CATA 2019: Keyword Index

3-D printingFinite Element Analysis of 3D Printed Aircraft Wing
3D printingImproving the Performance of 3D Printed Molds for Plastic Injection Molding
ABSNetLogo and GIS: A Powerful Combination
abstract interpretationAnalyzing JavaScript Programs Using Octagon Domain
abstract syntax treeVetting Anti-patterns in Java to Kotlin Translation
Acceleration dataPredicting Cow's Delivery Using Movement and Position Data Based on Machine Learning
ACL AuthenticationBehaviour Based Ransomware Detection
Additive ManufacturingFinite Element Analysis of 3D Printed Aircraft Wing
Improving the Performance of 3D Printed Molds for Plastic Injection Molding
Address VerificationEnhanced Prediction Models for Predicting Spatial Visualization (VZ) in Address Verification Task
Advanced Encryption StandardOptimization of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Using Vivado High Level Synthesis (HLS)
AESOptimization of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Using Vivado High Level Synthesis (HLS)
agent-based modelingNetLogo and GIS: A Powerful Combination
Agile MethodsPlanning Computational Biology Projects Using Agile Approach
Aircraft wingFinite Element Analysis of 3D Printed Aircraft Wing
AndroidVetting Anti-patterns in Java to Kotlin Translation
anomaly detectionA Multi-Stage Detection Technique for DNS-Tunneled Botnets
Apache KafkaConstruction Scheme of a Scalable Distributed Stream Processing Infrastructure Using Ray and Apache Kafka
Apache SparkConstruction Scheme of a Scalable Distributed Stream Processing Infrastructure Using Ray and Apache Kafka
application developmentChoosing the Best-fit Lifecycle Framework while Addressing Functionality and Security Issues
ArchitectureWeighted Record Sample for Underwater Seismic Monitoring Application
archiveEmergency Communications Database with Ticketing Archive for Training New Employees
artificial financial predictorsLearning Financial Time Series for Prediction of the Stock Exchange Market
back-stepping controlSmooth Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Leader-Follower Robots
behaviorUser Behavior and Trust Evaluation in Cloud Computing
BehaviourBehaviour Based Ransomware Detection
behaviour-based detectionBehaviour Based Ransomware Detection
Biological SoftwarePlanning Computational Biology Projects Using Agile Approach
Botnet DetectionA Multi-Stage Detection Technique for DNS-Tunneled Botnets
breast cancerEthnicity-Related Survival Analysis of Patients with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
CANFISNeuro-fuzzy-based Electronic Brake System Modeling using Real Time Vehicle Data
CDRA Novel Delivery Model to Expand E-commerce Customers Based on Telecom Data Mining
ChineseRefining the Unrestricted Character Encoding for Japanese
CIS relationship with other computing disciplinesA Study of Computer Information Systems Discipline with Layout and Analysis
CloudConstruction Scheme of a Scalable Distributed Stream Processing Infrastructure Using Ray and Apache Kafka
Adopting and Implementing a Government Cloud in Saudi Arabia, an Integral Part of Vision 2030
Cloud ComputingSecured Cloud for Enterprise Computing
User Behavior and Trust Evaluation in Cloud Computing
TrustedDW: A New Framework to Securely Hosting Data Warehouse in the Cloud
Cloud SecuritySecured Cloud for Enterprise Computing
User Behavior and Trust Evaluation in Cloud Computing
Cloud Service Provider SelectionSecured Cloud for Enterprise Computing
ClusteringData Driven Analytics of Road Quality
codeRefining the Unrestricted Character Encoding for Japanese
Cognitive Radio NetworksA Novel Multi-radio Rendezvous Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks
collaborativeA Novel Neighborhood Calculation Method by Assessing Users' Varying Preferences in Collaborative Filtering
Command Line InterfaceVetting Anti-patterns in Java to Kotlin Translation
communicationEmergency Communications Database with Ticketing Archive for Training New Employees
compilerA Compiler-assisted locality aware CTA Mapping Scheme
Complexity.An NC Algorithm for Sorting Real Numbers in O(nlogn/√loglogn) Operations
CompositeFinite Element Analysis of 3D Printed Aircraft Wing
Computation Tree LogicModel Checking Approach for Deadlock Detection in an Operating System Process-Resource Graph Using Dynamic Model Generating and Computation Tree Logic Specification
computational biologyPlanning Computational Biology Projects Using Agile Approach
Computer Information Systems curriculumA Study of Computer Information Systems Discipline with Layout and Analysis
Computer NetworksA Novel Multi-radio Rendezvous Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks
Computer Science EducationA Study of Computer Information Systems Discipline with Layout and Analysis
conflict resolutionXACML Implementation Based on Graph Databases
ContaminationEffect of Magnet Shapes on Metal Contamination Removal
cooperative communicationEvaluation of Secrecy Rate in Cooperative Communication System
CTA mappingA Compiler-assisted locality aware CTA Mapping Scheme
Cyber SecurityAdopting and Implementing a Government Cloud in Saudi Arabia, an Integral Part of Vision 2030
CybersecuritySoftware Engineering Principles and Security Vulnerabilities
Data CommunicationsA Novel Multi-radio Rendezvous Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks
Data EncryptionSecured Cloud for Enterprise Computing
Data MiningL,M&A: An Algorithm for Music Lyrics Mining and Sentiment Analysis
Data SecuritySecured Cloud for Enterprise Computing
Data WarehouseTrustedDW: A New Framework to Securely Hosting Data Warehouse in the Cloud
databaseEmergency Communications Database with Ticketing Archive for Training New Employees
database auditCustomized Intrusion Detection Based on a Database Audit Log
deadlockModel Checking Approach for Deadlock Detection in an Operating System Process-Resource Graph Using Dynamic Model Generating and Computation Tree Logic Specification
deadlock detectionModel Checking Approach for Deadlock Detection in an Operating System Process-Resource Graph Using Dynamic Model Generating and Computation Tree Logic Specification
Delivery ModelA Novel Delivery Model to Expand E-commerce Customers Based on Telecom Data Mining
demandPrediction of Drowsy Driving Using EEG and Facial Expression by Machine Learning
DesignVirtual Reality Physics Lab
Design ScienceSoftware Engineering Principles and Security Vulnerabilities
distance measureA New Method of Calculating Squared Euclidean Distance (SED) Using pTree Technology and Its Performance Analysis
distributed stream processingConstruction Scheme of a Scalable Distributed Stream Processing Infrastructure Using Ray and Apache Kafka
Domain Generation AlgorithmA Multi-Stage Detection Technique for DNS-Tunneled Botnets
drivingPrediction of Drowsy Driving Using EEG and Facial Expression by Machine Learning
DrowsyPrediction of Drowsy Driving Using EEG and Facial Expression by Machine Learning
Dynamic Spectrum AccessA Novel Multi-radio Rendezvous Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks
e-commerceA Novel Delivery Model to Expand E-commerce Customers Based on Telecom Data Mining
EEGPrediction of Drowsy Driving Using EEG and Facial Expression by Machine Learning
Electronic Brake System (EBS)Neuro-fuzzy-based Electronic Brake System Modeling using Real Time Vehicle Data
Electronic Maternity RecordsSmart Mobile Computing in Pregnancy Care
emergencyEmergency Communications Database with Ticketing Archive for Training New Employees
ethnicityEthnicity-Related Survival Analysis of Patients with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
eXtensible Access Control Markup LanguageXACML Implementation Based on Graph Databases
facial expressionsPrediction of Drowsy Driving Using EEG and Facial Expression by Machine Learning
FDMImproving the Performance of 3D Printed Molds for Plastic Injection Molding
File EntropyBehaviour Based Ransomware Detection
File MonitoringBehaviour Based Ransomware Detection
filteringA Novel Neighborhood Calculation Method by Assessing Users' Varying Preferences in Collaborative Filtering
financial time seriesLearning Financial Time Series for Prediction of the Stock Exchange Market
finite element analysisFinite Element Analysis of 3D Printed Aircraft Wing
FPGA.Optimization of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Using Vivado High Level Synthesis (HLS)
Framework securityChoosing the Best-fit Lifecycle Framework while Addressing Functionality and Security Issues
GeniusL,M&A: An Algorithm for Music Lyrics Mining and Sentiment Analysis
GeoGebra.New classes of monohedral spherical tilings by non-convex spherical hexagons and non-convex spherical Pentagons with GeoGebra
GISNetLogo and GIS: A Powerful Combination
Global Position DataPredicting Cow's Delivery Using Movement and Position Data Based on Machine Learning
glyphRefining the Unrestricted Character Encoding for Japanese
GPGPUA Compiler-assisted locality aware CTA Mapping Scheme
Graph Database SystemXACML Implementation Based on Graph Databases
Healthcare social networkImplementation of Security and Privacy Aspects in a Healthcare Social Network
Hidden Markov ModelsLearning Financial Time Series for Prediction of the Stock Exchange Market
High-Level SynthesisOptimization of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Using Vivado High Level Synthesis (HLS)
HLSOptimization of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Using Vivado High Level Synthesis (HLS)
HTC ViveVirtual Reality Physics Lab
HTTP/2.0Web Request Predictions
Human Computer InteractionEnhanced Prediction Models for Predicting Spatial Visualization (VZ) in Address Verification Task
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)An Alternative Natural Action Interface for Virtual Reality
image processingParking Lot Occupancy Tracking Through Image Processing
incident trackingCustomized Intrusion Detection Based on a Database Audit Log
Inductive Logic ProgrammingPredicting Cow's Delivery Using Movement and Position Data Based on Machine Learning
Information ExtractionWeighted Record Sample for Underwater Seismic Monitoring Application
information representationRefining the Unrestricted Character Encoding for Japanese
Information Security Risk ManagementAn Empirical Examination of the Effects of IT Leadership on Information Security Risk Management in USA Organizations
Injection moldingImproving the Performance of 3D Printed Molds for Plastic Injection Molding
Integrated Development EnvironmentVetting Anti-patterns in Java to Kotlin Translation
IntegrityTrustedDW: A New Framework to Securely Hosting Data Warehouse in the Cloud
intelligent parkingParking Lot Occupancy Tracking Through Image Processing
Intelligent Transportation SystemsData Driven Analytics of Road Quality
Intrusion DetectionCustomized Intrusion Detection Based on a Database Audit Log
IoTEvaluation of Secrecy Rate in Cooperative Communication System
IS riskAn Empirical Examination of the Effects of IT Leadership on Information Security Risk Management in USA Organizations
IT leadershipAn Empirical Examination of the Effects of IT Leadership on Information Security Risk Management in USA Organizations
JavaScriptAnalyzing JavaScript Programs Using Octagon Domain
K-means clusteringA Novel Neighborhood Calculation Method by Assessing Users' Varying Preferences in Collaborative Filtering
kanjiRefining the Unrestricted Character Encoding for Japanese
kinematicsVirtual Reality Physics Lab
leader-follower platoonSmooth Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Leader-Follower Robots
Leadership StyleAn Empirical Examination of the Effects of IT Leadership on Information Security Risk Management in USA Organizations
locomotionAn Alternative Natural Action Interface for Virtual Reality
logogramRefining the Unrestricted Character Encoding for Japanese
Lyapunov stabilitySmooth Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Leader-Follower Robots
Lyrics DatabaseL,M&A: An Algorithm for Music Lyrics Mining and Sentiment Analysis
machine learningPrediction of Drowsy Driving Using EEG and Facial Expression by Machine Learning
Predicting Cow's Delivery Using Movement and Position Data Based on Machine Learning
Data Driven Analytics of Road Quality
magnetEffect of Magnet Shapes on Metal Contamination Removal
malware detectionSecured Cloud for Enterprise Computing
mHealthSmart Mobile Computing in Pregnancy Care
Minkowski distanceA New Method of Calculating Squared Euclidean Distance (SED) Using pTree Technology and Its Performance Analysis
mobile developmentSmart Mobile Computing in Pregnancy Care
model checkingModel Checking Approach for Deadlock Detection in an Operating System Process-Resource Graph Using Dynamic Model Generating and Computation Tree Logic Specification
Multi Layer PerceptronLearning Financial Time Series for Prediction of the Stock Exchange Market
Multipath.Weighted Record Sample for Underwater Seismic Monitoring Application
music recommendationL,M&A: An Algorithm for Music Lyrics Mining and Sentiment Analysis
musicologyL,M&A: An Algorithm for Music Lyrics Mining and Sentiment Analysis
MusiXmatchL,M&A: An Algorithm for Music Lyrics Mining and Sentiment Analysis
Natural Language ProcessingL,M&A: An Algorithm for Music Lyrics Mining and Sentiment Analysis
NetLogoNetLogo and GIS: A Powerful Combination
networkEmergency Communications Database with Ticketing Archive for Training New Employees
Network SecurityA Multi-Stage Detection Technique for DNS-Tunneled Botnets
neuro-fuzzy based identificationNeuro-fuzzy-based Electronic Brake System Modeling using Real Time Vehicle Data
non-stationary signalTDARMA Model Estimation Using the MLS and the TF Distribution
null pointer exceptionVetting Anti-patterns in Java to Kotlin Translation
octagon domainAnalyzing JavaScript Programs Using Octagon Domain
OptimizationOptimization of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Using Vivado High Level Synthesis (HLS)
Oracle® databaseCustomized Intrusion Detection Based on a Database Audit Log
parallel algorithmsAn NC Algorithm for Sorting Real Numbers in O(nlogn/√loglogn) Operations
parking lot occupancyParking Lot Occupancy Tracking Through Image Processing
Personal Health RecordsSmart Mobile Computing in Pregnancy Care
personalized recommendationA Novel Neighborhood Calculation Method by Assessing Users' Varying Preferences in Collaborative Filtering
physical layer securityEvaluation of Secrecy Rate in Cooperative Communication System
polyhedron modelA Compiler-assisted locality aware CTA Mapping Scheme
predictionEnhanced Prediction Models for Predicting Spatial Visualization (VZ) in Address Verification Task
Prediction of EventPredicting Cow's Delivery Using Movement and Position Data Based on Machine Learning
prefecthing web requestsWeb Request Predictions
PrefetchingWeb Request Predictions
PrivacyImplementation of Security and Privacy Aspects in a Healthcare Social Network
Process-Resource GraphModel Checking Approach for Deadlock Detection in an Operating System Process-Resource Graph Using Dynamic Model Generating and Computation Tree Logic Specification
prognosisEthnicity-Related Survival Analysis of Patients with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Progressive Web AppsSmart Mobile Computing in Pregnancy Care
projectile motionVirtual Reality Physics Lab
pTree.A New Method of Calculating Squared Euclidean Distance (SED) Using pTree Technology and Its Performance Analysis
RansomwareBehaviour Based Ransomware Detection
Rapid ToolingImproving the Performance of 3D Printed Molds for Plastic Injection Molding
Raspberry PiRealPi - A Real Time Operating System on the Raspberry Pi
rayConstruction Scheme of a Scalable Distributed Stream Processing Infrastructure Using Ray and Apache Kafka
real-timeRealPi - A Real Time Operating System on the Raspberry Pi
Real-Time ConstraintsWeighted Record Sample for Underwater Seismic Monitoring Application
Recommendation SystemsA Novel Neighborhood Calculation Method by Assessing Users' Varying Preferences in Collaborative Filtering
RegressionLearning Financial Time Series for Prediction of the Stock Exchange Market
relay assignmentEvaluation of Secrecy Rate in Cooperative Communication System
removalEffect of Magnet Shapes on Metal Contamination Removal
Rendezvous AlgorithmA Novel Multi-radio Rendezvous Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks
reportingCustomized Intrusion Detection Based on a Database Audit Log
ReputationSoftware Engineering Principles and Security Vulnerabilities
Resource Allocation GraphModel Checking Approach for Deadlock Detection in an Operating System Process-Resource Graph Using Dynamic Model Generating and Computation Tree Logic Specification
reuseA Compiler-assisted locality aware CTA Mapping Scheme
risk managementAn Empirical Examination of the Effects of IT Leadership on Information Security Risk Management in USA Organizations
road impact factorData Driven Analytics of Road Quality
road qualityData Driven Analytics of Road Quality
route planningData Driven Analytics of Road Quality
RStudioL,M&A: An Algorithm for Music Lyrics Mining and Sentiment Analysis
Saudi ArabiaAdopting and Implementing a Government Cloud in Saudi Arabia, an Integral Part of Vision 2030
secrecy capacityEvaluation of Secrecy Rate in Cooperative Communication System
SecurityCustomized Intrusion Detection Based on a Database Audit Log
Implementation of Security and Privacy Aspects in a Healthcare Social Network
Study of Secured Full-Stack Web Development
Adopting and Implementing a Government Cloud in Saudi Arabia, an Integral Part of Vision 2030
TrustedDW: A New Framework to Securely Hosting Data Warehouse in the Cloud
self-driving vehicleSmooth Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Leader-Follower Robots
Sentiment AnalysisL,M&A: An Algorithm for Music Lyrics Mining and Sentiment Analysis
similarityA New Method of Calculating Squared Euclidean Distance (SED) Using pTree Technology and Its Performance Analysis
SLAImproving the Performance of 3D Printed Molds for Plastic Injection Molding
Smooth path planningSmooth Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Leader-Follower Robots
software development lifecycleChoosing the Best-fit Lifecycle Framework while Addressing Functionality and Security Issues
software functionalityChoosing the Best-fit Lifecycle Framework while Addressing Functionality and Security Issues
software portingRealPi - A Real Time Operating System on the Raspberry Pi
software requirementsSoftware Engineering Principles and Security Vulnerabilities
software securityChoosing the Best-fit Lifecycle Framework while Addressing Functionality and Security Issues
Software SpecificationsVirtual Reality Physics Lab
sort real numbersAn NC Algorithm for Sorting Real Numbers in O(nlogn/√loglogn) Operations
sortingAn NC Algorithm for Sorting Real Numbers in O(nlogn/√loglogn) Operations
spatial abilityEnhanced Prediction Models for Predicting Spatial Visualization (VZ) in Address Verification Task
spatial visualizationEnhanced Prediction Models for Predicting Spatial Visualization (VZ) in Address Verification Task
spherical geometryNew classes of monohedral spherical tilings by non-convex spherical hexagons and non-convex spherical Pentagons with GeoGebra
Spherical TilingsNew classes of monohedral spherical tilings by non-convex spherical hexagons and non-convex spherical Pentagons with GeoGebra
square Euclidean distanceA New Method of Calculating Squared Euclidean Distance (SED) Using pTree Technology and Its Performance Analysis
static analysisAnalyzing JavaScript Programs Using Octagon Domain
survival analysisEthnicity-Related Survival Analysis of Patients with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
TDARMA modelingTDARMA Model Estimation Using the MLS and the TF Distribution
Telecom Data MiningA Novel Delivery Model to Expand E-commerce Customers Based on Telecom Data Mining
tiered architectureStudy of Secured Full-Stack Web Development
Time varianceA Novel Neighborhood Calculation Method by Assessing Users' Varying Preferences in Collaborative Filtering
time-frequency distributionTDARMA Model Estimation Using the MLS and the TF Distribution
Top-n NeighborA Novel Neighborhood Calculation Method by Assessing Users' Varying Preferences in Collaborative Filtering
transactional leadershipAn Empirical Examination of the Effects of IT Leadership on Information Security Risk Management in USA Organizations
transformational leadershipAn Empirical Examination of the Effects of IT Leadership on Information Security Risk Management in USA Organizations
triple negative breast cancerEthnicity-Related Survival Analysis of Patients with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
TrustSoftware Engineering Principles and Security Vulnerabilities
trust evaluationUser Behavior and Trust Evaluation in Cloud Computing
Trusted CloudSecured Cloud for Enterprise Computing
TV coefficientsTDARMA Model Estimation Using the MLS and the TF Distribution
Underwater Acoustic Sensor NetworksWeighted Record Sample for Underwater Seismic Monitoring Application
Underwater embedded systemWeighted Record Sample for Underwater Seismic Monitoring Application
user interfaceEnhanced Prediction Models for Predicting Spatial Visualization (VZ) in Address Verification Task
An Alternative Natural Action Interface for Virtual Reality
user similarityA Novel Neighborhood Calculation Method by Assessing Users' Varying Preferences in Collaborative Filtering
verificationModel Checking Approach for Deadlock Detection in an Operating System Process-Resource Graph Using Dynamic Model Generating and Computation Tree Logic Specification
vertical processingA New Method of Calculating Squared Euclidean Distance (SED) Using pTree Technology and Its Performance Analysis
Virtual RealityVirtual Reality Physics Lab
Virtual Reality (VR)An Alternative Natural Action Interface for Virtual Reality
Vision 2030Adopting and Implementing a Government Cloud in Saudi Arabia, an Integral Part of Vision 2030
web developmentStudy of Secured Full-Stack Web Development