Author:Olga Mandritsa

EasyChair Preprint 7050
EasyChair Preprint 6695
EasyChair Preprint 6083
EasyChair Preprint 5894


API requests, business process2, Business process stages and their cost of protection from internal threats, Business task, Choosing an information security strategy, Criteria for evaluating information security costs, Criteria - objectives of the mathematical model., cyber information protection, Defense or cyber information., economic damage, Economics of cybersecurity., Factors of the mathematical model of the information cybersecurity of an organization., Factors of the model., Information Security2, information security risk, information threat, Internal threat, Mathematical model of the information cybersecurity of the organization., organization business process, Privacy risk assessment and assurance, Rational cost of business process information protection, Risks of internal leakage, Strategic plan of the information cybersecurity of the organization., Strategic planning of the information cybersecurity of an organization., The cost of protecting information., threat model, Transport economy task as the task of optimal programming of cybersecurity., Typology of cybersecurity internal threats.