This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Abductive Reasoning | |
abstract argumentation | |
abstract argumentation semantics | |
Abstraction | |
action and change | |
Action histories | |
aggregators in probabilistic models | |
Algebra of maps | |
Allen algebra | |
alternating temporal logic | |
angry birds | |
Answer Set Programming | |
applied KR for design computing | |
Approximation Fixpoint Theory | |
Argumentation | |
argumentation framework | |
Argumentation frameworks | |
argumentation semantics | |
artifact-centric systems | |
ATL | |
Automata-Based Reasoning | |
automated reasoning | |
awareness | |
axiomatization | |
Ayciclicity conditions | |
B | |
belief base | |
Belief bias | |
belief change | |
Belief Merging | |
belief revision | |
Boolean games | |
boosting completeness | |
Branching Time | |
Business Process Management | |
C | |
Causality | |
causation | |
certain answers | |
certain knowledge | |
chaining predictors | |
Classical Planning | |
cognitive robotics | |
Combined Approach | |
combined complexity | |
complexity | |
complexity analysis | |
complexity theory | |
comprehension model | |
Computational Complexity | |
computational logic | |
computational model of narrative | |
Computational Pragmatics | |
computer-aided architecture design | |
Concept Similarity | |
conformant planning | |
ConGolog | |
constructive negation | |
Contextual Reasoning | |
contingent planning | |
continuous noise in effectors and sensors | |
contraction | |
D | |
data complexity | |
Data-aware dynamic systems | |
database querying | |
decidability and complexity | |
decision diagrams | |
decision rules | |
declarative modeling | |
default logic | |
defeasible reasoning | |
degrees of belief | |
deontic logic | |
dependence | |
Description logic | |
Description Logics | |
Description Logics and Ontologies | |
diagnosis | |
Dialogue Modeling | |
Dominance | |
doxastic logic | |
dynamic logic | |
E | |
egalitarianism | |
empirical analysis | |
epistemic logic | |
epistemic planning | |
Equality constraints | |
equilibrium logic | |
Equilibrium Semantics | |
Exact Learning | |
existential rules | |
Experimental Evaluation | |
expressiveness | |
F | |
finite satisfiability | |
first-order | |
first-order logic | |
first-order logic of discrete linear order | |
fixed-parameter tractability | |
Forgetting | |
Forgetting in Reasoning about Actions | |
Forgetting in the Situation Calculus | |
formalization | |
Fuzzy Description Logics | |
G | |
Game theory | |
general theory of stable models | |
Generalized databases | |
Golog | |
Grounded Equilibrium Semantics | |
Gödel Semantics | |
H | |
higher-order logic programming | |
Horn logic | |
Human Reasoning | |
I | |
identity | |
incomplete databases | |
inconsistency in probabilistic knowledge bases | |
inconsistency measures | |
IndiGolog | |
Infinitary Formulas | |
Informal semantics | |
Input/output logic | |
Inspection Points | |
Intention and Belief | |
iterative process | |
J | |
Jeffrey's rule of conditioning | |
Judgment Aggregation | |
justified belief | |
K | |
Knowledge Acquisition and Forgetting | |
knowledge compilation | |
Knowledge Representation | |
L | |
labellings enumeration algorithm | |
Lifted inference | |
Linked Data | |
logic | |
logic programming | |
logical difference | |
logistic regression | |
Lukasiewicz logic | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Maps of graphs | |
Mathematical Morphology | |
minimal change | |
minimal network | |
missing information | |
modal logic | |
Modal Temporal Logics | |
model checking | |
model counting | |
model theory of incompleteness | |
models of incompleteness | |
Multi Context Systems | |
Multi-agent systems | |
multiagent dynamic systems | |
N | |
Narrative | |
Nash equilibrium | |
negation as failure | |
nominal schemas | |
Non-circular Justifications | |
non-classical logics | |
Non-monotonic reasoning | |
nonmonotonic reasoning | |
Normative reasoning | |
O | |
OBDD | |
ontology | |
ontology languages | |
open/closed world semantics | |
Ordered Disjunction | |
P | |
parameter estimation | |
PCA | |
Pearl's virtual evidence method | |
performance prediction | |
Petri nets | |
planning | |
Planning and Pseudo-boolean Optimization | |
Planning as Satisfiability | |
Plausibility Rankings | |
Polynomial Hierarchy | |
population size in relational models | |
Possibilistic networks | |
Preference | |
Preorders | |
preserving soundness | |
prime network | |
probabilistic logic | |
probabilistic logics | |
probabilistic models | |
Process Adaptation | |
Product Modal Logics | |
program semantics | |
program verification | |
Progression | |
progression of basic action theories | |
Projection | |
proof procedure | |
propositional assignments | |
propositional closure | |
psychological validation | |
Pure Nash Equilibria | |
Q | |
qualitative algebras | |
qualitative constraint networks | |
qualitative spatial reasoning | |
query answering | |
query entailment | |
Query Evaluation | |
query rewriting | |
R | |
rationality | |
reasoner | |
reasoning about action and change | |
reasoning about actions | |
Reasoning about Actions and Change | |
reasoning about knowledge and action | |
reasoning about knowledge and belief | |
Reasoning under uncertain inputs | |
Reductions to SAT | |
redundancy | |
region connection calculus | |
regular path queries | |
relational logistic regression | |
relational probabilistic models | |
Relevance | |
Relevance Theory | |
Reordering | |
revision | |
rough sets | |
rules | |
S | |
Satisfiability in Alternating-time Temporal Logic | |
Sceptical reasoning | |
Semantic Web | |
Semantics and pragmatics | |
Semantics of Aggregates | |
Semantics of Conditional Literals | |
Side-effects | |
similarity | |
situation calculus | |
Skolemization | |
Social Choice | |
social choice theory | |
software description | |
specificity | |
stability | |
stability analysis | |
stable model semantics | |
standard reasoning | |
State-boundedness | |
Story Telling | |
story understanding | |
strategies | |
strong equivalence | |
structural equations | |
Succinctness | |
T | |
Tableau-based Decision Methods | |
Temporal Description Logics | |
temporal logic | |
Temporal projection | |
Temporal Reasoning | |
Three-valued Lukasiewicz Logic | |
three-valued semantics | |
Time Travel | |
treewidth | |
U | |
Uniform Interpolation | |
Uniform interpolation and forgetting | |
update | |
V | |
verification | |
visual and spatial cognition and computation | |
W | |
Weak Completion Semantics | |
Web of Linked Data | |
Well-Founded Semantics | |
Winograd Schema Challenge | |
Winograd Schemas | |
world view |