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Study of the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polystyrene Addition to Concrete

EasyChair Preprint 9626

13 pagesDate: January 27, 2023


This research aims to understand the changes associated with the incorporation of polystyrene into the concrete mixture, such as a change in density, pressure resistance, and thermal resistance. energy and reduction rates, and the way in which aggregates are replaced by polystyrene is summarized.
Where the substitution values were in fixed and specific proportions, they were chosen to serve certain goals in the natural conditions of the factory to simulate the results with outputs close to reality and the local climate, with a polystyrene density = 15 kg / m³ and a diameter = 2 mm, and with a constant ratio of water to cement (w / c = 0.45) and replacing Polystyrene from the size of the aggregate in percentages (eps = 0,20,30,40,50,60%), where the concrete was cured in two stages (7 days, 14 days).
In the beginning, the density was compared between each of the regular and polystyrene-added concrete, and the difference between them was 20%.
Then recording the results of the compressive strength of the different replacement values with dimensions of cubes (0.15 x 0.15 x 0.15 cm) and the results appeared within the framework of the design validity of the concrete. The percentage of polystyrene was chosen at 60%, which gave a compressive stress equal to 30Mpa. To be the optimal percentage on which the rest of the laboratory tests were conducted
The thermal resistance and heat transfer rates of concrete designed for several samples with cylinder dimensions (length = 8 cm, diameter = 10 cm) were studied, and the value of thermal insulation was (k = 0.51W / m.k). The thermal loads for a building were calculated using insulated and non-insulated concrete. Reduction in heat load by 30%, which is reflected economically in the consumption of electrical energy

Keyphrases: إجهادات خرسانية, إستهلاك طاقة, الإحلال الجزئي, البولسترين, الخرسانة, الخرسانة المرجعية الاعتيادية, خلطة خرسانية, خواص ميكانيكية, عزل حراري, مفاتيح البحث:, مناولة

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Mohamed Ehsan Aziz and Mohamed Shawesh and Zedan Hatush},
  title     = {Study of the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polystyrene Addition to Concrete},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 9626},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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