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Bi-Texting Your Food: Helping the Gastro Industry Reach the Global Market

11 pagesPublished: November 28, 2016


The technologization of cross-linguistic communication and the expansion of the learning of for- eign languages has helped create new, non- linguist users. Corpus-based applications offer a way of responding to these new challenges. This presentation focuses on the design and building process of the BiTeX app, designed to write recipes in both En and Es through controlled language choices. The starting point is a custom-made, rhetorically and POS annotated, En-Es comparable corpus of recipes containing 135,912 words in the En and 145,449 in the Es subcorpus respectively. The BiText prototype has been developed using MongoDB 1, Express 2, Node.js 3 and jQuery 4, which allow for multiple concurrent connections to be handled without I/O blocks. BiTeX aims at helping improve international communication in the restaurant and catering community, as well as boosting collateral business niches in including recipe books, tourist-oriented websites, etc.

Keyphrases: annotation, bi writing, comparable corpus, contrast, prototype

In: Antonio Moreno Ortiz and Chantal Pérez-Hernández (editors). CILC2016. 8th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, vol 1, pages 361-371.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Rosa Rabadan and Hugo Sanjurjo-González and Veronica Colwell},
  title     = {Bi-Texting Your Food: Helping the Gastro Industry Reach the Global Market},
  booktitle = {CILC2016. 8th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics},
  editor    = {Antonio Moreno Ortiz and Chantal Pérez-Hernández},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics},
  volume    = {1},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-5283},
  url       = {/publications/paper/Wv4r},
  doi       = {10.29007/4xtp},
  pages     = {361-371},
  year      = {2016}}
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