![]() | SSS24: Sustaining Scalable Sustainability 2024 ACM CHI 2024 Honolulu, HI, United States, May 11-12, 2024 |
Conference website | https://sustainingscalablesustainability.wordpress.com |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sss240 |
Abstract registration deadline | March 1, 2024 |
Submission deadline | March 1, 2024 |
Call for Participation
Aim of the Workshop
Our primary goal is to establish a forward-thinking, ready-to-deploy research agenda for designing sustainability technologies focusing on community-level adoption and adaptation. We aim to create roadmaps and systems ripe for immediate testing and/or deployment, integrating humans directly into the design loop.
Key Areas and Questions
We aim to explore these three broad research themes:
- Individuals and Communities as Agents of Change: How can we empower individuals and communities to become the driving force behind sustainable practices?
- Technologies for Sustainability: How can we develop tractable systems and tools that enable pragmatic decision-making and are scalable to promote broader sustainability efforts?
- Diverse and Large-scale Adoption: How can we ensure that green interventions are inclusive, culturally sensitive, and ready to be adopted on a large scale?
Within these themes, we encourage submissions on, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Design strategies for long-term sustainable attitude shifts.
- Effective, value-driven communication of carbon information.
- Identification of immediate deployable technologies and interventions.
- Context-aware designs surpassing the one-size-fits-all model.
- Leveraging Human-AI Interaction for eco-awareness and persuasion.
- Behavioral science-driven methods for technology adoption.
- Amplifying individual efforts through social computing in communities.
Who is it for?
This workshop invites researchers from diverse backgrounds, including AI, HCI, behavioral sciences, social sciences, and beyond, to delve into the development of sustainable technologies that fill crucial gaps. We particularly encourage interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners from AI, HCI, psychology, and related fields, even those not currently focused on sustainability, whose methods and insights can contribute significantly to sustainable practices. By bringing together a wide range of expertise, we aim to foster innovative, community-engaged, and theory-driven approaches in sustainability.
Submission Details
Submission due: March 1st, 2024 (Midnight AoE)
Acceptance notification: Mar 14th, 2024
Submission Format:
We invite submissions in various formats:
- Position statements and papers (2-4 pages) in the new ACM master article template format.
- Slide decks.
- Video demos.
- Cool hack ideas.
- Systems, prototypes (including Figma), or conceptual ideas.
If you want to submit in any other format, please reach out to us at humancenteredgreentech@gmail.com
Possible topics aligned with our theme of actionable and scalable sustainability may include, but are not restricted to:
- Data visualizations.
- Human-AI interactive tools, which may include generative AI
- Understanding and empowering local communities.
- Speculative future scenarios.
- Cognitive Science theory-driven interventions.
Review Process:
Single-blind (i.e., author names and affiliations should be listed). Submissions will be evaluated by the organizing committee based on quality and relevance to sustainability and HCI.
Organizing Committee
- Vikram Mohanty (Bosch Research North America)
- Jingchao Fang (UC Davis)
- Song Mi Lee-Kan (University of Michigan School of Information)
- Hamed S. Alavi (University of Amsterdam)
- Joaquin Salas (Instituto Politécnico Nacional)
- Geneviève Patterson (Ocean Vision AI)
- Elizabeth Churchill (Google)
- Charlene C. Wu (Toyota Research Institute)
- David A. Shamma (Toyota Research Institute)
Any questions? Please reach out to us at humancenteredgreentech@gmail.com