GHz with a peak at 8.86 GHz and peak absorptivity of 99.98%.
Abstract. In this paper, we have evaluated the channel capacity of SISO and MIMO system with respect to Rayleigh fading channel. We have compared the results with respect to different receiver diversity techniques like MRC, EGC, SC. We have presented the results of SER v/s SNR with respect to 16-QAM modulation technique. We have also presented the results of SNR v/s capacity of SISO and MIMO system. For simulation, we have used MATLAB R2014 software.
Abstract. In this paper, a new symmetric multilevel voltage source inverter is proposed which consist less number of switches as compared to conventional multilevel inverter. This new symmetric MLI is able to produce desired value of voltage level with reduced number of switches. Also, multilevel inverter has good harmonic profile that is able to reduce total harmonic distortion without affecting desired output power. Moreover, in comparison with conventional cascade multilevel inverter, this new symmetric topology ultimately reduced the number of switches, the number of gate driver circuit, inverter cost, installation area and power loss due to reduced amount of on state switches.
Abstract. This paper proposes energy efficient LEACH protocol for secure data transmission for wireless networks. The proposed work uses Networks Simulator – NS2.27 for the simulation of cluster based routing protocol LEACH in wireless sensor network. The work is to enhance the performance of LEACH in terms of energy saving and secure data transmission. Instead of random selection of Cluster Head (CH) the selection method is based on residual energy and vicinity of the node. With this hybrid approach, the node, which is eligible for the CH, will become cluster head and it enhances the performance of traditional LEACH. Traditional LAECH does not support secure data transmission and authentication of nodes in the clusters. By adding security between CH and CM using XOR function and key management, secure data transmission and authentication is carried out for selected application where security is the most important aspect. The proposed LEACH enhances lifetime of the wireless sensor network with security.
Abstract. Switching overvoltages are the major concern with the cable system. For insulation coordination and design aspects one should know the range of this overvoltages. Different overvoltages and its effects on the system protection are described here. Some of mitigation techniques for switching transients are also listed. In this paper subsea cable system is considered for the simulation. Simulation has been done in PSCAD/EMTDC. By simulating different cases selection of rated impulse voltage for the equipments are defined.
Abstract. Harmonic filters will become an inevitable equipment in power system in not too distant future, given the alarming power quality degradation due to the current harmonics and voltage harmonics; keeping this as a datum scenario, rise of filters will be followed in coming years. In this paper, essential data demonstrating the swelling use of power electronic components into various fields, viz. industrial and power sector side are initially discussed. Several studies have been illustrated for the mitigation of industrial bound harmonics (produced due to non-linear loads) with key focus inclining towards passive filters. Passive shunt and passive series topologies have been analyzed. According to the results derived from the analysis and the detailed comparison of the topologies discussed, final verdict has been provided based on various economic oriented parameters such as cost effectiveness, size, power consumed, initial spikes, THD and more are covered in the final section of the paper.
Abstract. Transport layer deals with process to process communication. It has reliable and non reliable services for communication. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the most reliable protocol on transport layer. The basic version of TCP was designed by considering wired networks. Then other implementations could bring enhancement in basic design. The discussion is centered on one of the TCP version TCP Westwood with its New Reno implementation. Characteristics of fairness and friendliness with other competing connections have been evaluated and presented.
Abstract. In this work, influence of nanolubricants on the load carrying capacity of hydrodynamic journal bearing is studied. Increase in viscosity of lubricant oil with nanopartical as lubricant additives is modeled using different classical model and compared with Kriger-Doughetry viscosity model. This Kriger-Doughetry viscosity model for simulating viscosity of nanolubricant is validated by Experimental verification using reheometer. The pressure distribution and load carrying capacity are theoretically analyzed using Reynolds Equation for Reynolds boundary condition for different concentration of nanoparticles volume fraction. Result reveal increase in pressure and load carrying capacity of Journal bearing with nanolubricants in comparison to base oil.
Abstract. Design of Storage tank follows mainly three mechanical design of components namely (1) Roof Structure (2) Shell Design (3) Tank Foundation Bottom. This paper depicts design of conical roof structure under various loading conditions. Loading conditions are (1)Live load (2) Dead Load and (3) Thermal Load. Subjected to various constraints and releases.at last Result interpretation and future scope has been represented.
Abstract. In this paper, we have designed Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) structure for small dimensions that are (given by SCL Chandigarh) and high-frequency analysis. The material used is pure Si material no compounds such as SiGe, SiC is used. This transistor is examined by various effect of parameter variations such as doping, height, length through simulations. In this paper, we have optimized the small BJT at higher beta (β) 96.50 dB, and high- frequencies ft 8.64 GHz and fmax 21.51 GHz using pure Si material.