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Transforming Supply Chain Management with Aritifical Intellgience, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Quantum Computing, and Cloud Computing: Innovation for Boosting Efficiency and Reinforcing Resiliecne in Australian Indsutry 5.0

EasyChair Preprint 15249

10 pagesDate: October 18, 2024


Industry 5.0 has been changing the human robotic collaboration levels with higher personalization, greener production, resilient systems, more advanced technology, better Artificial Technology, Machine Learning, Quantum Computers, Cloud computing, Deep Learning and Block Chain technologies. Smart Manufacturing enhances customization and flexibility variables that positively impact workforce with considerable ethical practices. Innovation plays a crucial role in revolutionizing the world of Supply Chain. Industry 5.0 adds value by enhancing efficiency, navigating challenges, and handling cybersecurity concerns. With data growth, development, and abundance, Supply Chain Management problems are requiring more intensive algorithms, technological adjustments, computational power, and innovational applications. Transitioning into the 5th generation of Industrialization brings interesting challenges and offerings in the efficiency building blocks of the Supply Chain Management. Industry applications welcome private, government, and NGO’s. Transitional challenges like building trust, change management, and data management. With transformative and rapidly growing technology, ordinary problems solving is becoming intensively difficult. Strategizing suitable approaches will refine the wellbeing for a smoother transition into the next global industrial revolution. Scalability and wellbeing will be focused on through expansion of commercialization of accurate quantum level technologies that decrease error and improve accuracy relevancy. Competitive advantages will be explored through the wellbeing implications of highlighting the importance of applications.

Keyphrases: Innovation, Optimization, Supply Chain Management, computing

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Amr Eldahshan},
  title     = {Transforming Supply Chain Management with Aritifical Intellgience, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Quantum Computing, and Cloud Computing: Innovation for Boosting Efficiency and Reinforcing Resiliecne in Australian Indsutry 5.0},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15249},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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