EUNIS 2021: Editor's Preface

EUNIS is the European University Information Systems organisation. Its mission is to help member institutions develop their information technology landscape by sharing knowledge and experience and working together. Learn more in our promotional video here.

EUNIS 2021, the 27th Annual EUNIS Congress was held on 9 – 11 June, 2021.

The theme for EUNIS 2021 was “A New Era of Digital Transformation: Challenges for Higher Education”, and the program included contributions in the following tracks: IT Leadership & Management, ICT Infrastructure & Security, Learning, Teaching and Student Experience, Software Development, OpenX & Interoperability, ICT in Research, and Covid-19 as an accelerator for digital transformation. Besides the high-quality technical program, this event provided a unique opportunity for building relationships and sharing knowledge and experiences in the area of digital transformation in higher education, with special consideration on the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

EUNIS 2021 was hosted by the Greek Universities Network (GUnet). Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was held in virtual format and with free registration.

Some facts about the Congress (see

Attendance: There were 847 unique registrations, and 659 unique individuals attended presentations, including pre-congress workshops.

Submissions: 51 extended abstracts were received ; 42 of them were accepted for an oral presentation during the Congress, after being revised based on the recommendations of the 46 reviewers.

Invited presentations were given by 19 keynote speakers and 12 sponsors.

Pre-Congress (June 1-4, 2021) included workshops on Teaching & Learning, Student Mobility, Enterpise Architecture, Business Intelligence, Information Security, AR/VR, and the IT Leaders’ Forum.

Full papers: 18 full papers have been selected by the EUNIS 2021 Scientific Committee for publication in the present issue of the EPIC Series in Computing.

The editors are very grateful to the reviewers, prominent scholars from all over Europe and the USA, who took the time to read and evaluate the full papers. They are: Spiros Bolis, Bas Cordewener, Mads Dahl, Gill Ferrell, Ramon Grau Sala, Pekka Kähkipuro, Richard Katz, Gry Jordet Kibsgaard, Henryk Krawczyk, Stuart McLellan, Jan Madey, Lazaros Merakos, Marius Politze, Ligia Maria Ribeiro, Manos Roumeliotis, Yiannis Salmatzidis, Ilkka Siissalo, Ed Simons, Carl-Fredrik Sorensen, Tomasz Szmuc, Konstantinos Tsimpanis, Michael Zastrocky.

Grateful thanks to our sponsors: Oracle, Microsoft, Topdesk, Salesforce (Gold sponsors) ; Myday by Collabco, Panasonic, Cosmote, Inspera, Ilyda (Silver sponsors) ; Sigma, Optis, Space, SAP, Explorance (Bronze sponsors). And special thanks to: Zoom, Avixa, IMS Global.

Spiros Bolis
Jean-François Desnos
Lazaros Merakos
Raimund Vogl
September 19, 2021