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A Secure Speech Communication Framework for the Embedded System Powered by the High-Frequency Technique – a Study

EasyChair Preprint 4993

10 pagesDate: February 17, 2021


Cryptography is the art of information protection so that only those for whom the information is meant can able to read and process. It is the science or technique of transforming a message (Encryption) and then re-transform the message back to its original form (Decryption). Cryptography is of two types, namely Symmetric Key or Private Key and Asymmetric key or Public-key Cryptography. For the development of this paper, we have used private key cryptography with eight sound signals. The signals are recognized using Python script and then the matched wave is encrypted using the ElGamal algorithm, a type of Public Key encryption algorithm. The encrypted message is digitized and sent through a channel towards the receiver end after FSK modulation is performed. At the receiver end, the signal is recovered and decrypted to obtain the resultant signal. This signal aimed to match with the original voice signal that was encrypted and sent. The equality ratio turns out to be around 70%. Thus, a voice signal can be easily verified and communicated from one end to another using a secure communication framework.

Keyphrases: Cryptography, ElGamal, Frequency Shift Keying, Reflex Klystron, speech recognition

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Prashnatita Pal and Bikash Chandra Sahana and Jayanta Poray},
  title     = {A Secure Speech Communication Framework for the Embedded System Powered by the High-Frequency Technique – a Study},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 4993},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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