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Function Transformation and Spatial Adaptability of Traditional Villages: the Case of Xixinan Village, Anhui Province

EasyChair Preprint 6227

10 pagesDate: August 5, 2021


With the progress of rapid urbanization, the spatial decline caused by the transformation of rural functions has become an urgent problem, and restricted rural development. The aim of this paper is to improve rural functions and optimize rural spatial adaptability. Taking Xixinan village as an example, we came to the conclude that Xixinan village is undergoing the lifestyle change from tradition to modernization through functional transformation. Besides, it is experiencing function conversion from traditional agriculture to multi-functional, the traditional culture to multi-culture and with the implanted functions of tourism, cultural inheritance, ecological conservation, and social security. Because of the spatial development, over-commercialization of living space driven by tourism benefits, and production space with a single mode of commodity sales, the cultivated space was squeezed, and ecological space was destroyed. Finally, strategies for rural functional-space adaptive development were proposed, from three aspects such as including self-organized development, enriching the village environment and inheriting villages culture to stimulate the vitality of the village space. Research results of the present article could provide reference and enlightenment for the sustainable development of traditional villages.

Keyphrases: Commercialize, Tourism, Urbanization, sustainable development

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Xiaohua Chen and Mengying Cao and Junrong Ma and Lei Zhang},
  title     = {Function Transformation and Spatial Adaptability of Traditional Villages: the Case of Xixinan Village, Anhui Province},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 6227},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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