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Regulatory Compliance and Policy Implications for Green Supply Chains

EasyChair Preprint 14057

7 pagesDate: July 20, 2024


The increasing global focus on environmental sustainability has led to growing interest in the development of green supply chains. Green supply chains incorporate environmental considerations into the traditional supply chain model, with the goal of reducing the environmental impact of production, transportation, and logistics. However, the implementation of green supply chains is often hindered by complex regulatory requirements and policy uncertainty.


This paper examines the key regulatory compliance issues and policy implications for organizations seeking to adopt green supply chain practices. It reviews the various environmental regulations, emissions standards, and sustainable reporting requirements that impact supply chain operations across different industries and regions. The paper also discusses how government incentives, carbon pricing schemes, and other policy instruments can shape the business case and strategic priorities for green supply chain initiatives.


Drawing on case studies and industry best practices, the paper outlines strategies for navigating the regulatory landscape and aligning green supply chain objectives with evolving policy frameworks. It highlights the importance of proactive risk management, collaborative stakeholder engagement, and the integration of environmental metrics into supply chain performance management.


The findings underscore the critical role of regulatory compliance and supportive policies in driving the widespread adoption of green supply chains. Recommendations are provided for both policymakers and supply chain practitioners to foster an enabling environment for sustainable logistics and circular economy models. Overall, the paper contributes to the growing body of research on the governance and organizational challenges in transitioning towards more environmentally responsible supply chain practices.

Keyphrases: Green, chains, supply

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Louis Frank and Saleh Mohamed},
  title     = {Regulatory Compliance and Policy Implications for Green Supply Chains},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 14057},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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